The Last Word on OBAMA!!! Outstanding Read!


Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2008
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Obama Won't Win It All
by Charley Reese

Barack Obama may have secured the Democratic nomination for president, but I don't think he will ever see the inside of the White House except as a visitor.

He has two things going against him. He's African-American, and he's way too liberal for most Americans. Barring a gargantuan blunder by the Republican candidate, John McCain, those two factors will put Obama on the short end of the vote count.

Race is a factor in America, though no one is going to admit to being prejudiced to a pollster or a journalist. Nevertheless, I believe there remains a substantial number of people who simply will not vote to put an African-American in the White House.

Presidential races are won by stitching together percentages of constituencies. Unlike the Democratic nomination process, the general election is a winner-take-all system. In close races, small constituencies can mean the difference between winning and losing a state's electoral votes.

Obama has been very clever by holding rallies in places like Iowa, Minnesota and Oregon. What do these states have in common? They are white, liberal states with a very small percentage of black residents. Contrary to TV ads, which like to blame parents for teaching their children to be prejudiced, most people develop their prejudices based on their personal experiences.

A very liberal friend of mine confided one day that he was shocked when his middle-school son said to him, "Daddy, I hate (N-word)." When questioned, it turned out that a few African-American thugs were waylaying younger white kids in the restroom, beating them up and stealing their lunch money. The spineless school administrators had done nothing to stop it.

So this is a case in point. The boy had been taught from childhood not to be prejudiced. They had lived in California and had contact with few African-Americans. So the lesson was all theoretical. Moving into the South, however, gave this kid his first person-to-person experience with African-Americans, and it was, in his case, a bad one.

The point being, in states where blacks and whites interact, there is bound to be more friction. Don't be fooled by the la-la land created on television. Some whites don't like blacks. Some blacks don't like whites. I would like to be wrong, but I don't think we've yet reached the nirvana the TV pundits are proclaiming. Obama's win was historic, but so was emancipation, and we all know what happened after that historic event.

I've been leery of Sen. McCain because he seems inclined to bomb Iran. However, now that Obama has sold out to the Israeli lobby, that's a moot point. Furthermore, there is not a stupid idea about gun control that Obama hasn't supported either verbally or with his vote.

The Second Amendment was not written for duck hunters. It was written for self-defense and for defense against tyranny. Obama ought to talk to some of the people who survived the civil-rights revolution about how they stayed up all night with their private firearms to protect their families. He ought to research the old Jim Crow laws, which banned blacks from owning certain kinds of firearms.

If my choice is between a guy who may bomb Iran and one who shows such contempt for the Constitution as to support gun control, then the Iranians need to start working on their bomb shelters. A man ignorant of or contemptuous of the Second Amendment cannot be trusted to obey any of the Bill of Rights. He cannot be trusted to appoint sensible judges. Americans need to send a clear message to all politicians that our rights are non-negotiable.

If people think the Second Amendment is archaic, then try to repeal it. Until then, it is as binding as the rest of the Constitution and must be respected.

:congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats:
supercar1of1 said:
I bet Imanutjob in Iran will change his tune if McCain gets the job.


We shall see:dontknow: Who the hell knows whats gonna happen?? Crazy ass world we live in, and I'm just along for the ride:burnout:
I say we turn the PLAYBOY mansion into the white house, the PLAYMATES can be the congress, and all the US money have the faces of playmates!!!!!!

we can change the national anthem!!! we'll talk about that later..

what country would be mad at us if the were all the centerfolds ran our country!!!!!

i think i'm on to something
1badnightrunner said:
i think i'm on to something

I feel you're insane and thinking with the wrong head.. Just ponder on it for a while. Blonde jokes will be outlawed and abolished. Then we'll be stuck joking only about Polocks and Aggies.. But on the flip side I kind of like the Centerfold Administration idea.. WE'LL GIVE NEW MEANING TO CENTRAL AMERICA!!
B-HO is so articulate and polished that he beat old Ironbox Hillary Clinton.

The old man better have his shit together...... Obama is on a fkn roll.....

Maybe if he wins, he'll let me wash HIS cars..... or his snotty, snooty wife....

While Mccain may bomb Iran and not surpress gun control - whos going to pay for the debt of all that?
Answer my kids and their kids.

Not right. Especially that it doesnt matter to old rich politicians who will be dead long before they need to worry about it.

Sorry off my soapbox now
shade said:
While Mccain may bomb Iran and not surpress gun control - whos going to pay for the debt of all that?
Answer my kids and their kids.

Not right. Especially that it doesnt matter to old rich politicians who will be dead long before they need to worry about it.

Sorry off my soapbox now

This is just me, but I would rather my money go towards eliminating what

is an undeniable threat to our country, than it be squandered on these what

has proven to allways fail, social programs; ie, If we had sent condoms

instead of money and food back in the 60's there would not be any starving

Africans today.

There is a place called Easter Island, we need to learn from what happened there.

