Prove it!

Black1 said:
Thanks, John.... But, she drinks TEQUILA, and gets REAL feisty..... I drink Vodka and just wait for the morning. ;) :p :( :argh: :marchmellow:

Yea, I drink Golden Grain thats vodka minus any water.

supercar1of1 said:

Yea, I drink Golden Grain thats vodka minus any water.


I used to drink that shit..... 'until the point I wanted to "maintain". ;) :p

........... Good stuff w/ Cranberry juice tho. :rock: I like EVERCLEAR for that now tho. :marchmellow:
Black1 said:
I used to drink that shit..... 'until the point I wanted to "maintain". ;) :p

........... Good stuff w/ Cranberry juice tho. :rock: I like EVERCLEAR for that now tho. :marchmellow:
Synonymous Everclear and rubbing alcohol :marchmellow:
So we have no actual track record to show that Obama or McCain should be president?
I was listening to a clip of Obama on the radio, his voice and tone really make him a great speaker...unfortunately he has
NO WHERE NEAR enough experience to be president, please prove me wrong. i beg you to point out to me what he has done that makes him a good candidate for our presidency. this is what scares me, we have people running to be our president that shouldn't be.
BurntRubber said:
So we have no actual track record to show that Obama or McCain should be president?
I was listening to a clip of Obama on the radio, his voice and tone really make him a great speaker...unfortunately he has
NO WHERE NEAR enough experience to be president, please prove me wrong. i beg you to point out to me what he has done that makes him a good candidate for our presidency. this is what scares me, we have people running to be our president that shouldn't be.
I know the Juggernaut Carlo...and you ain't no Juggernaut :marchmellow: The info is out there over 45 threads LOL do a search Bro :D
TheSickness said:
I know the Juggernaut Carlo...and you ain't no Juggernaut :marchmellow: The info is out there over 45 threads LOL do a search Bro :D

Mikey it has to scare you that this is all our country has to offer. :dontknow:

You dont know the Juggernaut, he is in the Bowery of NYC;)
Black1 said:
( I notice you always "up" the font on your comments.... so I will "up" mine further....... )


Please, please, PLEASE... Do NOT believe there is a "lost" vote in this election. :( It is our RIGHT to vote for the "right" Candidate for our Country! The Dems and Reps most popular scheme is "They are the ONLY vote that MAKES A DIFFERENCE!" Do NOT give into the 2 party system!!!!!! We need AT LEAST 3 parties to be a democracy! ..... If you don't believe me, LOOK IT UP! ;)

