My gas tank was poisoned.

post some pics! I bought one a couple of years ago, but didn't work. We got our previous truck hit and go...
What is it with society today... you have these types that have to:

1. Destroy some of an ex'es to just be mean.

2. Destory someones elses stuff because you are too dumb to manage your finances to be able to afford something nice yourself.

3. Steal other peeps stuff because you have some drug habit that you can not afford, and are too dumb to realize that the drugs are illeagal, etc.

4. Try to (and sometime succeeed) in hurting someone by setting a trap because you dont agree with "their beliefs, or lifestyle"

My comments are number 4, a few years back a duner friend of mine was heading out to the dunes, and was entering through a gated area, he was going off season so the gates were closed.

As he approached to open the gate, he noticed a small tube like canister attached to the hinging area, about 14" long and 3" wide. So he stopped, called the authorities, they came out with the bomb squad, and found that was a trap just like they had seen many times before set by a wanted extremist eco-whack-job from that was associating himself as being a freedom fighter from the Sierra Group.

So they detonated it with a water cannon, because they knew his style was to use a mercury switch buried inside the device.

When it exploded it was so violent that is nearly destroyed the gate and sent scrapnel for at least 100 feet in all directions.

Had he opened the gate, the devise was only 10 feet from him, the bomb sqaud said that he would have been killed.

About 6-9 months later the suspect was caught setting another device, and now sits in jail.... charged with attempted murder, murder, and several other explosives charges because of devices he built had gone off and killed one person, injuring several others.
the fuel filter is serviced with the fuel pump... more than likely you will need to replace the fuel pump module and clean the tank, injectors will more than likely need to be replaced as well. I have had several customers have this happen to them, insurance usually covers the repairs.
TheMoparConnection said:
the fuel filter is serviced with the fuel pump... more than likely you will need to replace the fuel pump module and clean the tank, injectors will more than likely need to be replaced as well. I have had several customers have this happen to them, insurance usually covers the repairs.
:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Prof said:
Not to worry.

Old wives tale (note first responder above) about sugar ruining an engine.

Here is a review of the rumor:

Try changing the fuel filter first...then if that does not solve the problem, have someone pull the tank and rinse it.

Now get some sleep!

Thanks Prof,

It would make a topic for "Myth busters"
TheMoparConnection said:
the fuel filter is serviced with the fuel pump... more than likely you will need to replace the fuel pump module and clean the tank, injectors will more than likely need to be replaced as well. I have had several customers have this happen to them, insurance usually covers the repairs.

I owned a caruuretor & fuel injection shop most of my working years, and I speak from experiance.

What the connection said is right on the money.

The sugar caramelizes when it gets to the injectors. This happens if the vehicle is run.
It may not show up immediatly but will happen eventually, as the pump injectors and possably the fuel rails are not replaced, the tank and lines need to be cleaned very well.
Ins. will cover it. I've had it though. This truck has been keyed twice, and now this. I'm seriously considering just selling this truck. I can't take it out without letting it out of my sight.

Not to mention the fact that the SRT-10 in particular is a target for eco-terrorists because of the "most polluting vehicle" tag. That's a load of shit by the way. Funny thing is, it gets the best mileage out of all of my vehicles. Let's see...My dump truck gets about 8mpg. My 2007 GMC Sierra work truck MIGHT get 10-12 if I'm lucky. YET my Viper truck can get as high as the mid 20's in 6th gear on the highway.

The truck also sticks out like a diamond floating in a toilet bowl full of 3-day old diarrhea here. This is a depressed part of the country (Shittsburgh PA area) and most people around here drive old Cavaliers. People are jealous so they have to key every nice vehicle they see. God Damn me to hell for busting my ass to make a living, managing my money properly, and having something nice. I should be ashamed of myself.

Sometimes I wonder why I don't scrap metal for a living and snort oxy-cotin pills like 90% of the bums who live around here. I'd better get with the program.
People suck:mad: You can F**K with me all you want... just dont F**K with my truck or my family. I'd find your ex-wifes boygriend and do some interrogating myself:argh:

I took it to the dealership. Told them what I believed happened. They basically said I was crazy. SO, they hooked it up to the computer and it was the TP sensor that threw the code. Replaced it (under warranty), code went away, they called me and I picked it up.

Then last night, THE FIRST FUCKING TIME I DRIVE IT AFTER I PICK IT UP FROM THE DEALERSHIP, THE SAME THING HAPPENS ALL OVER AGAIN!! Truck starts shuddering like crazy, feels like it's not getting any fuel, check engine light comes on again. BACK TO THE DEALERSHIP. This time I'm calling on Monday morning and flipping out on them. I FUCKING KNOW there's shit (either sugar or something else) in that tank!!!!!!!!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

I swear to God if they pull that tank and there's shit in there, I'm gonna fucking snap on them for not listening to me the first time.
I HATE dealers that don't listen to me... most are all trained to not listen to the customer so they can charge you with that stupid diagnostic fee...

I know when I take my truck to Avondale Dodge (Dragons Place), I just tell Patrick what is wrong, and he tells the service manager, they verify that really is the issue.. and the work gets done.. simple, quick, effective... and I dont have to come back yelling and screaming...

sealalot said:

I took it to the dealership. Told them what I believed happened. They basically said I was crazy. SO, they hooked it up to the computer and it was the TP sensor that threw the code. Replaced it (under warranty), code went away, they called me and I picked it up.

Then last night, THE FIRST FUCKING TIME I DRIVE IT AFTER I PICK IT UP FROM THE DEALERSHIP, THE SAME THING HAPPENS ALL OVER AGAIN!! Truck starts shuddering like crazy, feels like it's not getting any fuel, check engine light comes on again. BACK TO THE DEALERSHIP. This time I'm calling on Monday morning and flipping out on them. I FUCKING KNOW there's shit (either sugar or something else) in that tank!!!!!!!!! It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out.

I swear to God if they pull that tank and there's shit in there, I'm gonna fucking snap on them for not listening to me the first time.
When my engine blew and I knew it I told them (dealer) that it blew and not to run it. Described how it ran but then they phone me later that day after it was towed that it sure sounded bad. At least if they did not cover it under warranty I would have sued their ass but all was fixed after Dodge took their sweet time to get the parts needed.... I hate when no one listens they think you are handicapped in some way????

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