Potential Hall of Shame Addition - Hyper Audio

Kevan said:
Things For Azmal To Do Today:
1. Stop any and all communication with (lameass) shop.
2. Call attorney.
3. Enjoy adult beverage with large smile knowing that your attorney will hammer them like Brianna Banks.

Do not give up.

While not exactly my area of law, that being employment law, I'd have to second Kevan's post. Biggest problem with most folks is they allow emotions to take over which only makes matters worse.
Yeah, you guys are probably right, I'm going to call around tomorow and see if it's possible to sue from where I live. One of my roomates seems to think it is possible and that would be very nice. Either way I need to stop screwing around with the guy and get a lawyer. I'm entirely too nice, should have got a lawyer the minute after I got it back.
This thread has been helpful, thank's for the info and everything.
Good move, Azmal!

Whenever you see his number come up on caller ID, let it go to voicemail. He'll be confused and will probably say something he shouldn't. LOL Answering machine and voicemail messages are admissible in most courts. :D

If you pick up the phone by accident, repeat this: "I'm sorry but I can't talk to you about this. My attorney will be in touch. Thank you."

I should have been an attorney........
So today I determined I was going to finally install my new headlights I've had sitting around for a while and lo and behold Hyper Audio's astonishing wiring jobs. When they were installing everything the first time I asked them to install a HID kit and just wow... you should see this beautiful rat nest of electrical tape and wires. Super ghetto. I'll post some pics of this fine example of professional installation *sarcasm* I could understand it looking like that if maybe an amateur did it in their dad's garage or something but from a established business. So yeah, I'm not about to touch that mess of wires, I'll just have it stripped out and redone when I have everything fixed at some point.

* Update - And I called the manager just a bit ago to give it one more shot before finding an attorney. As has become typical of him, and I asked him if he got my last email. Same old. Just stalling, nothing resolved. And he's obviously irritable that I keep calling. How dare I cause inconvenience to him. *rolls eyes* this is ludicrous Time to go attorney hunting.
Hehehehe take a picture of that ratnest wiring and go rent the nearest Billboard LOL
We should all start making phone calls to the shop asking what is up with the SRT they decided to destroy and not take care of the problem... willing to bet after about 20 calls he might change his tune.. as he knows his reputation is on the line...

Its one thing to do a bad job...and do the right thing to fix the problem...

But a totally different thing to do a bad job, and play ignorant about it...

The right thing to do here is:

1. Remove Entire Custom Install
2. Re-Install completely from ground up.
3. Re-Paint Truck
4. Provide Rental Vehicle during repair time.
azpyroguy said:
We should all start making phone calls to the shop asking what is up with the SRT they decided to destroy and not take care of the problem... willing to bet after about 20 calls he might change his tune.. as he knows his reputation is on the line...
Nah. We don't want Azmal getting in trouble for harrassment.

azpyroguy said:
Its one thing to do a bad job...and do the right thing to fix the problem...

But a totally different thing to do a bad job, and play ignorant about it...

The right thing to do here is:

1. Remove Entire Custom Install
2. Re-Install completely from ground up.
3. Re-Paint Truck
4. Provide Rental Vehicle during repair time.
Not a bad idea, but I'd change one part:
2. Re-install completely from ground up with reputable vendor.

I still think Plan A should be a full refund and pay for necessary repairs.
heh, dont forget #5. Provide about 20K for lost time, undue stress, and general agrivation. But really, 1-4 is -exactly- what should be done at least.

Calling the shop may not be a bad idea if anyone feels up for doing so of their own accord. It may not acomplish anything constructive but it's worth a shot. Hyper Audio - 281 391 XXXX - Ask for XXXXX I dont know if I can legally endorse or advise anyone to call seeing as how I'll probably end up in court over it, dont know what exactly falls into harassement (I'm sure they'll be grasping for just about everything when they realize they dont have a case)
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heh yeah I'd almost prefer a full refund + repair vs. redo + repair. I really dont like the way any of it turned out to be perfectly honest. Its alright in the back i guess, its not really me, but it'll be alright in shows (possibly) which is the ONLY reason to have that mess of expensive retardation in the back of my truck anyway, but the front is absolute crap
Azmal said:
Calling the shop may not be a bad idea if anyone feels up for doing so of their own accord. It may not acomplish anything constructive but it's worth a shot. Hyper Audio - 281 391 XXXX - Ask for XXXX I dont know if I can legally endorse or advise anyone to call seeing as how I'll probably end up in court over it, dont know what exactly falls into harassement (I'm sure they'll be grasping for just about everything when they realize they dont have a case)
Your new attorney will tell you how good of an idea this ISN'T.
I agree, I've edited it. I've wanted to handle everything rationally and in a civil matter from the start, no reason to play 'dirty' now...
Oh! I forgot something amazing. Today I let a friend use my phone and when he was done he closed the phone and pressed the send button (by mistake) and it called my last call which was hyper audio. I hear a voice coming from my phone (I had thought it was off) and it was the manager. I guess he answered and got no response and thought he hung up, and I heard some garbeled words from my phone till I start listening in, and then I hear this this from him, "I put about 15 miles on your tuck yesterday, just to charge the battery. To be honest wit you, I dont like driving that truck. (distant talk from the customer) and Ralph continues "Ok I'll call you tomorow" (distant talk) and it hung up eventually.

Wow, That's some of the EXACT garbage he fed to me when I was suspicious of him driving my truck w/o permission. I actaully have a thread on the old forums about one of the first incidents, I should try to find that. But man, I'm not the only person's truck this guy likes to drive around at his leisure. Thats a load of BS.

*Update - I was suprised to get an email from ralph and looks like he's ready to step up to the plate and take care of business. Yeah, he wants to go ALL out and paint my tailgate and get a quote for fixing the door panels.... what a guy huh? (Sarcasm intended) Give me a break... this guy... geez. So much for doing this out of court. I've already sent in a request to a couple lawyers locally online and I'll call some when business opens up tomorow.
15 miles to charge the battery!?!?!?!?!? What a load of horsecrap.
We're now at 165 un-approved miles.

Also, if he'd wired it up correctly, he wouldn't need to continually re-charge the battery. Do these guys even know how electricity works?

The lawyer will cost you a few bucks, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.

To paraphrase the Miller Lite Delivery Guy, "...15 miles to charge the battery...y'all must be crazy..."
Kevan said:
15 miles to charge the battery!?!?!?!?!? What a load of horsecrap.
We're now at 165 un-approved miles.

Also, if he'd wired it up correctly, he wouldn't need to continually re-charge the battery. Do these guys even know how electricity works?

The lawyer will cost you a few bucks, but I think it'll be worth it in the end.

To paraphrase the Miller Lite Delivery Guy, "...15 miles to charge the battery...y'all must be crazy..."

I could see MAYBE driving it 2-3 miles to make sure that there were no odd rattles, something rubbing somewhere, wire chafing, etc.. a typical test run that any auto shop might do.. and ONLY after approval of the owner...but 165 miles!!! what the hell was this guy thinking..
Ya know......
After 200 miles on the odo, the vehicle is considered USED.
Imagine if this were a brand new truck and the owner dropped it off....only to return and find out he now owns a USED truck.
The shop would be in deeper than $13K. :)

Let's see: It's usually $0.30/mile. I'd charge them $300/mi to cover "unseen damages to the vehicle/mental anguish/time lost from work". That should about do it.
Ask for it. The worst the judge can say is "no".

(I'm such a prick. LOL)
Kevan said:
Ya know......
After 200 miles on the odo, the vehicle is considered USED.
Imagine if this were a brand new truck and the owner dropped it off....only to return and find out he now owns a USED truck.
The shop would be in deeper than $13K. :)

Let's see: It's usually $0.30/mile. I'd charge them $300/mi to cover "unseen damages to the vehicle/mental anguish/time lost from work". That should about do it.
Ask for it. The worst the judge can say is "no".

(I'm such a prick. LOL)

Looking at what everthing has happened, what they did to vehicle, driving it, etc.. my guess is that the moment you file they will shiet their pants, and take care of the problem out of court.. because most likely the judge not only will order them to take care of the problem, refund, etc.. plus give you $$$ for your time and trouble... you would also want to make sure to embelish the fact that these trucks are rare... and "show him how they screwed your your pride and joy"
Hopefully so, but court cases are never predictable. They may just say "You do not have any contract, that is your own fault. You are the weakest link, good bye." I've heard of that happening before. Ah well, we'll see what Mr. Lawyer has to say about the mess, going to be calling around here in a couple hours. Anyone know what category this suit would fall under? Consumer protection maybe?
Azmal said:
Hopefully so, but court cases are never predictable. They may just say "You do not have any contract, that is your own fault. You are the weakest link, good bye." I've heard of that happening before. Ah well, we'll see what Mr. Lawyer has to say about the mess, going to be calling around here in a couple hours. Anyone know what category this suit would fall under? Consumer protection maybe?

But the thing is... contract or no contract.. you hired them to do a job, they did not do the job correctly, attempted to fix one or more times, and still have not gotten it right...

A contract would say "you do these things" if not "breach of contract", in your case... you delivered your vehicle to them, they did what you wanted, but damaged your vehicle, and did not do a good job in process.. they fact that they have redone a few things will show the court that they have allready admitted shortcomings...

I am unsure what law category this would fall under.

This is the entire reason they businesses have insurance... he just does not want to have it raise it premiums.

I think that if you plead your case appropriately.. you will win, and they will have to pay for your attorney fees as well...

How did you pay them? Cash, Check, or Money Order (got a bank statement showing the withdrawal, copy of check from bank, etc?), credit card (statement?), etc..
Well this is where I feel completely like an idiot. He said he didn't want check or credit cards and prefered cashier's check, so there's no direct link from my account to his hands. I also payed $1500 (cash as per his instance) part of the way through because he got weird all the sudden and demanded I put some money down down. (I offered to pay all up front too and he just said we'd settle up when we're done) He also insisted I split the remaining balance into two seperate cashiers checks (I think he said for tax purposes - Can I assume something shady?) Also on top of that, he still has an Avic N2 unit ($1350 actual cost (retail more) head unit that technically belongs to me) Story behind that is, I supplied the Avic Unit. They said it was faulty and ordered a new one and at that point I'm pretty sure they took the SerialNo. off the new one (the one that is in my truck now) and placed it on the defective one to return it for a new functional one. This makes me wonder, can I get in trouble for this?

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