Spammers/trolls/secondary screenames!!

You were a crooked ass moderator! I had customers telling me you PM them and try to get business your way! That's F'n bullshit! IMO you shouldn't be here for doing that chicken shit! But, they just remove your MODERATOR status yet let you continue as a member. Yeah I don't care who you are that's wrong.
My flavor of the month is Bleach! Trying to help clean this fucking forum up!

LOL! You keep us entertained for sure. :laugh:
Really Jeff? I've not pissed these trolls off. They have nothing better to do don't you see this? When there's one or two idiots with 16 screenames stirring shit daily how is that ME pissing someone off?
They join and have one post and I pissed them off?
C'mon wake the fuck up! Only reason I'm bitching is because these idiots target my post, my replies, my threads, with bullshit. I have to clean up my own vendor area daily from these fools. All I asked is for whomever to ban permanently the member/member doing this.
You know who they are and they know who they are.
I've listed the names yet they're just ignored.
Again how is this my fault?

You do realize....

Banning someone doesn't delete posts
Banning someone doesn't delete likes
Reporting posts is there for a reason
You own what you sow. You've created an unfavorable following.
I will not follow you around waiting to see who posts nex
I never called them trolls... you did
I'm not the hurt feelings police
I'm not your personal servant
You have mod rights just like all the other vendors to maintain your area how you see fit

And funny how you bitch about unnamed member, maybe I should change the name back, oh wait, you bitched about that too!!!
And I just had to ban another spammer.... fuck
V1R, people have voiced their opinions about you, and I really didn't care what that was. Seemed like a South vs East Coast thing. I don't mod much, and therefore don't have a strong opinion about who can provide what to whom. But this thread is a prime example of why a neutral party like myself may not like you. You continue to poke the sleeping bear until it wakes, then bitch about it. Just let it go, let the moderator mod when he can. Otherwise don't get all worked up about this childish crap. You won't stop them, nor will you ever win a forum argument (from either side). Likewise, the douchebags who think it is cool and funny to make up new profiles to post something worthless is.......worthless. Grow up.

This forum is at its best when it helps people with an issue or a part. Its at its worst when keyboard warriors use it to post their opinions about others.

Viper Jeff, thanks for doing the moderator thing. It looks like it sucks. I don't expect that your time is worthy of this childish crap. Maybe we need a hurt feeling report forum.
This forum is at its best when it helps people with an issue or a part. Its at its worst when keyboard warriors use it to post their opinions about others.

Viper Jeff, thanks for doing the moderator thing. It looks like it sucks. I don't expect that your time is worthy of this childish crap. Maybe we need a hurt feeling report forum.

There's good and bad. A good 95% is all good
hahaha and to think I was called a "crybaby" told to just "man up"
"copy cat"

hehehe, just wanted to stir the kettle a bit:D
Just had to ban two more
Just had to ban another one
BlueWaffle1 racing. Lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Who thinks of this shit??? :rofl: :laugh:
And yet another banning
Just banned two more
and yet.... another one banned......
thought they said you don't do anything?
I don't. I sit on the couch watching southpaw and troll the voa
Just banned another

Was nice to have a day of no spammers

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