This guy "DMX" is a real winner...NOT


Full Access Member
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Beyond the Sun....
Check out this video on CNN... the rapper DMX is in Florida right now in court because Arizona put out a warrant for his arrest for not showing up for his court hearings.... he has been in and out of court here in AZ at elast 4-5 times... and blown of several hearings...

In this video they bleeped it out because the judge in Miami refused to accept his motion/plea let him out on bail, and is sending him back to Arizona to complete his trial/jail time.. he then got mad and dropped the F-bomb in front of the judge.. its funny.. how the judge and prosecutor were laughing about it...

This guy just needs to go away for a long time... you can take the thug off the streets and gangs, but you can never remove the gang from thug...

Kinda like saying... you can take the tramp out of the trailer park, but you can never remove the trailer park from the tramp....
azpyroguy said:
Check out this video on CNN... the rapper DMX is in Florida right now in court because Arizona put out a warrant for his arrest for not showing up for his court hearings.... he has been in and out of court here in AZ at elast 4-5 times... and blown of several hearings...

In this video they bleeped it out because the judge in Miami refused to accept his motion/plea let him out on bail, and is sending him back to Arizona to complete his trial/jail time.. he then got mad and dropped the F-bomb in front of the judge.. its funny.. how the judge and prosecutor were laughing about it...

This guy just needs to go away for a long time... you can take the thug off the streets and gangs, but you can never remove the gang from thug...

Kinda like saying... you can take the tramp out of the trailer park, but you can never remove the trailer park from the tramp....

It is so nice after 28 years not to have to deal with those scumbags any more.

are the judge and attorney brothers? they look like brothers
Okaaaaay so the judge sounded like a fag.. Meanwhile DMX is a plain idiot to say something like that to a southern judge that likely isn't a hip hop fan..

I'm especially disappointed in DMX's antics because he's from where I am from.. Bronx, NY.. His junkyard dog attitude just makes people feel all New Yorkers are that way, and it's not true.. Shame on him.. Being from the streets doesn't mean you have to act out your ass to get your point across.
Money....easy come, easy go

But at least his lawyer is happy
Venom Power said:
Okaaaaay so the judge sounded like a fag.. Meanwhile DMX is a plain idiot to say something like that to a southern judge that likely isn't a hip hop fan..

I'm especially disappointed in DMX's antics because he's from where I am from.. Bronx, NY.. His junkyard dog attitude just makes people feel all New Yorkers are that way, and it's not true.. Shame on him.. Being from the streets doesn't mean you have to act out your ass to get your point across.

Mr. Simmons is just trying to keep is "Cred". ;) If he doesn't get arrested at least once a year, there is something seriously wrong with him.
Should have slapped a Contempt of Court charge on his ass too !!!:rock: :rock:
Hip Hop is not really my "thing", but I also understand that he is trying to "save face" with with "brothers".

I know that all NYers are not that way, in fact I have friends in the area.

But DMX is just a plain idiot, and if you do the crime, you can do the time... he thinks because he is a "big bad as* rapper star" that he can get away with the things that he "raps" about in his songs... but it just aint that way..... he is just a total screw up and deserves to be behind bars whether here in AZ, Florida, or wherever he decides to go next...
I've never heard of him before now. Just goes to show that bad publicity is better than no publicity. At least it keeps his name in the headlines. Moron.
azpyroguy said:
Hip Hop is not really my "thing", but I also understand that he is trying to "save face" with with "brothers".

I know that all NYers are not that way, in fact I have friends in the area.

But DMX is just a plain idiot, and if you do the crime, you can do the time... he thinks because he is a "big bad as* rapper star" that he can get away with the things that he "raps" about in his songs... but it just aint that way..... he is just a total screw up and deserves to be behind bars whether here in AZ, Florida, or wherever he decides to go next...

There are bad apples in every type of crowd.
He is a Bonehead for sure...But he will be a richer bonehead when the new CD drops LOL :D I dropped the F Bomb in court 3 times once...Spent a day in Jail for each offense as well...I had the last laugh though I got 2 root canals and my back fixed at the Counties expense :D
TheSickness said:
He is a Bonehead for sure...But he will be a richer bonehead when the new CD drops LOL :D I dropped the F Bomb in court 3 times once...Spent a day in Jail for each offense as well...I had the last laugh though I got 2 root canals and my back fixed at the Counties expense :D

LOL!!!!............... NICE! :D :rock: ;) :congrats:
Black1 said:
LOL!!!!............... NICE! :D :rock: ;) :congrats:
As a Deputy and Jailer before hand I knew all the In's and outs and took advantage of them :D I also was put into Gen Pop for the last day where I informed everyone on how to milk the system....They never asked me to stay in that hotel again :dontknow: :D
TheSickness said:
As a Deputy and Jailer before hand I knew all the In's and outs and took advantage of them :D I also was put into Gen Pop for the last day where I informed everyone on how to milk the system....They never asked me to stay in that hotel again :dontknow: :D

I Bet you gave all the inmates HUMMERS too..... :congrats: :congrats: :congrats: :marchmellow: :eek: :p :rock: