Urgent Help Needed...Please

TheSickness said:
Well wtf to say....sorry I am late Timmy been off the site for a bit after the other night. I come back to see this.:( I have had my own set of issues lately unfortunately. I hope they figure this shit out and your wife heals fully from whatever it is. I love you my brother and once my bet with Bobby is fulfiled entirely Sunday I will fly Lynette as my avi as always. I will try and call you this evening if I can get over the Tourette's long enough from this foot to carry on a intelligible conversation. Lol I have created a few words that would make a sailor blush....hang tight bro and give that woman a hug and smooch for me......Mikey
And a hug for you to bro, I wish you all much better times.
TheSickness said:
Well wtf to say....sorry I am late Timmy been off the site for a bit after the other night. I come back to see this.:( I have had my own set of issues lately unfortunately. I hope they figure this shit out and your wife heals fully from whatever it is. I love you my brother and once my bet with Bobby is fulfiled entirely Sunday I will fly Lynette as my avi as always. I will try and call you this evening if I can get over the Tourette's long enough from this foot to carry on a intelligible conversation. Lol I have created a few words that would make a sailor blush....hang tight bro and give that woman a hug and smooch for me......Mikey

Will do, bro......

You hang in there, too amigo.....

Much love and kisses back atch'a.....

Get well soon, Mikey....

And a hug for you to bro, I wish you all much better times.

Thanks, big guy.....

We're all hunkered down...... but still firing a well placed shot every chance we get....

Lynette update:

Went to the neurosurgeon today.... they fkd up the date... :rolleyes:

The neurosurgeon will not operate on that area of the brain due to risk of Lynette becoming a vegetable. (aphasic) or possibly a mute... He said that there are a few young cowboys out there that might risk it- HE WILL NOT.

He says that radiation is the way to go... We are starting that ASAP....

Problem is that when I went on Cobra 10-1-09, my plan went from a group plan to a private plan. This is now considered a pre-existing condition and it will not be covered by my insurance.... (Lord!)

"Angels and ministers of grace defend us....." (Hamlet Act 1 scene 4)

OCBob said:
We're pulling for Lynette here. Hoping that they can zap it into oblivion. Anyway at all that we can help, just let us know Tim.

Thanks, Bobby...

Thanks to you all....

Do what ever it takes to keep them working with Lynette Tim, Take care of the rest later. Peace my brother.
Django said:
Lynette update:

Went to the neurosurgeon today.... they fkd up the date... :rolleyes:

The neurosurgeon will not operate on that area of the brain due to risk of Lynette becoming a vegetable. (aphasic) or possibly a mute... He said that there are a few young cowboys out there that might risk it- HE WILL NOT.

He says that radiation is the way to go... We are starting that ASAP....

Problem is that when I went on Cobra 10-1-09, my plan went from a group plan to a private plan. This is now considered a pre-existing condition and it will not be covered by my insurance.... (Lord!)

"Angels and ministers of grace defend us....." (Hamlet Act 1 scene 4)


Tough day Tim. :(

Please keep us informed on the progress, as we all care and will be pulling for you.

I find it funny that they are calling it a pre-existing condition when it had not been diagnosed yet. Hopefully Roy can jump in on that one.
Hmm..isnt Cobra a continuation of your health insurance?..dealing with insurance companies sucks..

Im sitting here trying to think of what to say..what words I could type that would somehow give comfort and help in some way..It fkn just plain old sucks..
You drift along through life and WHAM..makes no friggin sense..And the thought that GOD never gives you more than you can handle is crap..I think people who get cancer or tumors or leprosy or wtf ever just get a bumb fkn deal..Just goes to show you what a crap shoot life really is..Why does a tornado tear apart one house but leave the one 50 ft away intact?..Who the frig knows..The question of why is really a mute point..The question is how..how do you deal with the side trip into the surreal that you are taking here, while still trying to retain a shred of your former life?..Do you just "let go and let God"?..It isnt that easy..And it doesnt pay the bills either..Its nice to think He is watching over you, but I think He takes the occasional break to watch Nascar now and then or something..
So whats your choice?..How do you fight the forces plotting against you?..
Do you fight, scream and bitch till someone listens and does what YOU want, or do you put your trust in the doctors and nurses who seem to know what they are doing, but are hamstrung by time constraints, beaurocrisy (sp), and "gee I wonder whats for dinner tonight"?..Its a friggin crapshoot either way..
I dont envy you Tim..Or Lynette..The next 6 months, year, whatever and going to be fkn HARD..
Rant off, and I am very sorry Tim...I am in the Anger stage..This all just blows for both of you..I wish I could be better help..I am thinking of you both, and will have something positive to add soon..Im shocked and pissed off right now that good people have to deal with such bullshit is all..
Riff out..
Guys, I just had the insurance commissioners office, the surgeon and HealthNet all on a conference call.... HealthNet backed down and said that I have complete coverage and there's no pre-existing condition....

I thought it was just the forces of evil trying to discourage us.... and so it was.

HealthNet assures us that they're covering everything ...PERIOD.... So if we can get all this done before the end of the year, we'll also get out of paying all the 2010 deductibles, too..........

Turned out to be a pretty good day afterall.... After kicking a few asses along the way.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the love..... It means alot....

Nobody should ever question the support of this family.... It makes all the money I flushed on mods and all the money that I lost when I sold my truck.... All of that was worth it for the support of this family.....

BTW Brad, I was only kidding when I called you "Baldy".... ;)

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Django said:
Guys, I just had the insurance commissioners office, the surgeon and HealthNet all on a conference call.... HealthNet backed down and said that I have complete coverage and there's no pre-existing condition....

I thought it was just the forces of evil trying to discourage us.... and so it was.

HealthNet assures us that they're covering everything ...PERIOD.... So if we can get all this done before the end of the year, we'll also get out of paying all the 2010 deductibles, too..........

Turned out to be a pretty good day afterall.... After kicking a few asses along the way.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the love..... It means alot....

Nobody should ever question the support of this family.... It makes all the money I flushed on mods and all the money that I lost when I sold my truck.... All that was worth it for the support of this family.....

BTW Brad, I was only kidding when I called you "Baldy".... ;)

Great news indeed Tim,you both are still in our prayers.
Thanks Earl and John.....

Your love and support and that of those who support silently is a deeply cherished thing......

No horseshit....

Django said:
Guys, I just had the insurance commissioners office, the surgeon and HealthNet all on a conference call.... HealthNet backed down and said that I have complete coverage and there's no pre-existing condition....

I thought it was just the forces of evil trying to discourage us.... and so it was.

HealthNet assures us that they're covering everything ...PERIOD.... So if we can get all this done before the end of the year, we'll also get out of paying all the 2010 deductibles, too..........

Turned out to be a pretty good day afterall.... After kicking a few asses along the way.... :rolleyes:

Thanks for all the love..... It means alot....

Nobody should ever question the support of this family.... It makes all the money I flushed on mods and all the money that I lost when I sold my truck.... All of that was worth it for the support of this family.....

BTW Brad, I was only kidding when I called you "Baldy".... ;)


Great news Tim. It sure sounded like bullshit to me.
Silverback said:
Great news Tim. It sure sounded like bullshit to me.

Exactly the kind of bullshit that has seems so predominant and ubiquitous lately....

Onward................through the fog........ :eek:

viperhauler said:
nothin a little sicilian pep talk won't cure:D

keep it up, tim....

give lynette a hug and a kiss from us:)

Thanks and will do, Dan......:congrats:

Glad to hear that they are stepping up!!

Hope the radiation therapy works fast!!

Continued thoughts and prayers from here!
God Bless
ntw0rk said:
Glad to hear that they are stepping up!!

Hope the radiation therapy works fast!!

Continued thoughts and prayers from here!
God Bless

Thanks, Sammy.........

Hope yer back gets (is) better soon..........


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