14 reasons to get rid of illegal aliens & close the borders!

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TurboFreak said:
and stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea or sodas and only drink on special occasions but I think people should make that decision themselves.


no coffee...now your just talking crap:D

TurboFreak said:
I agree I think we should get rid of all illegals going back to 1492 AD so we can have our land back.

BTW, we have a lot of hispanics working here in the casino and I bet most are illegal. I know a lot of illegals use fake social security numbers or someone else's and pay taxes and do not receive any money/benefits back. They can't file for a return and they do not qualify for any type of assistance(Unemployment, Medical, Medicaid, Food Stamps etc.) because they are illegal but yet they put money into the pot.:dontknow:

As far as drugs go we can only blame ourselves because with no demand there would be no supply.

Also, they way our economy is going right now illegals crossing has slowed down and some are even going back. If there is no demand/jobs for them here they will not come.
you mean the indians land that we took and put them on reservations.........its not our land its gods land....period
Farmers did it back in the day on their own farms. They did not make an hourly wage; their success was dependent upon how well their crops grew and sold for. Does anyone know a farmer that own's their own farm outright and makes a decent living anymore. Not me, they are mostly owned by large corporations that hire laborers to work the fields and crops.

Farm Aid.org
"Family farmers in the United States are under extreme economic pressure and thousands are pushed off their land every year. This crisis in farm country is threatening the very existence of the family farm in America. As family farms are forced out by large, factory farms, the quality of our food, our environment and our food security is in danger."

So who is gonna do the work now? Do you think you will find enough workers in our country to work these jobs for $5-6 an hour? I guess you could pull the prisoners out and start the chain gang again; but that's considered cruel and unusual punishment!! HOW F$CKED UP IS THAT??
i was in prison for four years and had a job makin .65 cents an hour there is nothing cruel and unusual aboutin workin in prison..........
BurntRubber said:
TurboFreak said:
and stay away from caffeinated beverages like coffee, tea or sodas and only drink on special occasions but I think people should make that decision themselves.


no coffee...now your just talking crap:D

Yeh, I don't understand all the hoopla behind Starbucks. They would go out of business if they relied on me, lol. If I happen to drink even a little coffee I get all nervous. I guess I am just not used to drinking it. I only use it as a diuretic. If I need to use the bathroom I will drink some before breakfast and immediately go straight to the bathroom. It works better than prune juice.

505'sFastestViper. said:
you mean the indians land that we took and put them on reservations.........its not our land its gods land....period
Exactly... That is why I mentioned 1492 because before that time all this was indian land. I said "our" land to mean my fellow indians land not the white man, lol. I live and work in the Soboba Indian Reservation in San Jacinto, CA.
TurboFreak said:
BurntRubber said:
Yeh, I don't understand all the hoopla behind Starbucks. They would go out of business if they relied on me, lol. If I happen to drink even a little coffee I get all nervous. I guess I am just not used to drinking it. I only use it as a diuretic. If I need to use the bathroom I will drink some before breakfast and immediately go straight to the bathroom. It works better than prune juice.

Exactly... That is why I mentioned 1492 because before that time all this was indian land. I said "our" land to mean my fellow indians land not the white man, lol. I live and work in the Soboba Indian Reservation in San Jacinto, CA.
that clears alot of it up for me then
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