Full Access Member
May 22, 2006
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I've seen pics of kfed before with his SRT-10, and Ben Affleck as well, but here is a new one. Did our paparazzi member take this pic??? I know Kfed got it because of one of our members hanging with his ferarri in a truck.

Some BMX\bike stunt dude has one too. Can't remember his name, but I saw it on MTV Cribs a while back. Black RC with big stupid chrome fangs in the grill.
Hulk Hogan has one as well, a Yellow fever. You can see it on his tv show.
Kfed is Kevin Federline , Britney Spears husband
the fag in the pic looks like that singer Justin Timberlake
have a kid that works with me that would pass for his twin and everyone rags on him about the similarity ('cause there is NO WAY that I listen to that music !!!!!!!!)
I'm ashamed (even) to be on this thread......

:sleep: :puke: :eviltongue: :reddy:

The overall quality of celebrities has really gone into the toilet.

These throbbing sphincters don't deserve and SRT-10 truck............ 'cept maybe the Hulkster.....maybe....

There is a rumor that Vee Jay Sing (PGA Member) drives one.
You can tell it's a quad cab by the trailer hitch on it. He needed four doors to haul around brittany's fat ass and the kid. I got to see her up close in vegas a couple of years ago and I was NOT impressed at all. She's good from far, but far from good!!

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