MauiSRT/10 be safe


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May 19, 2006
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Westminster, CO
Patrick, be safe when the big storm blows past. According to the weather channel, it might hit the outskirts of the islands. I have been through a few hurricanes in Okinawa and North Carolina, and they can cause a lot of damage. Stay indoors and be safe. Let us know the outcome.
Thanks dude. I've been through my share of storms as well growing up in VA and NC.

This storm has been hyped for so fricken it was suppossed to do slowed down. Now they are saying Wed AM we might get some rain and wind. Ha, we get that most days!! I will tell ya it was freaken humid today.....which sucked!

I dont want huge winds, but we really need the rain.......oh well.

Thanks for the concern Broke!!:) .......and the hot rod is safe in my garage!:D

mauiSRT/10 said:
Me too. Its kinda nice outside right now 7:30 pm..............gonna go enjoy a nice cuban cigar and a cold corona with my neighbor!!:rock:


Now that the way to enjoy life....:rock: :rock:

Be safe my friend and take care off you and your family...:)

9:30pm and its all calm............prolly calm before the storm. Hardly a breeze at all. Shit might hit the fan at 4 am............. I will let you know in the am.

Drama Queen!:D:D:D

Flossie has punked out and has been downgraded to a Cat 1....and is approx. 310 miles south/southeast of Honolulu.

Still well south of of Maui...but good luck anyhow Patrick!:D:D:D I hope you guys pull through it!:)
Winds came down a lot from yesterday. What you have witnessed Krazy is how these local news guys get all sensational...............but I was here in 92 when we all went to bed when they said Iniki would pass south of all the islands!!!! Yeah they fubar'd that one big time!! LOL Kauai's economy was a gonner for more than two years!!

Good Luck Patrick, keep your baby in the garage, JUST in case :D
mauiSRT/10 said:
Winds came down a lot from yesterday. What you have witnessed Krazy is how these local news guys get all sensational...............but I was here in 92 when we all went to bed when they said Iniki would pass south of all the islands!!!! Yeah they fubar'd that one big time!! LOL Kauai's economy was a gonner for more than two years!!


I know Bro...I smile alot when people get all freaked out by "Meteorologist"! I spent 8 years in FL. and lost a house when my wife was 9 mo. pregnant.

We saw quite a few hurricanes and while we dont take them for granted they are a part of our life. I told her the other night that we could move to Ohio and still be hit by hurricane cuz they like to follow us no matter where we go.;) :p :p :p

Man...this storm wont be nuttin for the rest of us. Just another storm to give us a reason to wash the trucks!;)
Patrick. post up a few pics when you get time....I never get tired of shots from the island...:)

Looks like the eye passed about 90 miles south of any land! Whew!!

The wind speed at the closest point of land was less than tropical storm strength. Nothing the Hawaiians aren't very used to!

Good news!

Pics would be cool though!!;)

All is calm in the am too. Looking at the tv, the storm has just kinda broken up below just big island. Its sunny this morning. Last night no rain or wind.

Pics.....I got some pics. Here some random shots. Two fire shots were from a brush fire two months ago. It almost burned up my friends house. Two choppers are my neighbors bikes.....really nice.


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