got some news last night

many thanks to you guys who took the time to post. i sat him down last night and let him read the thread. he stayed there probably 30 minutes reading all the replies. he said that was some deep shit(his words) i think it really gave him a lot of information to think about and go over. we looked a lot last night and we probably will next week go see a few recruiters. he says its between the air force and marine corps. he's always wanted to be a sniper(which isnt my choice for him) he knows where he will go if he chooses that. he's been shooting since he was 8 and is very good at it. im just trying to support him and let him know what his options are and whats available for him.
Borden3srt said:
that's really all you can do Eddie. make sure he has all the proper information to make the best choice, and uses his time wisely.
will do bro he still mill probably call a few of you guys next week when we get back into town.
I have to agree with everyone's opinion on this. I was 21, and heading down a path to no where! I decided to talk to a recruiter on Sept 12th, 2001 after watching what those bastards did to the towers. I was shipped off shortly there after.....10 days to be exact. I found focus for my life, and realized how much of a dumba$$ I had been up till that point. I credit the Army for the way I've turned out, and would highly reccomend the military to anyone struggling to find a path in life. Thats my opinion....take it or leave it....

Hooah...airborne infantry....1st-509th
well guys just a update, we are going tonight to speak to a recruiter for the air force. im gonna try and get him to talk to a marine recruiter too. he still has no idea what he wants to do at the moment
eddie102870 said:
well guys just a update, we are going tonight to speak to a recruiter for the air force. im gonna try and get him to talk to a marine recruiter too. he still has no idea what he wants to do at the moment

I've been quiet on this, but I think I'll but in a little bit. I owe everything I have ever had or will have to the Air Force. I think every kid should go in for 2-4 years when they get out of High School. I would suggest he go to either the Air Force or Navy and learn a skill that he can put to use after his tour. The traing and experience that you get from either of those two is second to none and a lot of companies know this and hire significant numbers of GIs getting out...There I said it, I'll butt out now.

Good luck on this!
My brother went to the Air Force as a straight 'A' high school student with four years of high school football behind him and two years of track. He came back out the Air Force four years later with extra weight.. Yeah body weight a son AND an ungrateful, lazy, materialistic, bossy wife. Of course because of her he couldn't go to college full time. Instead he took up a career in the medical field that he isn't thrilled about. He's kicking himself in the butt now for not listening to me about joining the Navy instead. He would have seen the world and got some real experience instead of little medical training and a marriage to pretty much his FIRST girlfriend.

Eddie your son will gain some excellent technological skills in the Navy. He could even eventually become a pilot. He's young now so don't push him too hard. Hell, I became a cop at age 21 and it took me another 12 years (and some changes) before finally becoming an engineer. And if I went and joined the Navy in the first place I may have been better off sooner.

As long as your son has his parents backing him and believing in him (but not spoiling him) I am sure he will do well.:D
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the only good thing about the military is that theyll pay off all your loans. im headed to med school and after im done ill have a substantial debt. and thats the only reason id consider the military but besides that its poop. i have 4 buddies that are army rangers and trust me life is not glorious or glamorous for them.....
VEN-M-S-SRT10 said:
the only good thing about the military is that theyll pay off all your loans. im headed to med school and after im done ill have a substantial debt. and thats the only reason id consider the military but besides that its poop. i have 4 buddies that are army rangers and trust me life is not glorious or glamorous for them.....

That seems to be what I hear about the Army. But if any military branch offered a glorious and glamorous tour, then the recruits will get a false sense about real life. But then again a fine print should be added to every military advertisement that states, "your results may vary," because not everyone emerges with the skills, discipline and edge they need..
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eddie102870 said:
well guys just a update, we are going tonight to speak to a recruiter for the air force. im gonna try and get him to talk to a marine recruiter too. he still has no idea what he wants to do at the moment
Hey Eddie. Boy, talk about 2 completely different things, the AF and Marine Corps are it! hehe

Guaranteed contract (MOS) is especially important in the Corps. Without it you can bet on getting 03, 08, or 18 (grunts, arty, and tracks).

If he is looking for discipline, the Corps can't be beat. He will gain things in the suck (a term of love for the Corps hehe) that he can't get anywhere else in the world. The traditions of the Marines are second to none, but it won't be the same as the AF in any way. But at least you get to wear some real uniforms and not a postal uniform hehehehe.

