teen suicide.

i got picked on in school lol. Who really didn't now im grown up and it to made me stronger and my sense of humor is also pretty high. I now tend to be the person everyone looks up to. Besides have you ever facebooked your old bullies and seen they are 35 working at mcdonalds and are broke with nothin in life to look forward to. I took my punishment often dealing back punishment. OOO and I get a twitch in my face and leg every so often.
i got picked on in school lol. Who really didn't now im grown up and it to made me stronger and my sense of humor is also pretty high. I now tend to be the person everyone looks up to. Besides have you ever facebooked your old bullies and seen they are 35 working at mcdonalds and are broke with nothin in life to look forward to. I took my punishment often dealing back punishment. OOO and I get a twitch in my face and leg every so often.

True man. all them really pop kids who trashed everyone else & did drugs and were the life of every party and such.

all them people I knew and went to school with are dead or losers, well least they had their fun.
When I was an elementary school kid living in a Bronx, New York neighborhood I was always the weakest of the other kids. I was frequently picked on, pushed around, stepped on, left out or last to be picked for team games.. None of the girls saw anything in me but a friend. Hell I even remember a group of girls standing up for me against a little band of punks not much bigger than me. Yeah I was THAT wimpy kid dealing with ALL that. I dreaded my mother or grandmother asking me to run to the corner store for them. I was afraid to encounter the older monsters hanging around the block and along the shortest route to the store. To us now a 14 to 17 year old snot nosed punk is just that. To me at age 8, well, that was the average age of an unforgiving, insidious menace to my health just itching to intimidate me and make my afternoon miserable for a simple laugh with encouraging peers. I don’t know how many times I went the long way around to the store and back just to avoid them. Sometimes I would be unsuccessful and return home hiding a bloody nose or a tear from my mother or grnadmother. I never let them know. I didn’t have representation. I WAS the big brother. Sure I was angry everytime but I didn’t have the power to back it up. :mad:I had no choice but to just take it and hold it in. This went on from 1979 to 1985.

I thank God I was moved away somewhere far I could start over at age 13. I was moved to Houston to become acquainted with a different kind of kids at a time when break dancing and graffiti were their in-thing. That made me a much sought after middle-school aged star from up north… :dontknow:High school kids were even going out of their way to find out who this new kid from the Bronx was. This to my amazement was cause for me to be feared. That was the edge I needed to turn that past rage and helplessness into incentive for lifting weights and becoming bigger and meaner. I thought, someday I wil return to my old neighborhood and SHOW them..

Sure I since returned to my old neighborhood in the Bronx. I’ve run into some of those same punks but NOW I was more menacing and bigger than them. Some were already dead for various reasons (drugs, etc.) and some were still there, grown up and had long forgotten little Anthony who they would pick on for amusement. One of them (Howie) in 1996 became obviously frightened when he realized who I was while alone with me in an elevator on a long ride up in my old high-rise apartment building. That was gratification enough for me. I didn’t have to even lay a finger on him. Why would I? I already learned better and besides.. That bully was at the time well into his thirties and still living at home in the same building with his parents.

All of that bullying I experienced sharpened my wits and taught me to handle situations like that psychologically. Instead of allowing someone to humiliate me I will quickly humiliate myself and own the ammo of ridicule used against me. This is what makes it so easy for me to wear pink fuzzy slippers or even a pink bunny suit, prance around and laugh it off... Laugh almost anything off actually. But if need be, when the laughing is over or isn’t sufficient enough to suit the situation my refusal to be pushed around kicks into overdrive.. Then attack becomes the best defense. Like Outlawl quoted from philosopher Fredrich Nietzche, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” That’s damn right.

What’s sad is these days a kid will likely have to do something drastic or worse (enough to catch a criminal record) to make it all stop and earn respect. Like HotRam (Nelson) said, he had to just break his bully’s damn nose. Good for you Nelson, I wish I could have done that when I was dealing with it all. But some kids don’t have that physical strength or the fear is too immense to make a bold move like that. Unfortunately some are humiliated enough to feel taking their own life is the way out. Too bad they didn’t realize that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.
one time i got really bad picked on, is when i got to high school in 9th grade ,,had this puck ass named Marvin that must have failed school three times in elementry school, he was a junior when i was a freshman but was twice my size and could grow a full beard by then ,,,man he thought he was cool , ,,for some reason he hated me ,,screwed with me day after day ,,one day i got enough of his crap ,walked to shop class and on my way out i grabed a 2x4 about 3 feet long ,,i stood outside of the football feild house and when he walked out i planted that 2x4 right across the bridge of his nose then i kicked the shit out of him till my PF flyers fell off my feet ,,,then he never messed with me or my friends ever again ,,i got suspended for two weeks for that but it was well worth it ,,,,about 5 years after i got of high school i moved to galveston where my mom had moved when she had gotten a job there ,,i went to a dinkie ass carnevelle with my little sister and guess who ended up there as a carney ,,,yup big bad marvin ,,,when he seen me he just hung his head in shame and i pointed and laughed at him ,,,,revenge is best served on a cold plater :rock:
i got picked on in school lol. Who really didn't now im grown up and it to made me stronger and my sense of humor is also pretty high. I now tend to be the person everyone looks up to. Besides have you ever facebooked your old bullies and seen they are 35 working at mcdonalds and are broke with nothin in life to look forward to. I took my punishment often dealing back punishment. OOO and I get a twitch in my face and leg every so often.

i facebooked the kid whose arms i made different lengths.
he blocked me :p
then a week later i was visiting where i grew up and SAW HIM. i stopped and looked, and i think he knew it was me, thou i was twice as fat.
he kept walking.
he is a paramedic now.
guess he never became a sports announcer like he wanted.

is it odd that i still remember his mothers name is bertha?
i think everyone was picked on as a kid, i know i was. my brother used to beat my ass all the time, then he left and went off to college, when he came back he tried to do it again. we ended up tearing up his bedroom, my bedroom, broke the window out of his room. i meant i wasnt getting my ass beat. ended up getting it beat anyway when pops got home...lol I watched the same with my boys. my oldest used to pick on his brother repeatedly and id tell him he was gonna get his ass kicked when his younger brother(who was bigger than him) had enough. sure enough one afternoon when they were like 5 or 6 they were on the trampoline play fighting and the oldest was kicking the youngest. Me and Dawn were watching out the window. Kody the youngest got pissed and beat the shit out of Jase who came in crying. i just laughed at him and told him he deserved it. that ended the picking from then on. i think Kody got his respect that day.

seriously i went to my 20 year class reunion and the majority of the in crowd that did all the picking was in prison or just out of re-hab. This thread is great...lol brings back a lot of memories from middle and high school.

As far as my kids go. I've always told both my boys and my daughter to not ever start a fight but to make sure and throw the first punch and make it a good one if you see there's no other way then call me.
The brother thing reminds me of what I did to mine.
Mine was really athletic. I on the other hand was not. He was taller by quite a bit also.
One day at home we got into it for something. Our mom was watching this. She said "take it outside", so we did. I kicked his butt and had his face pinned in the dirt. Finally mom came out and said let him go. I had a few things to say to him, and another few jabs before letting him up.
Never had a problem after that. :D
Very hard with the loss of a child no matter how it happens....seems like there must of been some signs that could have helped with her maybe she just kept it all in we will be praying for all the families associated and hope they get through this tough time!
I never got picked on in school ,,, but was beaten on a daily basis by my older brother....and I turned out all f'ed up.... It's sad that these kids feel or have no one that they can believe in about their problems.... If she had someone she could have believed in and trusted with her problems , maybe just maybe she would still be here....
lol. To all my pilot car friends. We are going full speed ahead with our mission to make changes in the school policies and local and state laws and hopefully on a national level to make changes when it comes to bullying both in school and this trend of cyber bullying on the internet. Until this happened to us and took Britney away from us we along with many of you had no real Idea about it. Now I am asking for your help. Lisa is going to different schools every week to talk to the students and the staff about the problem of bullying and is making great progress. This is a major thing for her as she had her heart attack a week before Christmas and can still hardly walk but it is something she has to do help save others from this fate. If what has happened to us and the other stories of others that we have shared has touched you or helped you or someone you know in some way please send me a message letting us know how it has helped you. Lisa can use your stories with what she is doing and we also have several more ANTI BULLYING meetings coming up, some with news media and political leaders being there. The next one is May 6th We really need to get this message out and make it happen and there is power in numbers. Some people have already sent me their stories of how our tragedy has helped them but I can't find them so would you please resend them, I will put them in a separate file and make copies for in her folder to take with her. Lisa will be going in for her bypass surgery this month or June so we need to get as much done as we can before that Thank you in advance for your help. ( please email me your story, thanks )
Instead of saying that kids need to toughen up and grow a pair. Mmaybe it should start with the fact that kid shave no respect and their parents let them get away with it, I am sick of the "no not my kid". Us parents who raise respect full and decenet kids in turn get to see them get walked all over in school. Guy bulling is one thing it is usually more physical and doesn't last long. It is the girls that that attack someone emotionally time and time agian believing that like is really like some teen nick drama show. Schools really are turning into a cespol with no rules, teachers can't do anything and they are to the point where they don't even care. We pulled out daughet out of school for this very facts, kids are learning nothing and school is just a big drama scene now. Teachers need yard sticks to smack some sence into these kids again.
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