Geezus what are you doing posting here? You should be out treating your penis to some nice new strange.

Go get em!
To me posting here is like talking to friends and believe it or not it helps hearing all of the comments.... Thank you all...
VIPR PWR said:
I agree Annu ----they all get on your nerves at some point---but wouldn't it be boring if they didn't---who the heck wants a stepford wife---

OOO!!! :hello:
OOO!!! :hello:
ME!!! ME!!! ME!!!:rock: :rock: :rock: I'll take 3!!!:D :D :D :elefant:
Goose said:
To me posting here is like talking to friends and believe it or not it helps hearing all of the comments.... Thank you all...

Bro you should have learned a new word today. Its called girlfriendSSSSSS

Go find em and if you dont have a minimum of 3 you have to give up your SRT to the exwife.

Never go below 3. Its bad luck.
when my wife no2 gets mad at me i ask her if she wants to go she can go ,,,she says she wont give me the satisfaction of leaving,,then she pulls her shirt up and i forget what we were fighting about !!!:bebored:
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Since she wants to go, for Gods sake let her go...........groveling will only make you look like a pussy and women hate pussies for men. Set her free, and now take care of yourself. Dont drown yourself in booze, join a gym, get into the best shape of your life and do NOT sucumb to any form of depression. Fight that shit off by starting a new life. Bike your ass off, pump iron, whatever, anything physical will help your mindset.

You guys married way too young............she definatly wants to party and feels she is missing out in life...............big mistake for her. Chances are, her hottest days are behind her and your getting better looking each year. Remember, men age like wine and the more cash your earn, the better looking you get!! 31 is young dude, you can score so many girls now. Do not get a new GF right away...........play the field, have fun and always wear a condom..............be in control of your future.

Hang in there and know, we all are here for all that "crazy" advice!:D I am 43 never married and had more Gf's than I can remember!!! I have dated all the wackos and made most of the mistakes!! LOL I am learning from them though!!:D

Annu Kumar said:
All woman are a Pain In the ass. Do you guys agree with me. Even if you love them they will start to get on your nerves eventually
Annu. Shut up :p :p :p :D
mauiSRT/10 said:
Since she wants to go, for Gods sake let her go...........groveling will only make you look like a pussy and women hate pussies for men. Set her free, and now take care of yourself. Dont drown yourself in booze, join a gym, get into the best shape of your life and do NOT sucumb to any form of depression. Fight that shit off by starting a new life. Bike your ass off, pump iron, whatever, anything physical will help your mindset.

You guys married way too young............she definatly wants to party and feels she is missing out in life...............big mistake for her. Chances are, her hottest days are behind her and your getting better looking each year. Remember, men age like wine and the more cash your earn, the better looking you get!! 31 is young dude, you can score so many girls now. Do not get a new GF right away...........play the field, have fun and always wear a condom..............be in control of your future.

Hang in there and know, we all are here for all that "crazy" advice!:D I am 43 never married and had more Gf's than I can remember!!! I have dated all the wackos and made most of the mistakes!! LOL I am learning from them though!!:D


:withstupid: I mean...:dito: 45 and been through a few. each time is an improvement. Major improvement! Getting in shape sucks at first but pays off in the end.:D :rock:
And when she tries to come back to you in a few weeks (because chicks do crap like that)... DON"T DO IT!!! My buddy ended up paying and additional 18 years of child support for 15+- minutes of, you know...:eek: Bad milk doesn't get better with time.:dontknow:
:( Sorry to hear that Goose. I am 36 years old and never been married simply because I was always taught that 4 weddings and a funeral were like 5 of the same thing.:hmmmm:

I hope you keep your head up bro; don't let this get you down or I will be forced to drive the 210 mile trek to SA and make you get out and about. I'm overdue for a Riverwalk visit anyway.:dontknow:
Ironhead said:
she says she wont give me the satisfaction of leaving,,then she pulls her shirt up and i forget what we were fighting about !!!:bebored:

:dontknow:*sigh*Ain't it just nice when, even for just and instant, a bad situation becomes so simple...? Because it's life's simple things you just gotta love...:rolleyes:
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