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He has still got my vote......You Conservative Dudes crack me up....Next you will come up with Pics of him burning the flag and impaling babies on stakes :D
TheSickness said:
He has still got my vote......You Conservative Dudes crack me up....Next you will come up with Pics of him burning the flag and impaling babies on stakes :D

Dang Mr.Sick,

I was going to post those this evening, but now it won't

be a surprise!!:rock: :D :D :D :D :D :p :p :p :p

TheSickness said:
He has still got my vote......You Conservative Dudes crack me up....Next you will come up with Pics of him burning the flag and impaling babies on stakes :D

Obama isn't dangerous because he's sociopathic or homocidal.

He's dangerous because he's a politician..... probably the best we've seen....

I have no doubt that he's sincere.... But IMO he's sincerely wrong.

We need someone who's not afraid to apply the swiftest, most surgical strikes (even) against individuals or small groups of our enemies (using expert covert kill teams)..... His Neville Chamberlain-like approach to world politics is pure ego..... as if he's so smooth that he can talk his way into (or out of) anything.

Our enemy is more than happy to talk as long as B-HO wants while they plan to slash our "infidel" throats in the watches of the night.... Diplomacy doesn't work against our enemies. They don't believe in playing by any rules or in decency... They just want us gone...dead...wiped from the face of the map....

BTW I thought his statement (the other day) about esteeming our brothers in Israel was an out an out (political) lie.... He doesn't give a rat's ass about Israel and everyone (even he) knows it.... Politics is all about the satisfaction of men's egos... It's not about service to our nation, a sense of duty or love of country.....

Anyone who thinks that the platform of "Throw the bastards Out" (CHANGE) is a new one is living in a fools fkn paradise...... "CHANGE" in one shape or form has been dusted off and trotted out before the voting masses ever since the late 1700's...

The platform of CHANGE (like religion) should be considered (as) the last refuge of a scoundrel..... Or (in this case) the platform of a man who really can't think of much else (on which) to build.

As I said, we need Teddy Roosevelt... Someone who WILL walk softly and carry a BIG stick....

Obama just doesn't have enough experience, attitude or grit....

But, that doesn't mean he won't win............

It's certainly a choice between the lesser of two imperfect candidates, but my dog in this fight is McCain.... He's compassionate, intellectual, more than sufficiantly experienced, thoughful in his approach, militarily acute and has exceedingly and abundantly more tools to lead this nation at this time in it's history than a smooth talking, first term junior senator who was rarely even in Washington to vote.

Obama is the personification of symbolism over substance.... ('scuse the cliche')

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shade said:
While Mccain may bomb Iran and not surpress gun control - whos going to pay for the debt of all that?
Answer my kids and their kids.

Not right. Especially that it doesnt matter to old rich politicians who will be dead long before they need to worry about it.

Sorry off my soapbox now

While this is most likely true. The national debt will always continue to rise. Its who we are as a nation. Also If a Democrat were elected, they believe in more goverment, which will increase spending. Yes they may increase taxes to offset that, but then its more money out of your pocket. Would you rather have the money now or when your dead. If you feel that the goverment will be broke teach them how to save their money.

I dont really see how either candidate is going to do anything, its all politics!
BurntRubber said:
While this is most likely true. The national debt will always continue to rise. Its who we are as a nation. Also If a Democrat were elected, they believe in more goverment, which will increase spending. Yes they may increase taxes to offset that, but then its more money out of your pocket. Would you rather have the money now or when your dead. If you feel that the goverment will be broke teach them how to save their money.

I dont really see how either candidate is going to do anything, its all politics!

I wish they had to run the government bank account like responsible people run their bank account.
Pisses me off I want to bitch slap these guys spending our cash.
Experience.....Really so who has it ? I argue that only a President that is serving his second term does :D Experience is a feeble argument. Style over substance holds little to no merit in the debate my friend. Before it became cliché I said voting for McCain is simply putting a referendum on the past 8 years of utter non thinking before acting. McCain and Bush are one in the same on almost every issue except for intelligence maybe. McCain has a brain and is not afraid to use it. The co mingling of religion in politics from the right side of the aisle is what has turned me off to the party, until it changes.

This country can not afford another 4 years of the same. The time for a change is now. If not Obama then who ? Certainly a man of your intelligence is not naive enough to think that voting for a long time Washington retread will effect a change in anything other then his underwear. As I have stated in many previous posts Obama has my vote unless he selects Clinton as a running mate....Beacuse it is my belief that if she is, something unfortunate will become of him like Vincent Foster and 52 others under the Clinton regime.
Call it coincidence, call it whatever you would like...Fact is many people associated with those 2 disingenuous Assholes have died. They are both pathological liars and narcissistic beyond belief. The Clinton's destroyed the military ect...I hate them !