I would really encourage him to talk to all the recruiters. Sometimes I wish I had. I bowed out of a guaranteed nuclear contract in the Navy to go into the Marines open contract. Sometimes I regret that, but I got something from the Marines that really is almost intangible. The pride that one feels leaving PI as a Marine, well I can't even put it into words. But he should still check all his options.

Tell him to take his time too, I don't think there will be a problem that any of them will be full. This is a huge decision, and deserves some real thought.
OCBob said:
Hey Eddie. Boy, talk about 2 completely different things, the AF and Marine Corps are it! hehe

Guaranteed contract (MOS) is especially important in the Corps. Without it you can bet on getting 03, 08, or 18 (grunts, arty, and tracks).

If he is looking for discipline, the Corps can't be beat. He will gain things in the suck (a term of love for the Corps hehe) that he can't get anywhere else in the world. The traditions of the Marines are second to none, but it won't be the same as the AF in any way. But at least you get to wear some real uniforms and not a postal uniform hehehehe.

I would really encourage him to talk to all the recruiters. Sometimes I wish I had. I bowed out of a guaranteed nuclear contract in the Navy to go into the Marines open contract. Sometimes I regret that, but I got something from the Marines that really is almost intangible. The pride that one feels leaving PI as a Marine, well I can't even put it into words. But he should still check all his options.

Tell him to take his time too, I don't think there will be a problem that any of them will be full. This is a huge decision, and deserves some real thought.
thats what im trying to tell him but he is being kinda hard headed right now. his half sister who is a idiot is feeding him a bunch of shit about what all she did while she was in which wasnt shit... i just want him to keep his options open and at least do something while hes in if thats the way he wants to go.
OCBob said:
If he is looking for discipline, the Corps can't be beat.

You know something eddie? I don't think this one statement from Bob can be challenged by anybody. I have to give it :congrats: to Bob for coming out with that one. I wasn't sure if your son would want the intense training involved, but if he is ready, then by all means.... USMC FTW!!!
eddie102870 said:
thats what im trying to tell him but he is being kinda hard headed right now. his half sister who is a idiot is feeding him a bunch of shit about what all she did while she was in which wasnt shit... i just want him to keep his options open and at least do something while hes in if thats the way he wants to go.

And let him understand that the military is what HE makes of it. He can come out an honored soldier with nothing but the world for him to explore and conquor, or pregnant... (not exactly but you know what I mean) ...Which I hope he wont chose the latter.. HAHA

Someone else's bad experiences doesn't necessarily make it the best and only advice. He'll just have to see on his own.
Venom Power said:
And let him understand that the military is what HE makes of it. He can come out an honored soldier with nothing but the world for him to explore and conquor, or pregnant... (not exactly but you know what I mean) ...Which I hope he wont chose the latter.. HAHA

Someone else's bad experiences doesn't necessarily make it the best and only advice. He'll just have to see on his own.
BAM!!! There it is

This can be anything. The WORLD is what you make of it. Are you going to wait around for something to fall into your lap or are you going to go after what you want?

Good post!
If he want real world info on the Navy then have him talk to me. Most people don't like to talk about all things that suck in their job, but those are the most important questions to ask.

I messed cranked twice when I was enlisted. That means I spent 2 90 day stints on the mess decks. Mainly washing dishes for 5K people. Some things suck, some are great, just depends on what you do with it. I went from washing dishes, cleaning heads, and a shit load of needle gunning to being an aircraft commander, flying 4 star Admirals to the pentagon to teaching young Officers how to fly. It's all what you do with it.
just a update fellas. jase went this morning and took the ASFAB or whatever its called and has to go to montgomery wednesday for a physical. he has decided on joining the marine corps. he has a few more things to get done this week. he is looking at going to boot camp sometime in early october. he seems excited about it and that make me glad.
Eddie, you will be absolutely amazed when the young man first comes home after boot camp, the difference is almost unbelievable.
Eddie, you will be absolutely amazed when the young man first comes home after boot camp, the difference is almost unbelievable.
i hope so . hes talking about not going to boot camp unil early october so he will be at panama with us in sept:D