Happy Thanksgiving VTCOA

thanksgiving is not special.
i thank God for every gift i have 356 a year.
so when you all done stuffing yourself with turkey, remember
to be thankful year round.

Luke 21:1-4
1 As Jesus looked up, he saw the rich putting their gifts into the temple treasury. 2 He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 3 “Truly I tell you,” he said, “this poor widow has put in more than all the others. 4 All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on.”

be thankful, of everything, no matter what you are given.
(ok Scoob...oi)...

Happy Thanksgiving you buncha turkeys...Hope we all get fat and happy tommorow...well..ok...some of us are already fat....and some of us are happy...but...welll.....nevermind...just eat alot and enjoy your day....um...well some of us already eat alot....more than a few enjoy any day theres football on,,,,so what I mean is....jeez...just have a good time...and while you are sitting there eating your third piece of apple pie thinking of ways to kill your inlaws and make it seem like an accident, remember..theres guys like Scoobert who are thankful everyday for everything..we should all aspire to this level of gratitude..
Riff62 said:
(ok Scoob...oi)...

Happy Thanksgiving you buncha turkeys...Hope we all get fat and happy tommorow...well..ok...some of us are already fat....and some of us are happy...but...welll.....nevermind...just eat alot and enjoy your day....um...well some of us already eat alot....more than a few enjoy any day theres football on,,,,so what I mean is....jeez...just have a good time...and while you are sitting there eating your third piece of apple pie thinking of ways to kill your inlaws and make it seem like an accident, remember..theres guys like Scoobert who are thankful everyday for everything..we should all aspire to this level of gratitude..
O.K. This is a little creepy. Happy Thanksgiving to you all. :)
Riff62 said:
(ok Scoob...oi)...

Happy Thanksgiving you buncha turkeys...Hope we all get fat and happy tommorow...well..ok...some of us are already fat....and some of us are happy...but...welll.....nevermind...just eat alot and enjoy your day....um...well some of us already eat alot....more than a few enjoy any day theres football on,,,,so what I mean is....jeez...just have a good time...and while you are sitting there eating your third piece of apple pie thinking of ways to kill your inlaws and make it seem like an accident, remember..theres guys like Scoobert who are thankful everyday for everything..we should all aspire to this level of gratitude..
sorry, i was wasted on golden slammers last night.
1 Timothy 5:23:aetsch:
Riff62 said:
(ok Scoob...oi)...

Happy Thanksgiving you buncha turkeys...Hope we all get fat and happy tommorow...well..ok...some of us are already fat....and some of us are happy...but...welll.....nevermind...just eat alot and enjoy your day....um...well some of us already eat alot....more than a few enjoy any day theres football on,,,,so what I mean is....jeez...just have a good time...and while you are sitting there eating your third piece of apple pie thinking of ways to kill your inlaws and make it seem like an accident, remember..theres guys like Scoobert who are thankful everyday for everything..we should all aspire to this level of gratitude..
Riff, I thoroughly enjoy reading every post of yours, this one is no exception. :rock: Happy Thanks Giving and may God Bless you and yours. (I think Scoob is a pastor at a local parish.):p
Happy Thanksgiving!

God Bless John Alden!
Thanks Joey....same to you and your my friend...I was alittle wasted last night too..lol..
I do some of my ..er...best work while drinking..
yeah Bob..I hear its a big thing but have never been...I dont do well in crowds..lol