It's been awhile :(


Has Left the Room - Banned from VTCOA!
May 15, 2009
Reaction score
Wacko Waco,TX
Guys, I apologize for not bring active lately on here. As most if you know I live about 15 miles from West where the huge explosion occurred. Many friends and family's were affected that I know personally and have for decades. One of them was a close friend and owner of a fabrication shop that builds anything you can dream. They specialized in building Fire Trucks ironically and was the first on scene and unfortunately passed when the explosion occurred. He and 11 other Heros lost their lives that day so to say it hasn't affected me greatly is an understatement :(
It's one of those deals where friends and family outweigh business and Internet chatting by far as my emotions were concerned. I've tried catching up on phone calls and texts and still have catching up to do so please bear with me. It's been rough and too witness the devastation to family, friends and their homes is traumatic to anyone in our area.
I'm back and plan to be a lot more active in getting you guys the parts you want and need for "Track Proven Performance"

Thanks for all of your support and the texts and calls I received concerning our incident. Means a lot to have support of friends I've never met as well as some I've known years simply by the common love of our SRT10 Viper Trucks
Good to see you back now get in the truck start driving s/e hell I need someone to go to the casino with young buck cant get in yet. LOL
Glad to see you back,sorry for your lose.Prayers still coming your way.
Thank you for your efforts to help a community get back on their feet

Great to see you back Scott. Sorry about the current situation and we can only hope things will get easier.
Can not imagine how tough it must have been out there. Glad to see you back and trying to get normal again.
Sorry for your loss...Prayers going out for you & your loved ones.

I have ran into some family problems of a totally different sort.
I have to wait on the trans swap, temporarily. I will get in touch with you on that, asap.
I just have to take care of some unforeseen family issues that just came up, after we talked last.
I sent you a message, but it came back undelivered. ( not sure why )
I was trying to figure out a way to make the swap & fix my family problem at the same time. But, that is going to be impossible at this point.
But, as soon as I get the family thing behind me, you will be the 1st person I look up!
Once again, sorry for the delay.
I am sending prayers to you. Don't worry about my call on the traction bars, just let me know when you can. I'll be back from vacation on may 11th., take care.
Glad ur back in action!! Sorry for the losses. Take care man!