Gigi died this morning

Walt, we are truly sorry for your loss. She is in a better place and you and your family went beyond all expectations to take her to her resting place in peace.

Our dearest sympathy's.
Walt, sorry to hear about this. thoughts and prayers go out to your family from me and Dawn. rip GiGi.
Very sorry to hear this Walt..My condolences to you and yours..RIP Gigi..
Dear Members of the Viper Truck Club of America,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and heartfelt condolences. I know that she is in heaven with her momma and daddy and the rest of her family that have gone before her. I will miss her terribly, but, she will be in my heart forever. She has left a wonderful legacy in her children and grand-children.

God Bless you of toughest ladies I have ever heard of.

And God Bless you and your wife Walt for all the things you did for her...:)
K-80-123 said:
Dear Members of the Viper Truck Club of America,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and heartfelt condolences. I know that she is in heaven with her momma and daddy and the rest of her family that have gone before her. I will miss her terribly, but, she will be in my heart forever. She has left a wonderful legacy in her children and grand-children.


Vickie, the strength you have exhibited will be an insperation to all of us that face this in our futures.

You are truely a woman to be admired.
It is never easy to let a loved one go.I am sure she is finally at peace and rest.My prayers are with you.
I am very happy to hear Gigi suffers no more. Walt you and your wife have been through a lot and I hope all of you can finally get some relief.

Life does have a down side, death. No matter who you are, or what you do, one day you will die. Its not a happy thought, but it is the way it is.

Walt and Vickie,

May God return the love and kindness that you showed Gigi 1000 fold. You definately honored your mother ma'am.

Sir it's a extreme pleasure to know a gentleman who not only stands by his word, but does it with everything in his being and in a joyous manner.

May God bestow peace, joy and health now and forever in your lives.

Ricardo Rosario
I can only mirror what others have already said.

May Gigi rest in peace. :)
Our deepest Sympathy,
Im sure Gigi will be with you forever!,Im also sure that she would want you
to carry on and cherish the time you had with her.
Mickey and eva.
Dear Walt and Vickie,

So many fine sentiments have been expressed in honor and respect to this bittersweet occasion. I can only add my name to the others who've wished you only the very best....

We all honor the faithfulness and great love that you've dedicated to Gigi.

Now it's time to rejoice in the knowledge of the end of her suffering, her Eternal Life in God's presence and all the wonderful memories that the real Gigi left behind..... She's not sick and suffering any more.... Thank God.

Her wonderful personality, her love for you ... the beautiful times you've shared together here in this life are her legacy to you....

I hope and pray that we'll all meet again soon enough in Eternity.... Where there is no darkness, no disease and no more growing old......

May God specially bless and encourage you in the days to come.....

I am sorry that I am late on this guys...I had to work a extra long shift today. At times like this I am really at a loss for words. Because nothing anyone says will really comfort you. At least nothing I can come up with....I am not a Django.....But then again who is. All I can say is that I am your friend and I Love you very much and if I could I would gladly take all the pain for your loss on my shoulders if it were possible, so you did not have too. It's a bitter sweet deal....But I somehow felt connected to GiGi and I have a small hole in my heart now that she has left us. She no longer feels any pain..

In the coming days, weeks, years just know I am here for both of you if you need a friend to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. I have not called you because I was giving you your time with her and I did not want to intrude upon your privacy....But never has a day gone by during all of this that all of you were not in my thoughts.....RIP GiGi and I am glad that you knew and saw the Love that this place generates.....Just know that your daughter is married to one of the finest men I have ever been blessed to know and that she will be taken care of no matter what......God Bless you and thanks to Walt for sharing with us all the story and passion of one fine lady may she rest in peace.............Mikey
Walt and Vickie, its hard to express the feelings......sadness and relief at the same time....... I am so glad to hear Gigi was at peace in the end, that is very comforting. I feel for you all so much.

You have a big wonderful family from the pics you have shared, I hope you all can celebrate Gigi's life during the next week with everybody there to share great stories of their mother, mother in law and Grandmother.

take care
