Reverse Cam


Full Access Member
Aug 2, 2011
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H-Town (sort of)
I know that I can not be the only person that hates backing up in the QC can I? I am great at backing up, just bad at judging how close i am to the person behind me.
I am looking to put a reverse cam in that will hook into the Dodge NAV system. Has anyone done this already?
Any tips or links?
What year is your truck and what radio do you have?
2006 QC NR. Stock radio with stock nav.

ok, you have a couple options. Let me see if I can find an old post of mine so I don't have to type it all again.

BTW. Stinker is a vendor on the forum.
Stinker is Tony who owns and operates JTS Venom Performance (JTSVP).

he can hook you up:rock:
You will need to remove your radio to see if it has a unused white plug on the back.

Option 1. If your radio was made in later 06, then it might have the proper plug on the back. If it does, you can do this method called the lockpick


Option 2 (If no white plug). this is what I had done to mine.
Call these people NAV-TV
You will need to remove your radio and send it to them. They open it up, solder some stuff to it, add an external box and it allows you to run a camera into it, as well as a ipod for video. This method was somewhere about $500 without buying a camera.
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I put a set of backup sensors in the rear bumper cover. It starts to beep about 3 feet from an object, the beeps get faster the closer you get and goes steady at 1 ft. These kits cost about $50, and work great.