Begood needs some support

Prof said:
Strep throat Tim, while not a good diagnosis...nothing terrible...probably on huge doses of antibiotics. Turtle posted it last night in another thread.

I'm no doctor, Roy. But I've had chronic strep as a youngster and never regurgitated blood. Did the docs address that symptom...?

When I had strep, my old man (the budding alchemist) would paint my throat with goldenseal... Yikes.... that's some foul tasting shit.... But it worked...

I've just never heard of strep causing one to vomit blood.... :dontknow: :argh:

I guess the real question is if he had trace amounts of blood in his vomit or was actually bleeding somewhere in his gut. A small amount could be coming from his tonsils or trach and may just be residual...

So how's young Will doing now and what's his treatment...besides a buttload of antibiotics?

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The way I interpreted it was that he had blood in his sputum, which would be indicative of an infection in his throat.
hope the young lad is doing well after the fluids and antibiotics,prayers sent from the wild west,for your health:)
Sure nice to have Krazy back throwing out a few expository comments from time to time!

Get well Turtle and Will.
Prof said:
Sure nice to have Krazy back throwing out a few expository comments from time to time!

You know...I am pretty good with the english language....but....

What the hell does that even mean????:dontknow: :D
KRAZYSRT10 said:
You know...I am pretty good with the english language....but....

What the hell does that even mean????:dontknow: :D

Nevermind...I looked it up. :eek:
Hope everything is getting better for you guys up there in DeeFKNtroit!
I want to thank everyone for their concern, it really does mean a lot to us.

As far as Will is doing, he is showing a little inprovement. The blood was not from vomit, but from his throat. I think he was hacking and coughing real hard to expell the mucas, so much so that it irritated this throat to the point of bleeding. That seems to be gone now. I think we will know more about how he is doing tomorrow.

Alex is feeling a lot better. Still has pain, but not as bad. She is taking long naps during the day, which is giving her plenty of rest. The problem is that means she is up and wanting to spend time with me when I should be sleeping. I got 4.5 hours of sleep last night, and not much more the night before. This is not her fault, it's just the way her system is working right now.

The main point is I am going to do what ever is nessary to get Alex and Will through this. So I probably won't be able to post much for a while.

I wish you all the best, I will visit when I can.

Thank you, Bill.
Bill I have known you for a good long while bud, and you are a very good man with very broad shoulders:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:

Take care of Will and Alex, then I am sure you will take care of yourself,
Family.........thats the main event:rock:
WTF :confused: Hope things get better soon for you guys...Eat some Oranges Billy......WTF is next Scurvy :dontknow: :D Lord have mercy :eek:
Thanks for the update, Billy..........

Stay well yourself.... Those kids need you there......

God bless you all........

Hey everyone, I'm just checking in and saying HI. I'm at work now, so things aren't quite as crazy. Not much change at home, but these things take time. I will keep everyone posted when I can.

Begood said:
Hey everyone, I'm just checking in and saying HI. I'm at work now, so things aren't quite as crazy. Not much change at home, but these things take time. I will keep everyone posted when I can.


Thanks Bill
Well today I took Will the doctor that takes care of my blood pressure (this is also the doctor that discovered what was wrong with Alex), he figured it out right away. Will has Mono. I learned today that Mono is a virus, so it has to run it's course. It's good that we finally know what is wrong, but it will be a little while until Will is back to feeling good again.

Alex is starting to feel a little better everyday, I can tell because she is becoming her old SMART ASSED self again.:D

The way I see it, by 2009 we all should be feeling very good.:D

2009 will be a very good year for the Begood family...I am confident.
Begood said:
Well today I took Will the doctor that takes care of my blood pressure (this is also the doctor that discovered what was wrong with Alex), he figured it out right away. Will has Mono. I learned today that Mono is a virus, so it has to run it's course. It's good that we finally know what is wrong, but it will be a little while until Will is back to feeling good again.

Alex is starting to feel a little better everyday, I can tell because she is becoming her old SMART ASSED self again.:D

The way I see it, by 2009 we all should be feeling very good.:D

2009 :confused: That will make you 63 :dontknow: Happy a man your age has that kind of energy :marchmellow: