Jan 24th 2pm Hooters in Pasadena TX, its close to Houston


Full Access Member
Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Houston/ Northshore
Since "Borden" is coming in to town to pick up his SRT 8 Charger figured i would try to get everyone together for a Gtg.

So if your good to go let us know :rock:
Need direction just ask!!
I guess I will just settle for a day of hanging out.. Dealing with that Hooter's heart burn, that watered down pink lemonade and that insufferable Borden.... OH, he's on the forum too huh? LOLOLOLOL...
HAHAHA, I was just joking Steve.. Want to go get some ice cream? Hmm? Some Mc Donald's? Want a so-da? No? Awe I tried..
Oh, I have the VTCoA traveling banner in my possession.. So hopefully you guys can sign it..
Venom Power said:
Oh, I have the VTCoA traveling banner in my possession.. So hopefully you guys can sign it..
Sweet i have a banner from another site we can all piss on:D
Excellent.. I didn't see silverqc chime in yet.. I'll give him a call.. I already know z-man will likely be at work but I'll call him anyway. I didn't see Ironhead chime in either. I'll also call him.
Awww man, how long will you have it....I might have to drive somewhere to meet you just so I can sign it.
i can make it but i was thinking on going to track with ryan but i do need to doctor up my old signing of banner i was shall we say slightly drunk when i signed it in Panama city :boring:
plus this will be last weekend my truck will be on the road till i start pulling parts off next weekend
Ironhead said:
i can make it but i was thinking on going to track with ryan but i do need to doctor up my old signing of banner i was shall we say slightly drunk when i signed it in Panama city :boring:
plus this will be last weekend my truck will be on the road till i start pulling parts off next weekend

Yeah I will start pulling the valve covers off next week too.. So soon mine will be off the road as well.

I will have the banner for a while longer than expected. I thought FatJack or silverback needed it right away, but as it appears, they don't. I'll bring an assortment of colored Sharpie markers for you guys to use.
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