I guess one perk is that their is no one to tell me what I can and can't spend anymore.... Time to start modding.......
ya well after the divorce and depending on how bad she kills u for alimony etc ... they well I'm sure you will be paying her bills for years to come ... unless she just has a clean cut from u..... and for your sake hope she just takes a clean cut....
The truck is not going any where. It's a none contested divorce and I can keep/take what ever I want....
Every guy I know that had their wife leave them ended up better off. They found younger, hotter, nicer, women to be with. Whatever you do, don't try to talk her out of it. You will only drag it out. Good luck!
Texas does not have alimony.... She gets what she has including her bills and I get what I had......
Damn Vultures are already hovering around you truck, tell'em you ain't selling now and they'll fly away. :)

Good luck man! glad you didn't have kids.
Goose said:
The truck is not going any where. It's a none contested divorce and I can keep/take what ever I want....
That sounds good. Untill she finds out she can get more. Take a sell everything you can now. Before she wants it.
She already has the divorce papers in hand stating she does not want any of my retirement and I can take what ever I want from the house she just wants out...... In a nut shell
Goose said:
She already has the divorce papers in hand stating she does not want any of my retirement and I can take what ever I want from the house she just wants out...... In a nut shell

good luck with that...
Goose said:
She already has the divorce papers in hand stating she does not want any of my retirement and I can take what ever I want from the house she just wants out...... In a nut shell

HMMMMM:confused: Sounds fishy:(
Man I feel for you! I'm almost 29 and on my 3rd wife. The first was real quick, it was a bad idea at 20, the second was almost 7 years, (She decided to run off with some guy with her work) and I'm still happily married to the 3rd. It seems bad now but TRUST me things will get better! Hell I hooked up with my current wife less than two months after my 2nd left. Shes the best thing to ever enter my life.

Sounds like your old lady got the 7 year itch, just like my 2nd ex got. Let her go, keep the truck (It will impress the chicks:rock: :rock: ) and move on to younger and hotter chicks!
Goose said:
Texas does not have alimony.... She gets what she has including her bills and I get what I had......

WOOHOO! You win!!!:rock: :rock: :rock:

Unless she has won a lottery...:dontknow: You'd better check it out...:D

Naaah... just get it over with. Like an enema. It's all a bunch of messy crap. But you'll feel better in the long run (runs)!!!:D Good luck bro!:D
If you need some tips let me know i'm going to court in about 2 months for a Annulment
Goose said:
Texas does not have alimony.... She gets what she has including her bills and I get what I had......

I need to move to Texas...:D