Updated Pics of my truck


Full Access Member
May 30, 2006
Reaction score

















The AEM harness isn't working right. The guy that makes the AEM harness is coming in to fix it on Monday, except that everything is pretty much done.
Damn............................................................. I think that says it all. Throw some tunes in, I'll go stand in the yard and see if I can hear it :)
Well at least you win the prize for the largest pics ever posted on here!! Just kidding man, I hope it hauls ass and you don't have any issues with her. Now you need to put the twin turbo kit on the Gallardo!
Wow, thanks sprite....ive never seen a 4ft long screwdrived before :D..seriously, I can help you resize the pics :)
did i see twins? i love twins! turbos that is. man hang on and enjoy the ride. oh ya and boom boom to you to.

looks sweet
RedSrt007 said:
Wow, thanks sprite....ive never seen a 4ft long screwdrived before :D..seriously, I can help you resize the pics :)

If you want to grab them, resize them, rehost them and have a mod edit the post go ahead. I know how to size the pics I was just lazy :)
A little Photoshop goes a long way.

Just so you PC guys know: Mac's don't auto-resize photos in their web browser. So, we get the full 2048x1536 picture. All 2MB of each one.

If you don't have Photoshop, select a slightly smaller pic size on the camera itself. It'll save you hassle uploading and/or re-sizing, save the forum bandwidth costs, and save the viewers from having to splint their finger after scrolling.

Patrick- there's a setting in vBulletin that allows you to set max pic dimensions inside a post. 640x480 works well on most forums.

The truck looks great.
Kevan said:
A little Photoshop goes a long way.

Just so you PC guys know: Mac's don't auto-resize photos in their web browser. So, we get the full 2048x1536 picture. All 2MB of each one.

If you don't have Photoshop, select a slightly smaller pic size on the camera itself. It'll save you hassle uploading and/or re-sizing, save the forum bandwidth costs, and save the viewers from having to splint their finger after scrolling.

Patrick- there's a setting in vBulletin that allows you to set max pic dimensions inside a post. 640x480 works well on most forums.

The truck looks great.

yeah...ummm.....I don't understand any of that........:D
Kevan said:
A little Photoshop goes a long way.

Just so you PC guys know: Mac's don't auto-resize photos in their web browser. So, we get the full 2048x1536 picture. All 2MB of each one.

If you don't have Photoshop, select a slightly smaller pic size on the camera itself. It'll save you hassle uploading and/or re-sizing, save the forum bandwidth costs, and save the viewers from having to splint their finger after scrolling.

Patrick- there's a setting in vBulletin that allows you to set max pic dimensions inside a post. 640x480 works well on most forums.

The truck looks great.

Nah, I dont want to limit the size too much, then people will complain too much hehe...

Its not sucking forum bandwidth as its not hosted by use

Yeah, mabye Ill grab them a resize them for him :p

RedSrt007 said:
Nah, I dont want to limit the size too much, then people will complain too much hehe...
Anyone who bitches about 640x480 or 960x720 as being too small has to buy each forum member a 30" LCD monitor. :D
RedSrt007 said:
Its not sucking forum bandwidth as its not hosted by us
The attached images do.
RedSrt007 said:
Yeah, maybe Ill grab them a resize them for him :p

Thank you!!!!!!

I only mention this because we had problems with it on another forum a few years ago. It was cool when there were only a couple of hundred users, but now with over 6000 members (and a million+ page hits a month), it's an issue that I'm glad we got taken care of back then.

I'm not trying to be a dick. I'm just trying to save everyone some hassle and the Admin's some shock when they get the bandwidth bill in a few months.

Sorry to hijack your thread, Sprite. The truck does look great (esp. the plumbing).