

Full Access Member
Jun 11, 2012
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I'm a gamer in my spare time and i was checking out an upcoming game called " The Crew " a pretty cool looking street racing game well looking through the vehicle inventory on their limited edition version they actually have the 04 ram srt 10. I thought it was pretty sweet so i figured i probably buy it
Which system? Please say PS3!!
it had only said for pc, xbox one and ps4 but on the game stop's link it showed a xbox360 version so they might have a ps3 version also
I had seen the advertisement for the game and thought it would be a good way to waste several hours of my life. What system are you on?
Sweet. Well I guess if they don't make it for ps3 I'll play it on PC.
I'm on 360 but soon upgrading to the one my wife ordered the advanced warfare edition
I just got Wolfenstein The New Order. What a blast!

Those Nazi's sure were sickos tho.
Forza 4 for 360 had a 2004 RC in it. The game was pretty fun
I miss playing Cruising the USA and Goldeneye on N64 with 3 buddies till the wee hours of the morning.

The N64 was a game changer.
perfect dark > golden eye.

and since we are talking about older games, ima just gonna give a big F you to whoever made battletoads on NES. That game is freakin impossible to be.
mmmm old games. Blaster Master was a personal favorite.