Gallbladder Removal


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
Jul 20, 2011
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Western Colorado
Anyone ever had emergency gallbladder removal, or had theirs removed at all? How was the surgery? Did your life change at all afterwards? Thanks in advance.
Had mine taken out a few years ago. Had 2 gall stones the size of milk duds in it. Which hurt like hell. Surgery was simple, just 3 small incisions. had it done on a Thursday and back to work on Monday, just had a weight restriction on what I was allowed to pick up. Since out have had no side effects or issues.
Anyone ever had emergency gallbladder removal, or had theirs removed at all? How was the surgery? Did your life change at all afterwards? Thanks in advance.

Oh man. Now what? Are you sure you don't just have a hernia after that 545 pull?
Had mine taken out a few years ago. Had 2 gall stones the size of milk duds in it. Which hurt like hell. Surgery was simple, just 3 small incisions. had it done on a Thursday and back to work on Monday, just had a weight restriction on what I was allowed to pick up. Since out have had no side effects or issues.

Oh man. Now what? Are you sure you don't just have a hernia after that 545 pull?
Not me, my wife :-(
Thanks guys. Having my wife in the ER is a vivid reminder of just how little power we actually have over our own lives.
Prayers Sent
Thanks guys. Having my wife in the ER is a vivid reminder of just how little power we actually have over our own lives.

Unfortunately I know that feeling! My girlfriend got rear ended on Thursday. It totaled her 04 P. T. Cruiser turbo. She got banged up pretty good & was stubborn about going to the hospital until Sunday. Waiting with her (at the hospital) in pain is a very hard thing to do. They checked this lump next to her spine but luckily its nothing major. So my hart go's out to your girl. Hope she has a speedy recovery!
After my latest fiasco, I can totally relate.Best wishes & prayers sent. We Are all just bystanders...
I just saw your posts, Bob. Thank you for posting! It's great to have you back on here!
Surgery was this morning. Things didn't go well. We are staying in the hospital tonight. Y'all's thoughts, prayers, and spare Stryker/Gen 4 cylinder heads are appreciated.
Surgery was this morning. Things didn't go well. We are staying in the hospital tonight. Y'all's thoughts, prayers, and spare Stryker/Gen 4 cylinder heads are appreciated.

Are things really not going well? I wish you guys the best bro!
Surgery was this morning. Things didn't go well. We are staying in the hospital tonight. Y'all's thoughts, prayers, and spare Stryker/Gen 4 cylinder heads are appreciated.

I'm sorry that ported gen 3s won't do the trick and as I told you earlier I will be praying for you.