

Full Access Member
May 20, 2006
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I know it's the weekend, but did anyone see Dateline friday nite?
There was a guy driving up to a 'setup' house (in Georgia) in his red srt-10 viper truck.
His name is Rolando, or Orlando...don't know if he has ever been on the site but he was there at that house to have sex with a 14 year old..and got busted by Dateline.
he's also in the Army...oh boy...he is gonna get it from the civilan law and wait til the service law gets a hold of him...
He's been a baaaad boy...
Heyyyy Abbbbotttt!
I would not wanna be in his shoes right now..

His name is Rolondo Restacruz.I hope you get the beat down of a lifetime.Veteran or not you deserve nothing less.:mad:
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I think anyone convicted of child molesation(sp) should NOT go to jail. Announce it all over TV that the police will be on the other side of town busy doing something, and the scumbag will be released out the back door of the jail to the awaiting mob of PARENTS. Justice will be SERVED!! ME FIRST!!!!
I just finished watching that episode of Dateline. What a douchebag.