Would Obama be any different ? That remains to be seen. What scares people is the unknown because he is not tenured or established in what amounts to a elitist circle jerk of doing nothings....Jr Senator yes...So was Jack Kennedy....Thomas Jefferson was merely the Ambassador to France and yes a Jr Senator. Abraham Lincoln did not have experience nor George Washington. Ronald Regan was only a Governor ect....The list of Non experienced candidates is far more distinguished then the ones that have had it....So the argument is baseless at best. But one people fall back on when searching for something....anything to buttress a failing argument when attacking a candidate that is not to their liking.

Best of all I like that they I.E. Media and conservative news outlets bring his church into it....I went to and served a Church as a youth pastor sometime ago....The Pastor took off with all the monies collected from parishioners. So because he did that I am now a master thief and an adulterer...That's what he did so since I was a member of the staff I must some how be the same way right :D My pastor is a Nazi lover so I in turn must be just like him. Forget the fact God granted us with the capacity for Free Will....I am a sheep to his flock :D Amazing how any of this makes sense to anyone with enough common sense to breath....It's all Bullshit !!!! He has my vote because he does not have " experience ".....Maybe, Just maybe he can do something that actually helps our country and not his own portfolio and those of his established cronies....I say give him a chance :congrats:
Nice try, Mikey...........

But ANY....that's ANY arguement that contains analogies comparing Obama to Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this nation and the author of the Declaration of Indefuckingpendence is about as ignorant and feckless an argument as I've ever heard.......

The only common bond between Jefferson and OBama is that they both belong to the human race....... Like (intellectually) comparing Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan to Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur or Thomas Edison....

I love ya' bro....But, get fkn real, please........

Django said:
Obama isn't dangerous because he's sociopathic or homocidal.

He's dangerous because he's a politician..... probably the best we've seen....

I have no doubt that he's sincere.... But IMO he's sincerely wrong.

We need someone who's not afraid to apply the swiftest, most surgical strikes (even) against individuals or small groups of our enemies (using expert covert kill teams)..... His Neville Chamberlain-like approach to world politics is pure ego..... as if he's so smooth that he can talk his way into (or out of) anything.

Our enemy is more than happy to talk as long as B-HO wants while they plan to slash our "infidel" throats in the watches of the night.... Diplomacy doesn't work against our enemies. They don't believe in playing by any rules or in decency... They just want us gone...dead...wiped from the face of the map....

BTW I thought his statement (the other day) about esteeming our brothers in Israel was an out an out (political) lie.... He doesn't give a rat's ass about Israel and everyone (even he) knows it.... Politics is all about the satisfaction of men's egos... It's not about service to our nation, a sense of duty or love of country.....

Anyone who thinks that the platform of "Throw the bastards Out" (CHANGE) is a new one is living in a fools fkn paradise...... "CHANGE" in one shape or form has been dusted off and trotted out before the voting masses ever since the late 1700's...

The platform of CHANGE (like religion) should be considered (as) the last refuge of a scoundrel..... Or (in this case) the platform of a man who really can't think of much else (on which) to build.

As I said, we need Teddy Roosevelt... Someone who WILL walk softly and carry a BIG stick....

Obama just doesn't have enough experience, attitude or grit....

But, that doesn't mean he won't win............

It's certainly a choice between the lesser of two imperfect candidates, but my dog in this fight is McCain.... He's compassionate, intellectual, more than sufficiantly experienced, thoughful in his approach, militarily acute and has exceedingly and abundantly more tools to lead this nation at this time in it's history than a smooth talking, first term junior senator who was rarely even in Washington to vote.

Obama is the personification of symbolism over substance.... ('scuse the cliche')


:rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock: :congrats: :rock:

Django said:
Nice try, Mikey...........

But ANY....that's ANY arguement that contains analogies comparing Obama to Thomas Jefferson, one of the founders of this nation and the author of the Declaration of Indefuckingpendence is about as ignorant and feckless an argument as I've ever heard.......

The only common bond between Jefferson and OBama is that they both belong to the human race....... Like (intellectually) comparing Britney Spears to Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur or Thomas Edison....

I love ya' bro....But, get fkn real, please........

I did not draw any comparisons other then their lack of expiriance....You connected the dots Bro. BTW the so called author of the DOI was a group of 4...He simply penned the Article ;) Benjamin FuckinFranklin and John FuckinAdams would be the true authors.....:D Oh and another interesting Tidbit of info....Had John Adams actually penned the DOI slavery would have been abolished 100 years earlier ;) Jefferson a slave owner and ardent lover of slave Tang refused to write the DOI unless the lines of abolishing slavery were taken out :marchmellow: Although articulate I believe the only ignorance was in your first post and the second was not to far behind :D
shade said:
I wish they had to run the government bank account like responsible people run their bank account.
Pisses me off I want to bitch slap these guys spending our cash.

Anyone see that report that confirmed that any of us would be

jailed for fraud if we handled our affairs like washington handles ours.

WHAT A SURPRISE!!!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

shade said:
I wish they had to run the government bank account like responsible people run their bank account.
Pisses me off I want to bitch slap these guys spending our cash.

Yep, unfortunatley there are few things we can do to protect ourselves from it.