Censorship on Old Site


New Member
Sep 8, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
You guys must have really twisted the SYSOP's briefs on the old site, because he still isn't willing to forgive and forget.

In the interest of giving a newbie over there some info on this site, the name of this site got edited out with ******'s within a few minutes of posting the following message:

Swingshiftworker said:
Each site has a different "personality."

I'm a member of the 2 main sites related to the SRT10: the SRT 10 Forum and the ***** (************). There are other Dodge truck forums with SRT10 sub-groups, but they dont' get much traffic.

People are hesitant to say anything about the*******, because it was created, after some acrimony, by prior SRT10 Forum members.

The SRT Forum is the "original" dedicated SRT10 site and is a little more "serious" than the other, which is not necessarily a bad thing. The ***** site covers the same ground, but is more lighthearted and more loosely administered than this site is, which is also not necessarily a bad thing. Different strokes for different folks.

I like them both and learn something from each. Compare them and decide for yourself.

Posted a followup message commenting on the censorship and am waiting to see if that gets edited out too.

Swingshiftworker said:
Hmmmm? I guess it's still not ok to mention the other name's site here. The name of that site was edited out with the ******'s by the system administrator. If Maui hasn't already PM'd the site name to you, you can find the other site by just doing a search using the terms suggested by "Flying Low."

I seems kind of silly, especially since the old board is maintaining a special forum just for messages about the "Viper Truck Club of America," which was intended for another purpose, but is still exactly the same name used by this site.

Oh well .... :dontknow:
I moved this just in case Swingshift. :p BTW The old forum is just that in my eyes. This is the only place for me and for good reason. The people that came over in the exodus were all family. Some people just don't care to see the truth even when their site melts down. We have everything on this site...Ask the question you will get the answer you desire. We are looser here because we are by the people for the people. Yeah sometimes we move threads and sometimes we delete stuff. But that is the sole right of the owner's. It is also very necessary due to content at times. But we as a staff don't censor anyone..Just post it in the proper section and it's all good....I Love this site and the 2 Bastages that own it. They are not liars :D :p
This site with reference to others

The main difference in this and the other SRT-10 truck forum is that this one was done with an alturistic motive. The other site is a self declared for profit entity.

It has been my observation that we as a group respond better to each other rather than to strict leadership and rules. The other sites owners attempt to mandate loyalty and conformity to their site through censorship. Though sometimes it is necessary for the common good of the site. Overall I do not view censorship as an avenue to propigate fun and growing membership.

This Forum is pretty much free to take the tact and direction it wants to. It is an example of how well a "For Members by Members and not for profit" mission statement has worked.

This site was created to help hold the SRT-10 truck community together that had developed in the two years before this Forum was created. There were changes on the SRT-10 Forum that drove many members to either totally abandon or not post very much. The SRT-10 Forum went from a very active and fun place to a literal graveyard in 120 days.

Patrick and I were at a loss as to what could be done to keep our truck community together. We watched it fall further apart every day. And talking with other members off the Forum, their take was "Screw It", that place just is no fun any more with all the people getting banned and new rules everyday. That is how some have come to call it the NFF (No Fun Forum).

We started this site to keep the community that had come together over the previous two years, together. We are run by SRT Truck owners for SRT Truck owners.
Our mission statement was to never make any money on this site. Yes we do have vendors here as it costs money to do the things we have done.

Patrick has never been paid one penny for any of the thousands of hours he has put into making the computer end of this thing work. He has been selfless in his role as head unpaid IT director. He is the guy that makes this look good and work and give us all kinds of great little things to enjoy here.
His wife Jenn has spent many, many hours doing art work for this site, again unpaid.

This site has been very successful in the very short time it has been online. The reason for that is the members we have. The love, respect and loyalty we have for each other will usually surpass personal feelings.
We are a bunch of high energy "A" type personalities that do sometimes come into conflict. And sometimes we are not politically correct, thank god for that too.

Patrick and I love this site and have put our hearts into it, beacuse we believe in you, our members/friends.

I have made many lifelong friends here and will continue to do so.

Every one is free to go where they want to on the internet. We of course want you all to come here and be a part of the VTCoA family of fun.
Thanks for putting this site together! Thanks for inviting me!! Someone in my newbie thread called this "My newest addiction", and they were not wrong!!

You guys and this site :rock: !
Am I correct in assuming that the "A" in your reply represents Assholes.:eek: ;) :D

"We are a bunch of high energy "A" type personalities that do sometimes come into conflict. And sometimes we are not politically correct, thank god for that too."
Silverback said:
Am I correct in assuming that the "A" in your reply represents Assholes.:eek: ;) :D

"We are a bunch of high energy "A" type personalities that do sometimes come into conflict. And sometimes we are not politically correct, thank god for that too."

amen -- bruda.......
I agree Jack....You and Patrick and our two outlaw mods are the best....:):):)

This Truck and this site has been some of my best times ever... I gotta get out more...

Last edited:
This Truck and this site has been some of my best times ever... I gotta get out more...


After meeting all the fine people in Bakersfield I would not hesitate to do it again.
TheSickness said:
I moved this just in case Swingshift. :p BTW The old forum is just that in my eyes. This is the only place for me and for good reason. The people that came over in the exodus were all family. Some people just don't care to see the truth even when their site melts down. We have everything on this site...Ask the question you will get the answer you desire. We are looser here because we are by the people for the people. Yeah sometimes we move threads and sometimes we delete stuff. But that is the sole right of the owner's. It is also very necessary due to content at times. But we as a staff don't censor anyone..Just post it in the proper section and it's all good....I Love this site and the 2 Bastages that own it. They are not liars :D :p

Your right.......

But some do have to maintain a presence at others locations to enable others to find us. I'm sure there are some awesome car\truck motor heads out there that can't use a computer to save there ass

Blakewilder said:
Yeah...we sure do have the fox watchin the henhouse here.....Sickness tellin people dont curse....hehehe aint that a change! Needledick!
That was pretty bad ass huh Hehehehhehee :D :p :p :p
Amen Jack! ;)

This has truly become 'our' site and major thanks to Patrick and Jack for keeping the family together. :rock:
While I am not going to judge anyone, I myself left the NFFF (there is 3 "F"s Jack:D ) because the people I had grown to know so well were being mistreated at the NFFF. Jack and Patrick made this place for us, and I am thankful everyday. The NFFF owner wanted it to be a technical site only, well I wanted a site where I could get any tech question answered, and have fun with my friends. This site not only is WAY more fun, but you can get ANY question answered here by people that have been there and done it! Every month or so I check in at the NFFF (as a guest, I don't login) and it is a grave yard. There is no other site on the net like this place, so here is where I will hang my hat. Remember, there is no place like Home. Now where the hell did I leave my Ruby Red Slippers?

Silverback said:
At your boyfriends house.:confused: :dontknow: ;) :D
You used a period, not a question mark. So get back in your cage, "bad Gorilla....bad gorilla"!

I rarely post on the other site unless I find something to which a response is irresistable........

There's a number of members here whose names still appear on threads on the other Forum.... Why not? It's a free country.

However, I have noticed that a number of the aforementioned posts can often be protective measures against allegations made towards this forum.

Quite honestly, I rarely even think about the other forum at all unless it's mentioned in a thread like this one....

I say let it be.

Begood said:
While I am not going to judge anyone, I myself left the NFFF (there is 3 "F"s Jack:D ) because the people I had grown to know so well were being mistreated at the NFFF. Jack and Patrick made this place for us, and I am thankful everyday. The NFFF owner wanted it to be a technical site only, well I wanted a site where I could get any tech question answered, and have fun with my friends. This site not only is WAY more fun, but you can get ANY question answered here by people that have been there and done it! Every month or so I check in at the NFFF (as a guest, I don't login) and it is a grave yard. There is no other site on the net like this place, so here is where I will hang my hat. Remember, there is no place like Home. Now where the hell did I leave my Ruby Red Slippers?

amen brother,preach on.:rock: :rock:
when you post on the site just put VTCOA as follows

V T C O A . C O M ... put the spaces and the computer dosnt catch it and it can be posted

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