"Another Great Flood" scientist are saying...


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Another great flood: time to build an ark?
19:27 | 13/ 11/ 2008

MOSCOW. (Andrei Kislyakov, scientific commentator, for RIA Novosti) - The world geological community is warning that today's seismic activity on our planet is nothing compared with what's to come.

Over the past three years, Pakistan, for example, has been hit by dozens of earthquakes. In March 2005, 80,000 people died under the rubble there. On October 30, the last time nature went on the rampage, there were hundreds of victims. Tens of thousands of people drowned during an overwhelming Asian tsunami at the end of 2004. China and Afghanistan have been rocked by quakes again more recently.

These natural disasters, which have swept our planet in recent years, indicate that the world has entered an era not only of a political, but also of climatic instability. Most scientists - biologists and environmentalists - tend to blame the human race for the catastrophic climate change on the Earth. No doubt, the greenhouse effect due to industrial activity plays a considerable role in global warming, but there are other reasons worth considering.

The Earth is rotating around its own axis slower. The International Earth Rotation Service has regularly added a second or two to the length of a 24-hour day in recent years.

This is the main reason, according to Igor Kopylov, professor at Moscow Energy Institute, why the planet - a gigantic electrical machine - has had its energy balance upset. He expressed this viewpoint in 2004. Kopylov is convinced that the Earth has entered the first phase of a global change. A weakening of the Earth's magnetic field was first registered early in the 20th century, and a consistent drop in the speed of rotation, in the late 1980s and early 1990s. It has been established that when the Earth's rotation slows by one second a year, it releases a tremendous amount of heat, hundreds of times the volume of energy released by human industrial activity.

If we accept that all processes on Earth run according to cosmic cycles, which, in turn, depend on the Solar System's position in our Galaxy, then humankind may be facing another Great Flood.

The Solar System, including the Earth, travels through the Galaxy in spiraling elliptic paths. The cycle time for the larger spiral is 200-210 million years, and for the smaller one, which determines minor galactic cycles, 26,000 years. Correspondingly, half a cycle lasts 130 centuries. This period almost exactly coincides with the date of the last Flood, the occurrence of which was real. The myths and legends of many peoples including that of the Bible recorded the event.

The Flood has been dated rather precisely: at 11,100 BC. If we accept that the civilized society on Earth has been developing for 400,000 years, then this period saw 30 great floods, and we are witnessing the beginnings of the thirty-first flood.

The cosmic cycles are so gigantically long by human standards that they have little impact on the life of people, but the active initial phase of the galactic cycle is of vital importance for the development of civilization. In the view of Russian scientists, the Earth currently finds itself at precisely this point in the cycle.

The transitional process in the electrical machine "planet Earth" can be divided into three phases. During the first - lasting 300 to 500 years - a relatively quick change in the direction of cross current (according to the law of electric machines) will alter the Earth's magnetic field, with the Northern magnetic pole shifting to the eastern part of the Arctic Ocean. This change in the Earth's magnetic field is accompanied by strong magnetic storms, earthquakes and disastrous atmospheric events caused by a change in the circulation of oceanic waters and the atmosphere.

The change in the magnetic field leads to changes in the Earth's ozone layer, which cause abrupt leaps in the biosphere's evolution owing to the altered level of radiation. As the average temperature of the planet rises, ice glaciers begin to thaw, raising ocean levels across the world.

The first, "warm" phase of the transitional period is the shortest and most active. This period witnesses a relatively fast braking of the planet and the release of tremendous amounts of heat, leading to global warming.

In the second phase, the magnetic field will stabilize. The Earth will slowly increase its speed of rotation, and the electrical machine "Earth" will revert to near normal speed. The increased speed of rotation will bring on a cold spell, the ice glaciers will regain their mass, and the oceans will displace their former volumes.

In the third phase, the transitional period will end, the speed of Earth rotation will stabilize, and the planet's energy balance will return to the conditions of previous millennia.

Following the last Great Flood, people began migrating from East to West. Are we now to see a great exodus to the East?

It looks as if we should give serious thought to developing Siberia ...

The opinions expressed in this article are the author's and do not necessarily represent those of RIA Novosti.

For more information in Russian
I am safe in the midwest:marchmellow: :marchmellow: so in a sense it does not matter what we do, the earth has a way of cleansing itself. Need to learn how to make ethonal. If the world gets messed up at least I will have fuel to drive the 10:rock: :rock: :burnout: :burnout:
The water is going to have to get real high to reach here.

I don't know why scientists say it's humans' fault. The earth has been doing these things since it's violent birth. The cosmos is a violent place but we get too comfortable with the grand scheme of things because we're shielded from the calamity by Mother Earth. This planet wasn't made for us, that's just arrogant human thinking.
This is one of the most interesting reads I've seen on this forum....

I'm not saying that the data and postulates of these Russkies is dead on accurate... Nor am I dismissing it in any way. I just have a tough time with scientists whose egos allow them to make specific time and place assumptions relative to individual occurances which took place over tens of thousands of years. (in the future) Particularly astrophysical phenomena.

OK, maybe asteroids and shit....

Yet, it did hold my attention... particularly the theory that global warming has more to do with some decrease in the speed of the Earth's rotation rather than blaming mankind and its industrious nature.

Al Gore should be shot........ just thought I'd throw that in.... :rolleyes: :)

I said it for years, global warming isn't a product of technological advances or industry. The earth is doing what it has been doing. Scientists just favor the recognition, and just imagine how many of them are trying to win a nobel peace prize. PHOOEY!!

