Pitted Wheels


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Aug 24, 2009
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Richmond VA
What can I do to try to rid the inside of the wheels of some light pitting?
Its just the inside.

My wheels are not super nice , considering I bought the truck with 9000 miles.
The previous owners managed to curb all the dang wheels.

I plan on eventually trying to get some new wheels down the line, but for right now I need to rock what I got.
I sent mine with some curb rash to Goodrich and had a process called PermaStar Chrome done.


I have been very happy with the result...


Prof said:
I sent mine with some curb rash to Goodrich and had a process called PermaStar Chrome done.


I have been very happy with the result...



Those look great Prof!:rock: When they did your wheels did they just chrome the outside or the inside of the wheels too(the inner wheel where all the brake dust sits)?:dontknow:
Tweak said:
What can I do to try to rid the inside of the wheels of some light pitting?
Its just the inside.

My wheels are not super nice , considering I bought the truck with 9000 miles.
The previous owners managed to curb all the dang wheels.

I plan on eventually trying to get some new wheels down the line, but for right now I need to rock what I got.
take some 240 sand them down, work you way up to 600, then get some automotive clear, and reclear, be sure tho to tape off the front section so the clear dotn overspray to the front
Yellow venom said:
Those look great Prof!:rock: When they did your wheels did they just chrome the outside or the inside of the wheels too(the inner wheel where all the brake dust sits)?:dontknow:

The complete wheel...


When they are on the vehicle the inside looks black...because it reflects the wheel liner.
The real benefit to the process (aside from Bling) is that cleaning is so simple...a damp rag does fine...then polish with a soft cloth...

I do pull the wheels to clean them, because I am as concerned with the wheel liners, calipers and suspension being clean too...
I've got at least 60K miles of use on my PermaStar treated rims with great results. If you have rim rash I would not leave it to Goodrich to repair to your satisfaction. Have them repaired locally to you then send them out. BTW...permastar treatment is not chrome.

I'll be sending out two rims to have coated. One is a redo as mentioned above, my curb rash was not repaired to my satisfaction. The other is simply to have a 5th rim available.
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Chuck B said:
I've got at least 60K miles of use on my PermaStar treated rims with great results. If you have rim rash I would not leave it to Goodrich to repair to your satisfaction. Have them repaired locally to you then send them out. BTW...permastar treatment is not chrome.

I'll be sending out two rims to have coated. One is a redo as mentioned above, my curb rash was not repaired to my satisfaction. The other is simply to have a 5th rim available.
Can you show me a picture of how it was not repaired to your satisfaction? I would like to see how they look when they repair them.
They left minor scratches thinking/hoping the Permastar coating would cover them. Much like you see with a repaired paint job. Prep is everything....

I didn't make an issue of it as I know I'm anal about such things. I do a lot of painting and simple orange peel drives me nuts. 98% of public would probably never notice but if I pointed it out you'd agree better prep should have been done.

Additionally, a local SRT owner had two wheels redone by local powder coater. Both wheels turned out poor....clear powdercoat bubbled. I recommended PermaStar to him. He spoke with them and they confirmed they would ensure the bubbles would be removed before applying the finish. They only removed the bubbles from the outer surface. Inner wheel looked like crap with the bubbles still under the Permastar finish. He sent them back and Goodrich redid them to new condition and at no additional charge...other than shipping both ways :eek:
Thanks guys, I do plan on doing the permastar in the near future...
Hey prof or anyone that has sent out a set of wheels... about how much did it cost to get them coated with a very slight rash on one wheels.. if you dont mind me asking.. And is there anyone in the east coast that does the coating
hcetzneb said:
Hey prof or anyone that has sent out a set of wheels... about how much did it cost to get them coated with a very slight rash on one wheels.. if you dont mind me asking.. And is there anyone in the east coast that does the coating
no east coasters, but pm outnumbered, super dude, has had a couple sets done and can get you into cheap shipping
The PermaStar process is a two step process...the first coat is one that should fill gouges and scratches...the second step adds the shiny finish. Make note of the rash with a grease pencil and they will address the problem.

I don't remember the shipping cost, west coast to Chicago...but it was not terrible (Wifey sent the wheels to Goodrich, I bought them from her).

Call Goodrich, they will give you a good estimate.