Truck got keyed.

fastblksrt said:
My wife just called me to let me know there is a big scratch on the bed of my truck.:mad: :mad: Well last night I drove it to the store and back but never noticed anything. :mad: :mad: I will post give an update as soon as I get home from work. She says its about 2 ft in length and down to the metal. I am so f***ing upset I am thinking of leaving work early.

F@#king B@st@*ds.

View attachment death.bmp
I am a pacifist...but I might make an exception for the perpetrator of this heinous crime.

I think it would be appropriate to suffocate this person with their own penis and testicles without detaching them, ....................initially.

Sorry man, this is truly a travesty.
Sorry to hear mang...:( that's why I hate letting my truck out of my site!!
check the local establisments and see if any of them have security cameras---may help in catching the culprit----then put some keys up there a**----really stinks when someone is that piss poor low.....Their not people they are absolute cowards
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I came home from work at about 3:45 and the scratch is about 2 ft long and its toward the driver side brake light. I have been trying to find my brother so I can get my camera to post pics, but haven't been able to locate him. I am so pissed off right now, and to think I parked as far away as possible from any other cars.
just one time...Id love to catch one of them in the act. Can you image what it feel like to knock HIM THE F*CK OUT!!!!

I would beat the snot out of them, even if i caught the f**kers doing it to someone elses vehicle!!!

Sorry to hear about your truck man!! Like many others on here, I park as far as possible too, guess it doesn't always matter....:(
BEEN THERE:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Got keyed down the right side of the bed!!!!!!!!!!
Luckey for me I Got it taken care of for free by a friend:dancing: :dancing:
Just gotta watch where you park,I quess!!!!
Its one thing if you bang it your self,But when someone else scratches it on
Hopefully it did,nt go through To the primer!!!!
moparracing said:
my biggest fear....... there are alot of hater's out there........:(
My biggest fear also! I am not getting the license plate that I want because I think it would provoke people. :(

Some people are pricks!
That is my biggest fear as well. I too park as far away as well but I also fear that some dick is going to key it just cause I am parked out in BFE. Cant we get some type of alarm that will shock the sh*t out of some one if they touch our trucks. Not just a jolt enough to drop them to the ground for us to find?
I feel for you Bro. I use my SRT10 as a work truck and take pretty good care of it. Don't park the truck at Home Depot (DING DING and more DINGS):mad: :mad: :mad: . My back bumper has seen many vehicles contact it in the parking lot.:mad: :mad: :mad: I have never witnessed it happen yet but one of these days................:motz: :motz: :secruity: :secruity: :secruity: :viking: :viking: :viking:
I am with Brad on this 1. I have my durango keyed about a month after I bought the truck and man I cried in the parking lot of the market anfd was screaming.
I am so sorry to hear about your truck that sux big time. People who do this kind of crap should get what is comin to them quick and they are all coward and haters
Mine got keyed as well, 99% buffed out after some wet sanding, but it left one scratch down to bare metal. Jealous loser people suck!
Gaboon said:
That is my biggest fear as well. I too park as far away as well but I also fear that some dick is going to key it just cause I am parked out in BFE. Cant we get some type of alarm that will shock the sh*t out of some one if they touch our trucks. Not just a jolt enough to drop them to the ground for us to find?

it is funny you bring this up. slow91 and i have been working on something that would scare the sh*t out of anyone who touches it. the first step has been completed with relays and remotes but we are trying to make this work and be able to disable it when needed as it will be annoying.

but what we have done so far is funny as hell. i park my truck where i can see it and i keep the remote in my pocket.

i will let him chime in on it as it is his project on my truck.

this would be the truck i bought from him.

this is being done for the idiots who like to key these rides and i feel for you juan it sux. i have a mark on mine that looks deliberate but we should be able to buff it out
GriMacE 06QuadSRT10 said:
As do I - but ya know - somehow some clown with a POS seem to want to park next to me -- wtf is that all about??

sorry bro those little bastards SUCK THE PUSS OUT OF A DEAD RATS ASS!

I usually park a little further out just because the spots are so Damn small around here that it take s a 3 point turn to get into a spot with a QC. I usually am the only one parked out in BFE when I go in, but for some reason, there is always a car right next to me when I come out. I think people just like to be followers (i.e. if that guy with the nice truck parked out here, there must be a good reason for it, so I'll park next to him!!)
I'm sorry to hear about your truck getting keyed. Welcome to the world of haters :( There are a LOT of them out there. Of course these folks wait till noone is watching and do their dirty deeds. I've heard of keying, spit, piss, broken mirrors etc. It really really sucks. A lot of folks don't drive their rigs unless they can keep an eye on em when they park.

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