The Philosophy Thread - an Experimental Therapy:

Prof said:
OK...lets start today!

Great philosophy.

Sounds much better than the regular way,huh ?
Instead of starting off with a "bang" and then all downhill,it is just the opposite.:D :rock:
Oh Lord, if I start off in here I will leave behind loong drawn out colorful posts that would be too grueling to read.. I'll just stay shut and read everyone's posts instead..
Venom Power said:
Oh Lord, if I start off in here I will leave behind loong drawn out colorful posts that would be too grueling to read.. I'll just stay shut and read everyone's posts instead..
:D :D :D :D :D
OK...have been listening to a pretty good audio book:Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, by Sharon Begley

The fundamental concept is counter intuitive...most people believe that your brain and what is in it comprises the essence of your mind.

Sharon and many others by the way are making the case that more and more successful people use their mind to mold their brain. The metaphysical actually altering the physical...something Buddhists have been advocating for years.

Just wondering what some here think of the concept and has anyone really tried this approach to changing their lives?
Rapunzel41 said:
Nice joke :). On a more serious note though, I think whether Jesus had biological siblings is an interesting issue and its a hotly contested one between and within some faiths. Some people find it necessary to hold that Mary was always a virgin. I see no reason why that would have to be true or why Mary subsequently having intercourse and other children would dimish the immaculate conception and virgin birth. The Bible does indicate that Jesus at least had brothers, still some choose to read this as only meaning "brother" in the sense that the disciples were his bretheren.
There are a ton of writings that the early church fathers edited out of the bible, and yes you are correct Yeshua(Jesus) Had 3 brothers James,Jude and Simon, also had a sister josie. I have all the text that where excluded from what is now called the bible, we forget the powers that be always have a hand in everything, so thats where religion and faith are seperate. If you would like pm and I can send you copies, greek latin hebrew or english tranlsation. I suggest start with the gospel of thomas, this in my opinion is the Q document the other gospels come from. Also the didache, or shepard of hermas are good ones to start. Heres a link to the gospels and writings that where removed from the bible in the 4 and 5th century. any questions feel free to ask.
Prof said:
OK...have been listening to a pretty good audio book:Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain, by Sharon Begley

The fundamental concept is counter intuitive...most people believe that your brain and what is in it comprises the essence of your mind.

Sharon and many others by the way are making the case that more and more successful people use their mind to mold their brain. The metaphysical actually altering the physical...something Buddhists have been advocating for years.

Just wondering what some here think of the concept and has anyone really tried this approach to changing their lives?
What would I ever do with the others ? the voices I mean :D
I won't get into details, but I can tell you (from experence) that when you are driven deep down inside yourself, strong enough, you can completely change who your are.

A person's will, (if strong enough) can force the mind to behave in a completly different manor than it ever did before. DAMHIK

Begood said:
I won't get into details, but I can tell you (from experence) that when you are driven deep down inside yourself, strong enough, you can completely change who your are.

A person's will, (if strong enough) can force the mind to behave in a completly different manor than it ever did before. DAMHIK


There is a superfluous semicolon in your sigline between "AS" and "TOO MUCH"....

I believe that the brain is simply the physical housing for the mind.

While I have not read the book,yes,I do believe that it works this way.

(you are what you think you are,you can do what you think you can do
what happens in the mind,happens in time)

Also ,I read in a body-building mag that seeing yourself the way you wanted to become was an essential part of training
there was a study done on 12 ( I think ) people
All of them shot free-throws to get a baseline of their performance
Six then practiced shooting baskets everyday for a period of time
And six only shot them in their mind everyday

At the end of the study,they all came back to see how well they could do
The group that had only imagined shooting baskets had improved almost as much as the group that
had actually practiced

Pretty powerful argument that it does indeed work
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HOT RAM said:
I believe that the brain is simply the physical housing for the mind.

While I have not read the book,yes,I do believe that it works this way.

(you are what you think you are,you can do what you think you can do
what happens in the mind,happens in time)

Also ,I read in a body-building mag that seeing yourself the way you wanted to become was an essential part of training
there was a study done on 12 ( I think ) people
All of them shot free-throws to get a baseline of their performance
Six then practiced shooting baskets everyday for a period of time
And six only shot them in their mind everyday

At the end of the study,they all came back to see how well they could do
The group that had only imagined shooting baskets had improved almost as much as the group that
had actually practiced

Pretty powerful argument that it does indeed work
Indeed speaking to the fight game on my end....If you go into a cage thinking you are anything other then invinsible you will have lost before it has begun. While it takes alot of skill to fight Martial Arts that is only 10% of it...It's almost all mental at the point of combat....I have never tapped......ever. You would have to knock me clean out or choke me out completely before I will accept failure...Some people are just built this way I guess :D
TheSickness said:
Indeed speaking to the fight game on my end....If you go into a cage thinking you are anything other then invinsible you will have lost before it has begun. While it takes alot of skill to fight Martial Arts that is only 10% of it...It's almost all mental at the point of combat....I have never tapped......ever. You would have to knock me clean out or choke me out completely before I will accept failure...Some people are just built this way I guess :D


I was taught the same thing

(your mind is your primary weapon)

Same thing applies to survival training
you have to condition your mind to survive
HOT RAM said:

I was taught the same thing

(your mind is your primary weapon)

Same thing applies to survival training
you have to condition your mind to survive
I never cracked in SERE school.....How long did it take you :D
ok i got a great thought question for ya ,,,ready

:argh: :argh: WHY DO TURDS COME OUT POINTED ONLY ON ONE END :argh: :argh:

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