So i got tired of breathing down toolbox 9.5's neck

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viperhauler's keeper said:
I've always told him the only way one of us is getting out of this relationship is death......

and i don't plan on dying anytime soon.......

i got my wifie poo mad once really mad (i know thats hard to beleive) and the next day she,,when we were driving,, pointed to an old oak tree out in a feild and she said thats were she is going to bury my body after she shoots me :dontknow: i went home and locked up the guns:D

so Dan STFU or you might be staring up from under a tree FOREVER
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Ironhead said:
i got my wifie poo mad once really mad (i know thats hard to beleive) and the next day she,,when we were driving,, pointed to an old oak tree out in a feild and she said thats were she is going to bury my body after she shoots me :dontknow: i went home and locked up the guns:D

so Dan STFU or you might be staring up from under a tree FOREVER

hehehehehehehehehehehehe :heeeelllllooooo:
Shoot left handed.... you accuracy will impre 183%
Still better than mine, she keeps telling me she is going to stuff me when I die and put me out on the front lawn :stupido2:
ViperJeff said:
Shoot left handed.... you accuracy will impre 183%
she's a lefty anyways...

so she's learning how to shoot with both hands:D...

wesalbert said:
Still better than mine, she keeps telling me she is going to stuff me when I die and put me out on the front lawn :stupido2:
we allready got plans for you big boy:p

me and boobage gonna run to hawaii:D
wesalbert said:
Still better than mine, she keeps telling me she is going to stuff me when I die and put me out on the front lawn :stupido2:
Shouldn't cost to much to stuff yer little ass!!!:p :p
what'd be even when weasel is stuffed out in the lawn, boobage should put a sign in front of him that says...

"clearly, you see what i am capable of."

end story:D :D :D

maybe dress him up during the holidays:D :D :D
The scary part is she is a nurse. She isn't sticking me with any needles. :p
viperhauler's keeper said:
Come on it'll only hurt for a minute.........

Then you'll be in a happy place (your front lawn).......
:D :D :D :D :D :D

not my happy place
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