A Warning

i had my physical done about 6 weeks ago ,,i to this day i think he shoved his arm up to his elbow up my pie hole to check my prostrate,, all was good and blood test came back negitive ,,,then he dumped the bad news on me ,,my liver functions are screwed up and my kidneys have stage one damage ,,,when i was about 16 i got hepititic A from some place i ate ,i got over it but i never got checked out afterwards ,,,i had a liver biopsy done 3 weeks ago ,,,they say i have stage 2 liver damage and i am to never drink alcohol again !,,,my wife is freaking out cause we just found this all out today ,,,they want me to go in for a kidney biopsy soon also now ,,,

i felt no symtoms at all ,,i almost never catch the flu ,,doc said it wont kill me in 5 years but in about 8 to 10 im going to be in real trouble ,,,so as of noon today i canceled the plan to try and start up my own shop for fear i may not be able to do it 10 years from now ,,i have not told my kids yet and frankly dont know how too !,,becky has been crying for the whole day now and i dont know how to stop her .she wants me to say every thing will work out but i know it may not ,,,i will most likely be away from forum for awhile till i get my shit together and decide what im going to do next ,,for now i have an appointment for a second opion and a second round of test to make sure !

so if you guys are over 35 you need to get the physical asap !
Hell, I'm 22 and in great physical condition. Come to find out, I have high blood pressure:confused: ... really high for my age. Everybody should get checked on a regular basis.

I wish the best to you guys.
LoveThisTruck said:
Hell, I'm 22 and in great physical condition. Come to find out, I have high blood pressure:confused: ... really high for my age. Everybody should get checked on a regular basis.

I wish the best to you guys.
what do you call high... last physical i had they tried 2 different machines cause they thought the first one was jacked up, but it just turned out my blood pressure was just that high
ARRESTmeRed04 said:
what do you call high... last physical i had they tried 2 different machines cause they thought the first one was jacked up, but it just turned out my blood pressure was just that high

I think the highest I saw it was 151/112:confused:
LoveThisTruck said:
I think the highest I saw it was 151/112:confused:
:eek: i think mine was "only" like 140somthing/90something and they freaked out on me, no more energy pills and crap like that
ARRESTmeRed04 said:
:eek: i think mine was "only" like 140somthing/90something and they freaked out on me, no more energy pills and crap like that

LOL ya I had to quit drinking my Monsters:(
o and my blood presure was 175 over 110 :argh: ,,,im now on blood presure meds too ,,and they gave me these piss pills ...i have been pissing like a cow on a flate rock the last few days
I just have a few comments:
Thoughts and best wishes to you........
If just one guy heeds this warning, then GOD BLESS you

but after your dealings with John Hennessey what the hell did you expect? Your arse has been through the ringer my good man.
James (Ironhead) damn man sorry to hear that. Hopefully the second opinion will counteract the first opinion. Whatever happens try to keep a positive attitude. That can be a big part of the battle. Keeping you and Walt in our thoughts.
Very sorry to hear about this Walt. Your sense of humor on the subject can only be a good thing. Very treatable and I am betting you will prove me right. Hang in there and keep us posted
Prof said:

One more point...
a rectal exam is always desirable initially,
:eek:and a philosophy that I have is: if someone is going to get intimate with my prostrate she needs to be an attractive physician!

:hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2::hmmmm2: REEEEALLLLY?

I thought my new doc was OK. She's got a small frame etc.

During my first/last RECTAL violation 6 years ago, I swear, she was fisting me!!!:mad:

She was shoulder deep

I couldn't help feeling somehow relieved afterward.:eek:
I was scared I might really enjoy it and have to go gay
(Not that anything is wrong with that.:dontknow:) or start having my wife shove other stuff up there... Maybe next time I'll have a couple of drinks and play some soft music during the molestation... I'm definitely due...:(
Hey Walt sorry to hear this news but Im sure things will work out for the best.
Its interesting to hear you ride. I also ride (Cat 3 CRCA)here in NYC. I always wondered how the efffects of riding had down there on those parts anyway.
To date I have had no Problems yet but always getting checked. Good luck and Live strong!

Nobody like's hearing news about illness(especially cancer),Especially the person receiving the news from their doctor.I feel for you guy's(I really do),I also know whats it's like to get bad news!!I have learned to take it one day at a time and enjoy every moment,Because you never know what the next day will bring,I wish you the best of luck brother,And stay off the bike,If you need to get out there ,Try running..
We are sorry to hear this Walt, hope you get well quickly.

Ironhead said:
i had my physical done about 6 weeks ago ,,i to this day i think he shoved his arm up to his elbow up my pie hole to check my prostrate,, all was good and blood test came back negitive ,,,then he dumped the bad news on me ,,my liver functions are screwed up and my kidneys have stage one damage ,,,when i was about 16 i got hepititic A from some place i ate ,i got over it but i never got checked out afterwards ,,,i had a liver biopsy done 3 weeks ago ,,,they say i have stage 2 liver damage and i am to never drink alcohol again !,,,my wife is freaking out cause we just found this all out today ,,,they want me to go in for a kidney biopsy soon also now ,,,

i felt no symtoms at all ,,i almost never catch the flu ,,doc said it wont kill me in 5 years but in about 8 to 10 im going to be in real trouble ,,,so as of noon today i canceled the plan to try and start up my own shop for fear i may not be able to do it 10 years from now ,,i have not told my kids yet and frankly dont know how too !,,becky has been crying for the whole day now and i dont know how to stop her .she wants me to say every thing will work out but i know it may not ,,,i will most likely be away from forum for awhile till i get my shit together and decide what im going to do next ,,for now i have an appointment for a second opion and a second round of test to make sure !

so if you guys are over 35 you need to get the physical asap !
James , you and Walt both need to stay close. Please do not forget that you have true friends on this forum. We will be here for you guys. I wish both of you nothing but good luck and my thoughts and prayers are with you Guys. Jack
Not something I look forward to someday. But I guess a finger up the rear is nothing compared to what could be growing inside.

Hope all goes well.
Best wishes Walt, anyway we can blame any of this on JH? Bad joke, but maybe a good doctor could prove Liability ;)

What age to they suggest getting checked?

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