For instance, Halley's Comet was responsible for many deaths due to human ignorance. In 1066 it appeared in the skies. Later that year Harold II of England died at the Battle of Hastings; it was a bad omen for Harold, but a good omen for the man who defeated him, William the Conqueror.

Long before Edmund Halley recognized it as a reoccuring comet, kings were known to have their top scientific advisors executed because they failed to predict the passing of Coment Halley.. For this reason it was scientists that predicted that a catastrophy, death or war would occur at the sight of a comet. With that reckoning, we'd have a catastrophic occurance every 76 years.
Sorry, but anyone who thinks that humans aren't having a significant impact on our environment simply has their head in the sand. Are we at fault for all of the planet's woes? Of course not, but you can bet your ass we are responsible for many of them.
Django said:
This is one of the most interesting reads I've seen on this forum....

I'm not saying that the data and postulates of these Russkies is dead on accurate... Nor am I dismissing it in any way. I just have a tough time with scientists whose egos allow them to make specific time and place assumptions relative to individual occurances which took place over tens of thousands of years. (in the future) Particularly astrophysical phenomena.

OK, maybe asteroids and shit....

Yet, it did hold my attention... particularly the theory that global warming has more to do with some decrease in the speed of the Earth's rotation rather than blaming mankind and its industrious nature.

Al Gore should be shot........ just thought I'd throw that in.... :rolleyes: :)


Hey D, and Anthony.............

It's quite refreshing to hear people that understand the cycles of the earth, and not blame the major changes that the earth goes through on the population.

Just to put it into perspective..............the ENTIRE population of the earth could stand within the city limits of Jacksonville, FL, with room to spare, according to my calculations.

There are 6.72 Billion people on the earth.
Allowing them three square feet to stand in that would be 20,160,000,000 square feet.
The city limits of Jacksonville include 874.3 square miles or 24,374,095,120 square feet.

Sort'a makes one realize just how insignificant we really are............not only on this planet, but in the universe itself.

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OCBob said:
Sorry, but anyone who thinks that humans aren't having a significant impact on our environment simply has their head in the sand. Are we at fault for all of the planet's woes? Of course not, but you can bet your ass we are responsible for many of them.

No, I am aware we ARE impacting the planet significantly but not things like slowing it down. Never before in the earth's history have fossil fuels been burned. BUT, volcanic activity did wreak havoc on the earth's atmosphere many times in the past and WILL do so again in the future. But future volcanic events will get worse since we make our contributions via exhaust fumes.
Django said:
This is one of the most interesting reads I've seen on this forum....

I'm not saying that the data and postulates of these Russkies is dead on accurate... Nor am I dismissing it in any way. I just have a tough time with scientists whose egos allow them to make specific time and place assumptions relative to individual occurances which took place over tens of thousands of years. (in the future) Particularly astrophysical phenomena.

OK, maybe asteroids and shit....

Yet, it did hold my attention... particularly the theory that global warming has more to do with some decrease in the speed of the Earth's rotation rather than blaming mankind and its industrious nature.

Al Gore should be shot........ just thought I'd throw that in.... :rolleyes: :)


Duh............y'all got ahead while I was checking my figures.........so I will repost. Sorry.

Hey D, and Anthony.............

It's quite refreshing to hear people that understand the cycles of the earth, and not blame the major changes that the earth goes through on the population.

Just to put it into perspective..............the ENTIRE population of the earth could stand within the city limits of Jacksonville, FL, with room to spare, according to my calculations.

There are 6.72 Billion people on the earth.
Allowing them three square feet to stand in that would be 20,160,000,000 square feet.
The city limits of Jacksonville include 874.3 square miles or 24,374,095,120 square feet.

Sort'a makes one realize just how insignificant we really are............not only on this planet, but in the universe itself.

Well,I remember reading somewhere that the earth would not be destroyed by water again,but by fire.Now,where did I read that ?:dontknow: ;) :D
HOT RAM said:
Well,I remember reading somewhere that the earth would not be destroyed by water again,but by fire.Now,where did I read that ?:dontknow: ;) :D

That would probably mean being impacted by a piece of space debris after burning through the atmosphere, massive volcanic activity or perhaps a gamma ray burst from a distant exploding star..
Venom Power said:
That would probably mean being impacted by a piece of space debris after burning through the atmosphere, massive volcanic activity or perhaps a gamma ray burst from a distant exploding star..

Or thermo-nuclear war ,maybe ? :dontknow:

Fire is fire.:D

Just had to throw a Biblical reference in the discussion.:)
OMG... If you have a clear night sky right now go out and look towards the southwest. You could clearly see the planets Venus and Jupiter (Venus is the bottom brighter one).... This sight will remain until around December 1st, and by then the cresent moon will join the view.

Here's a link for those that don't want to step out their homes or don't have a clear shky above..

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Venom Power said:
OMG... If you have a clear night sky right now go out and look towards the southwest. You could clearly see the planets Venus and Jupiter (Venus is the bottom brighter one).... This sight will remain until around December 1st, and by then the cresent moon will join the view.

Here's a link for those that don't want to step out their homes or don't have a clear shky above..


You have way too much time on your hands :D
HOT RAM said:
Well,I remember reading somewhere that the earth would not be destroyed by water again,but by fire.Now,where did I read that ?:dontknow: ;) :D

It's an asteroid..."..........and its name is Wormwood........."

HOT RAM said:
Well,I remember reading somewhere that the earth would not be destroyed by water again,but by fire.Now,where did I read that ?:dontknow: ;) :D
No he just said he would not destroy the world again by flood, that doesn't mean he can't give us a smaller flood:marchmellow: :marchmellow: Hey we deserve it:(

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