Questions about becoming a police officer?

Everyone love to see firemen. It's the exact opposite for cops.
I think officers and firefighters are great guys but just like everyone else it does suck when they catch you doing 20 over lol. But whatcha gonna do lol
Black1 said:
:dito: :rock: ....... Firefighters and EMTs too! :congrats:

Yes def Firefighter's and EMT/Medics too! We are all a big family, just like this site.
Firefighters and LEOs are two very different breeds as I see it.....

Some similarity, sure.....

But the mindset.... the MO is quite different.....

Haven't met many firefighters who are uber-dominant over others......

Just got done laying to rest a fellow officer. Died on the 25th from injuries he received during a line of duty traffic accident on the 15th. RIP Joshua Broadway. He was only 21.

That's one thing some people don't think about.
Wow, so sorry.

Thanks for his service...from me, and many others.
When I first has hired as a firefighter they gave me a pillow and blanket now thats what I'm talking about.:D :D In all seriousness both job are are great and very rewarding. As for being a FF there are alot of police department that use medic for there SWAT team. I had the pleasure of being part of that group for 8 years and have alot of fond and exciting memories. The money and benifits are good, but you aren't going to be rich. There is good job security which is important now a days. Good luck with whatever you decide.
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looks like im stuck in IL even though I pleaded with my girl to move away for better opportunities at these jobs or any jobs plus better weather. Ive talked to many officers and ffs out here and its hell to get a job apparently so I am not thinking this is going to happen due to there's no jobs avail without a lottttttt of help aka friends in high places from what im hearing unless i want a job in a really great neighborhood where they don't like us white folks toooo much!
GotRidOfTheHemiForThis said:
looks like im stuck in IL even though I pleaded with my girl to move away for better opportunities at these jobs or any jobs plus better weather. Ive talked to many officers and ffs out here and its hell to get a job apparently so I am not thinking this is going to happen due to there's no jobs avail without a lottttttt of help aka friends in high places from what im hearing unless i want a job in a really great neighborhood where they don't like us white folks toooo much!

Check this out.