The reality is that you are wasting your vote by voting for Ron Paul. It is naive to believe otherwise. I too wish there was not a 2 party system but it is what it is.
I am from Illinois and never heard of barrack obama unitl he started his run for president. Also He is from illinois and sorry to say it but we have the most corrupt government officials in this state, on a positive note for repubs is most of illinois is democrat and these are the most crooked, two names, Mayor Daily and Jesse Jackson Jr. I can really care less but I have toomany brother and sister marines, army, air force and navy also coast guard and I seen first hand on what the dems do to the military when they take office, Obama wants to play nice with all our enemies and mccain remembers communism, and saw first had at what happens to us in war, so he's not gonna leave us pissin in the wind but he is not gonna bring us home with our tails between are legs, maybe some people don't take russia serious anymore but that is exactly why they did it and it is not gonna stop there, clinton sold off half of this country to countries that hate us, why do other countries own and run our tollways and own sections of highways oh yeah bill clinton and all his b.s. legislation. I love the people who say it was just a blow job, this is the leader of the strongest and most powerful military in History not some smuck C.E.O of a commander in cheif. John McCain may be the oldest running pres , but I recall john adams was the oldest president for a while. Also john mccain voted for bills backed by bush and others this is true he backed his party but he spoke out against it, and is the most bipartisan Repub there is, the dems say there for bipartisanship but they never give in and it always has to be there way or nothing. Also one fact everyone forget's but it FUBARED me, the only president in history to have the government shut down becuase he could not agree on the budget, oh Yeah Billy boy again. 1st time in history a government check could not get cashed not military flights etc. Obama has no track record that is worth a piss and he is no MLK or JFK and just like jesse talks a bunch of bullshit. I am sorry for you non military people because you don't know what it is like, he is one of the only P.O.Ws from the Hanoi Hilton to make it to where he is now most of the other guys withered away and lost there minds and etc. If you think waterboarding is torture the N vietnemese s/p invented torcher and yes that should have a impact on decison making you know how strong of a person and mind you must have not only survive but to come out and do what he has done. Look at his track record on your your on not what the media and bloggers tell you and really compare, plus this nation has become a bunch of pussified sad to say it again 90210 generation of kids and politically correct bullshit, the son of hamas came out and said the true intentions of the radical muslim but the media keeps telling us the a peaceful people, how peaceful is a man who kills his own daughter with a stone because he disgraced the family name and no this isn't two thousand years ago its today. Vote obama and we'll be ruled by sharia law not because of his name because he is gonna give into all the bs. Oh and last the only thing the dems do to minorities is hold them done, bush has more women and minorities on his staff than any dem ever had. Just my two cents.
DevilDawg3097 said:
I am from Illinois and never heard of barrack obama until he started his run for president. Also He is from illinois and sorry to say it but we have the most corrupt government officials in this state, on a positive note for repubs is, most of illinois is democrat and these are the most crooked, two names, Mayor Daily and Jesse Jackson Jr. I can really care less but I have too many brother and sister marines, army, air force and navy also coast guard and I've seen first hand what the dems do to the military when they take office, Obama wants to play nice with all our enemies and mccain remembers communism, and saw first hand what happens to us in war, so he's not gonna leave us pissin in the wind nor is he gonna bring us home with our tails between our legs, maybe some people don't take russia serious anymore but that is exactly why they did it and it is not gonna stop there, clinton sold off half of this country to countries that hate us, why do other countries own and run our tollways and own sections of highways, oh yeah bill clinton and all his b.s. legislation. I love the people who say it was just a blow job, this is the leader of the strongest and most powerful military in History not some smuck C.E.O of a company. He is commander in cheif. John McCain may be the oldest running pres, but I recall john adams was the oldest president for a while. Also john McCain voted for bills backed by Bush and others this is true he backed his party but he spoke out against it, and is the most bipartisan Repub there is, the dems say their for bipartisanship but they never give in and it always has to be their way or nothing. Also one fact everyone forget's but it FUBARED me, the only president in history to have the government shut down becuase he could not agree on the budget, oh Yeah Billy boy again. 1st time in history a government check could not get cashed, no military flights etc. Obama has no track record that is worth a piss and he is no MLK or JFK and just like jesse talks a bunch of bullshit. I am sorry for you non military people because you don't know what it is like, he is one of the only P.O.Ws from the Hanoi Hilton to make it to where he is now. Most of the other guys withered away and lost there minds and etc. If you think waterboarding is torture the N vietnemese s/p invented torture and yes that should have a impact on decison making you know how strong of a person and mind you must have to not only survive but to come out and do what he has done. Look at his track record on your own, not what the media and bloggers tell you and really compare, plus this nation has become a bunch of pussified, sad to say it again, 90210 generation of kids and politically correct bullshit. The son of hamas came out and said the true intentions of the radical muslim, but the media keeps telling us their a peaceful people, how peaceful is a man who kills his own daughter with a stone because she disgraced the family name and no this isn't two thousand years ago, its today. Vote obama and we'll be ruled by sharia law not because of his name but because he is gonna give into all the bs. Oh and last the only thing the dems do for minorities is hold them down, Bush has more women and minorities on his staff than any dem ever had. Just my two cents.
:congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :congrats:

Proud members of the "Jerkoff crew"! AKA: Rational, logical Thinkers club
1. Django (PRESIDENT)
2. RAM FROM HELL (Vice President)
3. Black Pearl
5. Love This Truck
8. SuperCar1of1(SGT AT ARMS)
9. MG42pillbox
10. bigike
11. Treker
12. Mopower1958
14. iraqivet01
16. The ITCH!
17. Marc T
18. WizzySRT10
19. DevilDog3097:rock:

Devildawg with all due respect if you read your ballot while voting and considered all possibilities when making a choice instead of blindly voting Republican. You would have noticed his name on the ballot at election time. Being informed is the key to voting correctly./ Sad that he has been your Senator for a few years now and you did not know it.....But judging from the tenor of your post it fits in perfectly with the myopic views of the right wingers. They only see what they want to see. Most far strung lefties are the same way so don't feel bad.....Smile be happy and Semper Fi brudda :marchmellow: