Painting the grill?

nothing you do to the grill will prevent chipping... it's just like the hood... the more you drive it, the more it will chip... not so much a question of if, but when...

all the prep in the world won't make a difference... plastidip is nice when it does chip, you can mask and spray just one area, though, keep that in mind...

I did my grill 5 months ago and it's pretty impressive
how good its held up with my truck being a daily
driver and in between washes.. I think since it's basically
Rubber in a can and not rock hard when dries there is more of
a cushion when some hits it.

You can also use the clear glossafier as an invisible bra to protect
that big front bumper that is like a magnet for chips due to rocks and bugs.
All i used was painters tape just to mask off over spray. In the case you do get overspray with it it is actually really easy to take off literally you can almost peel it off. The weird thing is that when you plasti dip something and create a complete seal it holds together very well. I have had my done for about 3-4 months and i still dont have a single chip in it.
I think i will go for the honeycomb.
For Germany the plastidip is a rip off.
Today i was at the shop that offers plastidip
and they asked 87.50 $ for 4 cans (min. Quantity)
I thought they must be joking, but they checked the system and confirmed....

So, no plastidip for me.
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No plasti dip isn't a rip off who ever your buying it from is a rip off check out the home depot web site bro plus you can google where to buy it and check prices.cuz 4 for almost $88 thats almost double plus they're keeping 2 of your can its 6 in a case.
Problem is that you have different prices in the US vs. Europe, where i live.
I just checked online with plastidip germany and they recommend two shops.
The one i have been to in the morning and another one, where you can buy also single cans at a price of 18,75 $. Still a rip off.....
If i only need one can for a grill, i might buy one on my way home.
Otherwise i will go for honeycomb and have my chrome as spare.
One can should be more then enough. I still cant believe 18 bucks for one can, holy crap. I did my with one can and got three coats out of it.
one last question

do you need to sand the chrome before you do plasti dip or just use acetone to clean??
If your going to paint it use a red 3m pad and scuff it up and then prepsol it and prime,paint and clear or plasti dip.

Lasts long time.
Did mine this past weekend and it worked awesome will get some pics up soon no need to prime or sand i just cleaned it real good made sure no bug guts were on it
Just Plasti dipped my grill after reading this. I like the black much more than the chrome. Also sprayed the deflectors because they were all faded.


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Thanks guys, i was surprised how easy it was. Thank you ninj for posting a picture for inspiration. Need to do something about my headlights now, any suggestions?