Been Debating On Sharing This Warning: Sad

5_0_BAIT said:
Thanks Todd that is very nice. I think when the day comes I will have him cremated. Might seem dumb but I thought it might be nice to spread his ashes in the sea, where he loves to spend most of his time swimming and retrieving tennis balls.
Not dumb at all. We have had all our pets cremated. Just didn't seem right to put them in the ground behind the house that we might move away from someday. If it gives you comfort to spread him in his favorite places then do it. Just do it covertly. I don't know how legal it is to do that.
Very sad news. It's never easy but you'll know when it's time. Toby will let you know.
Dogs give us so much and ask nothing in return.

You will know when, and your dog will understand.

If there is a God, and a heaven, we will be reunited with our pets.
Thanks Brat for the phone call. I really appreciate it.

Toby just had another massive seizure. It hurts to watch him go through them. The hardest part is 5 minutes later he is back to his own self and seems to be perfectly fine. It is just an impossible thing to take him to the vet to have him put to sleep when he is still jumping around and wagging his tail. I think right now he is having too much fun to give up. You all say that I will know when it's time and it just doesn't feel like it yet. I just keep prayin' for guidance in this difficult time I am in.

I can't thank you (everyone) enough for your support.
I know all too well how you feel.Been through it so many times now.Enjoy all the time you have together.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers my friend.
Prof said:
Dogs give us so much and ask nothing in return.

You will know when, and your dog will understand.

If there is a God, and a heaven, we will be reunited with our pets.


Frank, if you have a pet cremated you can take them with you if you move..... Just put the ashes in a nice little box and keep their photo nearby.... That's what Lynette and I have always done.....

Peace to you, bro...

Frank, i really cant help you on this one bud, with the exception of telling you , in your heart you will know when its time

I have had to do it way too often bud, and I allways have the doubts as you will after.

i feel for you friend, I really do:eek:

the only thing I can tell you is , give him a ton of attention and enjoy his company every single day till its time, show him you care, he will understand when the time comes.

I had one that was unbelivably close to me, and when it came time, I did the injection, and he looked directly at me as I started to, and somehow I felt he was telling me it was ok...

so sorry for this to be upon you
Stinker said:
Frank, i really cant help you on this one bud, with the exception of telling you , in your heart you will know when its time

I have had to do it way too often bud, and I allways have the doubts as you will after.

i feel for you friend, I really do:eek:

the only thing I can tell you is , give him a ton of attention and enjoy his company every single day till its time, show him you care, he will understand when the time comes.

I had one that was unbelivably close to me, and when it came time, I did the injection, and he looked directly at me as I started to, and somehow I felt he was telling me it was ok...

so sorry for this to be upon you


When the time comes you will see, feel, and know (without a doubt), as will Toby, that it is time.

I've been through this many times, it's never easy.

My thoughts and prayers are with you both.

Blessed Be
Thanks everyone for your great support. Haven't been on here lately because I am quite sad. Everyone was right, I knew when the time was. Toby w is no longer with us. I ended his pain yesterday April 6, 2009. He just seemed to give up and just wanted to lay around and sleep. I let him sleep for a day (had no seizures for 18 hrs) in hopes that he might get some of his energy back from the seizures. He didn't. So after he had his last seizure in the morning, my wife gave him a nice bath and had to carry him out of the tub. He just layed down in the bathroom and put his head on her lap. And that's where they both stayed for 3 hours. I knew the time had come and my wife agreed. So we took him for one last ride in his favorite truck (my 10) but he was to scared to get in. I picked up Toby and set him in the truck and told him it was gonna be OK. I felt like I was driving a hurse for my poor dog, Toby. Now he is in a better place without pain. I just hope God can forgive me for putting down one of his beautiful creatures. I feel so horrible, like I have killed one of my children. I know the pain will slowly diminish but I wish I could take all the pain from my wife. She can't go to certain parts of our house without becoming painfully upset.

I will say that his last few days were the greatest I could possibly make them. Through someone's advice, I got the idea of steak dinners. So he got steak for dinner and mahi mahi for breakfast (with dog food mixed in). As I stated before we took him to the beach were he loves to play ball (and made a video for us to remember) and set up his pool one last time so he could relax in style. He gave us so many wonderful years of hapiness and only asked of me this one final request. I just wish I didn't feel so awful about it.

He was cremated and will be coming home very soon for good.

Thanks again for all your kind words. Frank
Frank your dog is fine now. Just waiting to be reunited with his family.

Oh, one more thing...nothing helps more with the pain...than a new puppy!
Sorry for your loss Frank. Many of us know exactly what you've been through and how your feeling. It will get better with time. Just remember the great life he had with you and your wife.
So sorry for your loss, it is so hard to lose a beloved pet and member of the family. You have done nothing that God has to "forgive" you for....He knows you were just making Toby comfortable.
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...
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