There are other members needing positive thoughts

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I pray for Luke, Scott and their families. I also pray for all the members of the forum and their families as each day we are tested and go through trials and tribulations. Father each of us desire your grace and support.
Georgia Ken said:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I pray for Luke, Scott and their families. I also pray for all the members of the forum and their families as each day we are tested and go through trials and tribulations. Father each of us desire your grace and support.

I personally believe that when each person strives to be the best they can be....put others before themselves...stop and say thank you for each and every blessing they have..
rejoice in the kindess of humanity, this is in fact a form of religion and faith.

As some of you know, I wholeheartedly believe in and participate in a structured religion, but,...IMO, this is THE lesson that everyone, everywhere needs to learn. Anyone can say they are a Christian. When you learn and practice this lesson you are actually being one. And, whatever your religious persuasion is, I think we can all share this ideal in common. Maybe that's what draws us together and makes this odd, diverse, looney bin of a forum family work like it does. Thanks, Mom, for articulating it.

It does my heart good to hear the positive updates. Phil, Scott, Luke and everyone else here, here's thinking of you and asking the Big Guy upstairs to look out for you.
Big Asp said:
Anyone can say When you learn and practice

Concur, it is all about walking the walk...talking is fine but...application and practice is where the rubber meets the road...(sorry trying to keep this a little vehicle oriented)

I truly believe (have to believe) that we are all basically good...that is part of the grand design, but environment, situations and all manner of things, tend to get us off track...the application of human instincts will in most instances stand us in good stead...IMHO.
There is another family in need.

To the person I shared the PM's with today I just want you to know I'm praying for your family. I know this is a very hard time and the road ahead looks even harder. But I hope just knowing that we are here for you will help ease the daily pain/burden you carry. Nothing we can do to help you right now, but we can pray or place you in our thoughts. Bless you brother.

Thank you for our lives and for the life that we have in you, Lord.

We pray that "Your will be done" in the lives of Phil, Luke, Scott and in this whole earth. Just as it is in heaven.

We ask that your peace will rise up strong within and through us as we live our lives day to day. We ask that your Spirit would inspire us to bless others in the same way that we have been blessed by you.

We pray that your angels would surround and protect those in dire need, to guard them and do warfare for them against the forces of evil. We pray that they would minister healing to those in need, that they would cover them with their wings in times of trouble and despair.

We pray that every day you would spiritually recreate us in your image and remake us into your likeness...... In Jesus name.....

Best wishes to all in need at this time. If I can do anything for anyone, I will do must best to make it happen.
positive thoughts

Ya know guys and girls,it still amaze's me that a forum that revolove's around trucks gets involoved with such a caring compassion for our Brothers and sisters,with this kind of positive spirit we truely make a better world,
May the guy upstairs look after all that need His devine help,I will certainly lower my head and pray.
Chat Tonight

Hello Everyone,
Some of you may not have known that there was an open chat tonight with Phil via Kevan.....It was so incredible....Phil's mom and son were also in the room. There usually was an average of 12 members at any one time. It was just another example of how much you all care for each other. There were jokes, (some were better than others) updates, well wishes, and offers to Phil and his entire family to help in anyway possible. There was a feeling of being united together in a common bond. At one time Kevan said Phil was moving an arm, and then trying to sit up....It was as if we all felt that he knew we were there sending our love....I mentioned in an earlier post there was another member who was having a family difficulty. Please keep him also in your prayers/meditation this week. I have had PM's from several people who have offered to help in any capacity. We are family.......we care and look after each other. If you have a special need, from prayer to actual physical assistance, pleez contact me or Flying Low....we will know the person to contact, who has the talents needed to help....if you are familiar with the bible you will remember the parable of the talents....use your talents so they can be multipled...don't just dig a hole and hide them, to be used at another time....for you ,that time may never as we all know is short and we never know what lies around the corner in our future. It is therefore important to show your love in THOUGHT, WORD, AND DEED, for each other and all mankind. Thank you all for showing your love.

Silent D said:
Thank you for our lives and for the life that we have in you, Lord.

We pray that "Your will be done" in the lives of Phil, Luke, Scott and in this whole earth. Just as it is in heaven.

We ask that your peace will rise up strong within and through us as we live our lives day to day. We ask that your Spirit would inspire us to bless others in the same way that we have been blessed by you.

We pray that your angels would surround and protect those in dire need, to guard them and do warfare for them against the forces of evil. We pray that they would minister healing to those in need, that they would cover them with their wings in times of trouble and despair.

We pray that every day you would spiritually recreate us in your image and remake us into your likeness...... In Jesus name.....



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