Possible Bad Front Hub Bearing

It is good now. FYI, the only noise I really had sounded about like a continuous "text vibrate" when turning slightly to the right or left. The left hub was definitely bad, but came out easy. The right was stuck and had a lot of crusty corrosion on the bottom half of the bearing opening. Used a sharp tool to scrape most of it down, then finished it up with a wire brush on cordless drill. Road test was great, noise was gone. I did find that some bushings are split and rotting. So, I guess that will be next.
No being the brightest candle on the cake (most here can attest to that) I had my right front hub bearing go out. Dumb me only replaced the one and left the other. The left (that's the side I sit on when driving) is still working just fine and only has 36K more miles than the replaced one. Yep, 36,000 more miles equating to 113,000 total. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" was the catch phrase in the '70's coined by Jimmy Ling of LTV fame. Guess it still holds today.
I usually concur on that and fix what is broken. But I figured that both were at the same age and miles and were possibly suffering the same fate. If I had only done one, it would have been wrong because I swore my issue was on the right. Turns out the left one had lost its grease and had more play in it.
I have a story...... 1992 Ford Thunderbird 3.8L head gasket went, in December. I lived in Winnipeg! -20 degrees celsius , I changed only one head gasket because of the cold. I had no garage. guess what happened just 3 months later...... not as cold' but still ........:banghead::banghead::banghead: