I am truly desperate to pay off my awesome lawyer. I regret selling it but I try not to think about it because the anger will carry over onto other more important aspects of my life. I really love the truck and would even consider buying it back in a year or two. Are you truly serious about obtaining this truck? I keep it in my tiny garage and when I visit it after a week all you smell is the fresh tires. 707 499 3466, call or text and we can talk about it I can send you pictures or upload a walkaround video.
I am truly desperate to pay off my awesome lawyer. I regret selling it but I try not to think about it because the anger will carry over onto other more important aspects of my life. I really love the truck and would even consider buying it back in a year or two. Are you truly serious about obtaining this truck? I keep it in my tiny garage and when I visit it after a week all you smell is the fresh tires. 707 499 3466, call or text and we can talk about it I can send you pictures or upload a walkaround video.