Disagreement: Let's enjoy it.....

includemeout said:
:confused: :confused: :confused: The one about the illegal immigrants? The one about Throttle Bodies? or the one about Ghetto Trash? :confused: :confused: :dontknow: :dontknow:

ummm i forget now .. but i was trying to keep him goin lol.. im sure he will remember.. younowwhat wich argument was that??? i loved it...
Black1 said:
Truly great dialog there, Tim. :) That is all true, IMO.

But.... :D This is the INTERNET, not "Life".


Love ya greatly, bud...........

But, to attempt to isolate your participation on the internet from so-called real life is inherently and existentially absurd.............

There's no escape ........

ummm i forget now .. but i was trying to keep him goin lol.. im sure he will remember.. younowwhat wich argument was that??? i loved it...


Django said:
Love ya greatly, bud...........

But, to attempt to isolate your participation on the internet from so-called real life is inherently and existentially absurd.............

There's no escape ........


I completely AGREE with that statement.....

All I'm saying, is that some people try to do just that..... :dontknow: There are people that have an "Internet Nut-Swinger" persona, and the "Real Life" persona.... It can't work. :dontknow: (IMO). Like my box of Kool Mild cigarettes says.... "Be TRUE". :D ;) :eek:
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Black1 said:
I don't know WTF happened.... But, I get the idea (it's been discussed before). So, here we go.... (I really need to copy and paste this to a word document, so I can just paste-and-post next time this comes up :rolleyes: )

Jack or Patrick can correct me if I'm wrong.... But, this site was created so that original members from another site could still have a place to go, without censorship, and talk to each-other. There were 100 (or so) of us that left a previous Viper Truck forum, because the owners of that forum had become stuffy and uptight (for lack of better words, because this thread is currently in "Non-Offensive")..... It's that simple. Just a few folks that wanted to stay in touch.... Thankfully, I think, many others have joined our (mostly) happy home since it's inception. I like to think it's because we have the largest group of knowledgeable people on this vehicle, and the best atmosphere. :)

Now.... having said that.... Here's my point.

There is a place on here called "Offensive"... It is for member's only (a guest cannot see this part of the forum). Right next to "Offensive", it says "NWS not work safe OPEN WITH CAUTION".... Now, to me that means just what it says. If you don't like what is being said in the Offensive Section, don't go there. There are Offensive Sections in most forums, and they are mostly the same. One example is Viper Alley... If you make a post on their Offensive Section, be prepared for SWIFT and brutal "brow-beating", especially if you're new. I like to think that we are not like that here, but sometimes we are (if you do a good job at rubbing someone the wrong way). That is it's nature.

Now, I don't know if this whole thing started in Offensive or not. If it didn't, then shame on whoever started it. If someone took the opportunity to bash someone on a Tech or Truck thread, then they should be reprimanded IMO. EXCEPTION: VENDOR SECTION - If someone has a gripe about a vendor, it should be just as accepted in that vendor's section.... just as much as a "praise"... That is what that section is for, FEEDBACK, good and bad.

That's all I have to say for now.... More in a minute. :D

said better than i could've said it :rock:
Stanimal said:
said better than i could've said it :rock:

With all due deference and love to my bro, Jake............ Balderdash....!!!

This point pertains to the positive results that come from conflict and that we shouldn't shrink from it.....

Yer ignoring the point like rabid dog..... and the reason is glaringly apparent.

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D....I just re-read your first post of this thread again...

are you trying to ascertain members' opinions of the concept of these disagreements in general or are you trying to foster an enviroment where these disagreements are allowed to flurish?...

as to the second point....disagreements on this board rock and roll for days....:D
Nowwhat said:
D....I just re-read your first post of this thread again...

are you trying to ascertain members' opinions of the concept of these disagreements in general or are you trying to foster an enviroment where these disagreements are allowed to flurish?...

as to the second point....disagreements on this board rock and roll for days....:D

Good question.....

The answer is "B" (I bolded the words for those with Alzheimers). But, more specifically I'm sending a message to those who shrink from disagreement that they are attempting to shortchange all of us in so doing. So, maybe "both" is the best repsonse...

(EDIT: Mike I just got the humor .... lol..... I'm not trying to create any arguments here... But if one happens, that's cool.)

And yes, some disagreements do go on for awhile. And quite often, they are worth it in the end.....

Those who implore everyone to stop the disagreement just cuz it gets a little hot, should stfu and get their asses out'a the kitchen...

They are short circuiting one of the most beneficial aspects of human relations...... "a difference of opinion".

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Django said:
Good question.....

The answer is "B" (I bolded the words for those with Alzheimers). But, more specifically I'm sending a message to those who shrink from disagreement that they are attempting to shortchange all of us in so doing. So, maybe "both" is the best repsonse...

(EDIT: Mike I just got the humor .... lol..... I'm not trying to create any arguments here... But if one happens, that's cool.)

And yes, some disagreements do go on for awhile. And quite often, they are worth it in the end.....

Those who implore everyone to stop the disagreement just cuz it gets a little hot, should stfu and get their asses out'a the kitchen...

They are short circuiting one of the most beneficial aspects of human relations...... "a difference of opinion".


gotcha,...I will try not to hold back anymore....:D .