how to drug a dog?


Has Left the Room - Banned from VTCOA!
Mar 31, 2009
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i need to clip my dogs nails, they fight me when i try. is there anything i can drug them with that will make them kinda calm down and not care i am clipping their nails? was thinking benidril? any suggestions? i hate to have the groomer noose them to do it.
I weep for your dog.............. I think I'll drop dime to the humane society.

I suggest watching the dog whisperer. I think that's what it's called. Very informative show about training dogs. And how to get them to relax when they need to. Gives you a understanding from their perspective.

Never give your pets any meds that are made for human consumption. specially Tylenol.
I knew this thread was going to nose dive quick. :D
noid said:
Never give your pets any meds that are made for human consumption. specially Tylenol.
Not nec true... vets rec benedryl for dogs with allergies
TheMoparConnection said:
Not nec true... vets rec benedryl for dogs with allergies

yep. True. When my dog was a pup, I cleaned my couch. She was alergic to whatever it was I cleaned it with. Her face swelled up quick. Called the vet and they said to give her some benedryl. Cleared her right up.
Silverback said:
And to think he can reproduce.:(
I think there might be some roadblocks along the way.

Anyway Scoobert, I'd suggest you talk to a vet at the very least. A truck forum isn't the best place in the world to get medical advice, even for a dog.
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you could try tazing it, probably calm down enough to clip its nails
OCBob said:
I think there might be some roadblocks along the way.

Anyway Scoobert, I'd suggest you talk to a vet at the very least. A truck forum isn't the best place in the world to get medical advice, even for a dog.
was thinking we might have at least one person with vet experience here.
i knew a person who ran a shelter, but she is in jail now for hording? the groomers are too mean for my liking. and the dogs are not the same for a week or so afterwords. would like to do it without them freaking out. i called a vet when i first got these two, they said bring them in blah blah blah. i might just suck it up and put them under for the clipping at the vets office, if they will even do that.

and my new policy is to not respond to flaming trolls who are on my ignore list.
sit down with your dogs.. and pour all of them shots of black label, yourself included or they'll get suspicious:aetsch: :aetsch: :aetsch:
We use a dremmel tool with a sanding disc.

Only do a little at a get the dog used to the process. If you do it every three or four days you can get the nerve to recede and then the dog will not feel the sanding disc.

Aero still will try to pull one of his feet away that is very sensitive but he now lets us use the dremmel on him every few days and it only takes about two minutes. We have his nails to the point that if we hear his nails on the our hardwood floors they are too long...a little each time is all that is needed to keep them appropriately trimmed.

Takes a little human discipline...and a little training but it is well worth the effort.
Prof said:
We use a dremmel tool with a sanding disc.

Only do a little at a get the dog used to the process. If you do it every three or four days you can get the nerve to recede and then the dog will not feel the sanding disc.

Aero still will try to pull one of his feet away that is very sensitive but he now lets us use the dremmel on him every few days and it only takes about two minutes. We have his nails to the point that if we hear his nails on the our hardwood floors they are too long...a little each time is all that is needed to keep them appropriately trimmed.

Takes a little human discipline...and a little training but it is well worth the effort.

good idea, and i tried that. got peticure or whatever its called. tried my best to warm them up to it, like holding it close to treats and then running it next to treats. as soon as i tried it by turning it on and holding a paw, they were off. and would not take any treats when i even had it nearby. its harder with too as well, when one starts to struggle the other one barks at that one and starts trying to bite them, no idea why. must think they are trying to play. i am so out of ideas. and i feel really bad the way the groomer does it.

EDIT: yeah that one
TREKER said:

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