Censorship on Old Site

The one they put up the otherday lasted long enough.......
I am lost. There were issues with the Ram SRT10 forum? If there were it's understandable, kinda quiet there.

Let me just say... You all have welcomed me with open arms. "Group Hug"
I come home and check in every day. Too see whats HOT, and whats NOT.

Thanks for having me!

MikeNice said:
I am lost. There were issues with the Ram SRT10 forum? If there were it's understandable, kinda quiet there.

Let me just say... You all have welcomed me with open arms. "Group Hug"
I come home and check in every day. Too see whats HOT, and whats NOT.

Thanks for having me!


It's really not worth the effort to figure this all out....

You don't need the extra baggage anyway

Were just all real honored and happy that your with the family

MikeNice said:
I am lost. There were issues with the Ram SRT10 forum? If there were it's understandable, kinda quiet there.

Let me just say... You all have welcomed me with open arms. "Group Hug"
I come home and check in every day. Too see whats HOT, and whats NOT.

Thanks for having me!

Most of the issues have moved to this forum:rock: :D ;)
I think I may have been banned yesterday. All I get now is server busy unless I log out. Anyone else having problems? If they did ban me then that was BS to ban me but not mark me as banned so others still think I'm around.
I believe Jake (Black1) is having that same problem. I guess they are tired of having so many Banned members.

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Begood said:
I believe Jake (Black1) is having that same problem. I guess they are tired of having some many Banned members.


I can get through sometimes. I was even able to post once yesterday. I think they may just actually have server problems. The worst part is I can't get to the arcade games. I play pacman and tetris all day. Now I can't get to them.
FlyingLow said:
I can get through sometimes. I was even able to post once yesterday. I think they may just actually have server problems. The worst part is I can't get to the arcade games. I play pacman and tetris all day. Now I can't get to them.

Wanna stay busy all day? Get Mozilla Firefox, and add the Stumble upon extension!! I am addicted!!
ntw0rk said:
Wanna stay busy all day? Get Mozilla Firefox, and add the Stumble upon extension!! I am addicted!!

Not to sure what you even said. But I can't install anything on government computers. They got me all locked down and shit. I might MSN games or something.
FlyingLow said:
Not to sure what you even said. But I can't install anything on government computers. They got me all locked down and shit. I might MSN games or something.

Ahhh, that's right. NMCS (SP) Right? I almost took a job as a contractor working on that.

I'll send you a few links.
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FlyingLow said:
I think I may have been banned yesterday. All I get now is server busy unless I log out. Anyone else having problems? If they did ban me then that was BS to ban me but not mark me as banned so others still think I'm around.

Yeah, unfortunately for those of us who still hang out there, they banned you and have marked you as such. What's up w/that? I didn't see anything that you posted that deserved that.

"Incudemeout" just posted a message (that's already been deleted) that just got him the same treatment. I should have copied the message, it was pretty creative. Anyway, looks like there may be another exodus here from the old site soon.
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Swingshiftworker said:
Yeah, unfortunately, they banned you and have marked you as such. What's up w/that? I didn't see anything that you posted that deserved that.

I think "Incudemeout" just posted a message that will get him the same treatment, so they may be another exodus from the old site to here soon.

All they do is drive peopel away with stuff like that. They don't realize that there are not a lot of SRT-10 owners out there. And everytime they do this they drive people away and over here. I see it happen again and again.

Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 48

Okay, how about

"You have 2 existing accounts already"

That better?

This is the new explanation for why you were banned....
I'm not sure if this will come out but you may be interested in Jerry's comments before they were deleted. JayC deleted Jerry's post and then the quote of Jerry I had in my post. Yet Jay C does not delete the references in his own reply. Unbelieveable.

Today, 01:47 PM #12
Banned User

Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 8,967
Very nice of you to BAN ALL the members and mods
To which I must disagree on your irrational decisions
Cause all you have done is run off the very best members
and the most informative posters
Over nothing more than pure jealousy and other form of neurosis
seems to exist on this site
Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, 01:54 PM #13

Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 48
Way to get yourself banned.

Today, 01:56 PM #14

Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 99
Quote:Originally Posted by Includemeout
Very nice of you to BAN ALL the members and mods
To which I must disagree on your irrational decisions
Cause all you have done is run off the very best members
and the most informative posters
Over nothing more than pure jealousy and other form of neurosis
seems to exist on this site
Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very well said Jerry.

Kicking Smoke out of a forum is like kicking Mother Theresa out of church. Frankly, unbelieveable.
drcraig said:
I'm not sure if this will come out but you may be interested in Jerry's comments before they were deleted. JayC deleted Jerry's post and then the quote of Jerry I had in my post. Yet Jay C does not delete the references in his own reply. Unbelieveable.

Today, 01:47 PM #12
Banned User

Join Date: Apr 2005
Posts: 8,967
Very nice of you to BAN ALL the members and mods
To which I must disagree on your irrational decisions
Cause all you have done is run off the very best members
and the most informative posters
Over nothing more than pure jealousy and other form of neurosis
seems to exist on this site
Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today, 01:54 PM #13

Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 48
Way to get yourself banned.

Today, 01:56 PM #14

Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 99
Quote:Originally Posted by Includemeout
Very nice of you to BAN ALL the members and mods
To which I must disagree on your irrational decisions
Cause all you have done is run off the very best members
and the most informative posters
Over nothing more than pure jealousy and other form of neurosis
seems to exist on this site
Asshole!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very well said Jerry.

Kicking Smoke out of a forum is like kicking Mother Theresa out of church. Frankly, unbelieveable.

See, that is why I like Jerry.:)
It also shows that there was really no reason for the ban otherwise they would try to defend them selves.

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