That's hilarious!!! I can't imagine what that's like but I know they do that.

Do the semi trucks REALLY go that fast??!!
The slow traffic is required to be in the right lane .. people over there are always courteous especially when they know a vehicle is coming up on them faster than hell ,, they move over .
Yes those Germans are .. this is my sister in law on the Autban lol .. to bad we can’t post the video .. so a screenshot will do lol .

Psh....that's only a smidge over 90 mph. I'm not impressed lol.....especially since she's doing those speeds with low tire pressure. I'm also wondering what gear she's in (or what kind of gearing it has) if she's only doing a smidge over 90 at almost 5000 rpm :oops:
Psh....that's only a smidge over 90 mph. I'm not impressed lol.....especially since she's doing those speeds with low tire pressure. I'm also wondering what gear she's in (or what kind of gearing it has) if she's only doing a smidge over 90 at almost 5000 rpm :oops:
You caught that .. lol KM not MPH
She drives like an old lady .. you noticed the tire light … gears don’t matter it was a Toyota lol
My brother took the pic and sent the vid to me ,, which I caught it instantly, knowing my German sister in law was driving .. hey bit at least she was passing the other vehicles lol
I'm still stuck on 90 mph taching 5 grand....that's getting close to redline for most non-performance gas engines and most automobile gas engines aren't built to hang out there long term.
I'm still stuck on 90 mph taching 5 grand....that's getting close to redline for most non-performance gas engines and most automobile gas engines aren't built to hang out there long term.
I'm still stuck on 90 mph taching 5 grand....that's getting close to redline for most non-performance gas engines and most automobile gas engines aren't built to hang out there long term.
You’ll have to ask the rental company they rented it from about that .. it was an automatic s all I know .. she doesn’t drive a stick..the closest tag to a stick shift is a weiner schnitzel lol

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