Tonight was the First VTCoA Meeting...

Pics look great, looks like you are all having a great time.

Azmotorhead said:
I think he might have drank too much,passed out & knocked his noggin on that big hunk of bling on his hand

Too much Diet Coke will do that to a fella. All the folks drinking beer were unscarred :2in1:
Man I wish I could make it down there. I tried calling Dave to see what was going on with the Meeting I want info. Damn I should start on the very first VTCOA newsletter.
I wanted to post this on the other VTCOA thread but it got locked down before I could finish:

I just wanted to say that there seems to be whole lot of hoopla being generated regarding the meeting in TX and what's going on there.

IMHO the core of this issue is a power struggle between various entities or individuals.

Well here's my .02: This forum should NEVER be administered by anyone who does not participate with our family on a full time basis. Why should they? .......... Unless someone interracts on a daily basis with his fellow forum members, he/she cannot know what interests or motivates them. Ergo: They cannot meet the needs of the forum at large without the knowledge gleaned from direct experience.

For this reason, I cannot see how anyone other than Jack, Rokt or someone of their tenure can lead us.....

Even as much as I respect Dan Cragin, Gary Virgin and other well respected vendors, I believe that having a vendor lead this organization would constitue a very serious conflict of interest.

If you believe that someone who considers this forum as (even a part) of their customer base won't have their decisions motivated by money, than you (respectfully) are living in a fools paradise.

We need leaders whose commitments will always be dedicated to the good of the forum and its members, not measured by the thickness of their wallets.

Good Luck to "our boys" at the conference.

I also wish I could have been there.....I support the forum and the club in any way I can.......lets leave the egos home and build a club by the members for the members.....Lots of good people in the family that can help that cause.

Silent D said:
I wanted to post this on the other VTCOA thread but it got locked down before I could finish:

I just wanted to say that there seems to be whole lot of hoopla being generated regarding the meeting in TX and what's going on there.

IMHO the core of this issue is a power struggle between various entities or individuals.

Well here's my .02: This forum should NEVER be administered by anyone who does not participate with our family on a full time basis. Why should they? .......... Unless someone interracts on a daily basis with his fellow forum members, he/she cannot know what interests or motivates them. Ergo: They cannot meet the needs of the forum at large without the knowledge gleaned from direct experience.

For this reason, I cannot see how anyone other than Jack, Rokt or someone of their tenure can lead us.....

Even as much as I respect Dan Cragin, Gary Virgin and other well respected vendors, I believe that having a vendor lead this organization would constitue a very serious conflict of interest.

If you believe that someone who considers this forum as (even a part) of their customer base won't have their decisions motivated by money, than you (respectfully) are living in a fools paradise.

We need leaders whose commitments will always be dedicated to the good of the forum and its members, not measured by the thickness of their wallets.

Good Luck to "our boys" at the conference.


DITTO!!! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Silent D said:
I wanted to post this on the other VTCOA thread but it got locked down before I could finish:

I just wanted to say that there seems to be whole lot of hoopla being generated regarding the meeting in TX and what's going on there.

IMHO the core of this issue is a power struggle between various entities or individuals.

Well here's my .02: This forum should NEVER be administered by anyone who does not participate with our family on a full time basis. Why should they? .......... Unless someone interracts on a daily basis with his fellow forum members, he/she cannot know what interests or motivates them. Ergo: They cannot meet the needs of the forum at large without the knowledge gleaned from direct experience.

For this reason, I cannot see how anyone other than Jack, Rokt or someone of their tenure can lead us.....

Even as much as I respect Dan Cragin, Gary Virgin and other well respected vendors, I believe that having a vendor lead this organization would constitue a very serious conflict of interest.

If you believe that someone who considers this forum as (even a part) of their customer base won't have their decisions motivated by money, than you (respectfully) are living in a fools paradise.

We need leaders whose commitments will always be dedicated to the good of the forum and its members, not measured by the thickness of their wallets.

Good Luck to "our boys" at the conference.


Very well said. I agree with you on that 100%

Now someone e-mail me the damn minutes of the Meeting so I can start getting them printed up for everyone!

The ideas I talked about with Dave regarding the newsletter since I have experience with magazine work. (worked for a motocross magazine for a few years) President Corner (or what ever name for it) Classified ads, Technical articles staring boomer, John Hennessy or one of the other tuners in the industry, Truck listing of number 04's, 05's and 06's and where they live. Anyone else would like to submitt something I'd be defently willing to look it over and discuss it with Dave, Kevin, and the other board of directors.....
WizzySRT10 said:
... I'd be defently willing to look it over and discuss it with Dave, Kevin, and the other board of directors.....

There not the board of directors :) until further details are finalized ;)
But I have been told your a great editor! Im sure you'll get a PM if you want to help out!!

Thanks WIzz

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RedSrt007 said:
There not the board of directors :) until further details are finalized ;)
But I have been told your a great editor! Im sure you'll get a PM if you want to help out!!

Thanks WIzz


I already discussed it with Dave and I think he pretty much nominated/voted me in... now if I can get that damn program he sent me to work...
astros lost but vp got some good pics , soon to come :burnout: will be a long night for a few:D
Is it me, or does that remark about it being a long night, than looking at his avatar mean sonething?

How about the members nominate and vote people into the club positions, instead of having a few people voting each other into the positions? :confused:
ViperTruck2933 said:
How about the members nominate and vote people into the club positions, instead of having a few people voting each other into the positions? :confused:

Im sure that will happen in the following years. You could always show up in houston and place your vote?
sapientiam said:
Im sure that will happen in the following years. You could always show up in houston and place your vote?
I, like many others here would like to be in Houston to vote. Unfortunately I have this responsibility called a job that got in the way. Just because all the potential members are not present doesn't mean they shouldn't be aware or involved.
There is enough technology available to include everyone in case you haven't noticed. Read back a couple of pages Bro.
I'm more than willing to help out in any way possible as well. However, like many people here, I am unable to take my work anywhere I please. Its hard to be patient when you want to find out what is happening in Texas, but I shall try.
WizzySRT10 said:
I already discussed it with Dave and I think he pretty much nominated/voted me in... now if I can get that damn program he sent me to work...

As stated before.....The is NO president, NO Vice President and NO Secretary of state (<---I threw that last one in there hehe :D) Until the meeting is OVER and decisions are made (including members decisions / votes) NO-ONE is anything...

This forum is built by the people for the people will be voted BY THE PEOPLE

One again...further details will arrive then the members get back from the meeting

If you would like to publish any material with the "VTCOA" (or Viper Truck Club of America) name, please PM me so we can wk out the details since it is tradmarked by the owners of this site.

Thank You

when we get the pis up you will understand the avatar i thought was funny :reddy::ridinghorse: :thefinger:
I jsut hope things ARE worked out , I got a little pissed when my "birdie" told me a few things such as the secret meetings, people being left out in the hall for hours, and other stuff, you got to understand I dont like my friends being played like a trumpet, and I get very defensive of my family. So if I came off strong I apologize, but some things disturb me, this is "our" forum, and Jack and Patrick put alot of time and money into it for us, and for someone to try to nudge in and charge dues jsut so we can say its a club so we can buy $20 stickers and Jackets and so-on that cost absolutly nothing so they can make a few bucks just doesnt set welll on my side.

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