

Full Access Member
Jan 14, 2008
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ok i know not many will not care but i will dump it on here anyway,,,,i have a guy working for me i will more than likely have to fire after the holiday ,,,

its one part of my job i hate but its my job ,,he is a good guy but his work and damage to company equipment and his job performance is in shambells ,,

I feel bad for him cause he has 4 kids and today his wife told him and i quote what if i told you i have someone else ,,

now mind you us guys at work have been telling him for months that we all think she has been cheating on him but he has not listened to any of us ,,

today he did over 7000 dollars damage to equipmet today ,,,last week it was 5000 on something else ,,,of course it is NEVER his fault ,,but the cameras at work clearly show he was talking on a cell phone when both these incidents happened ,,,,

i feel bad for him but what am i to do here HR wants him gone last month ,,,i have talked to him over and over and over ,,,

today the owner came in and seen him driving the forklift and arguing on the cell phione with wife when he was driving up a loading dock ,,i got a call at home today saying i want him gone on tuesday after holiday period,,

man this sucks :(
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better take care of this pronto...or you may be next! BIDNESS IS BIDNESS!
I know what your going through had to let some guys go a few weeks ago. But you need to do whats best for the safety of the employees and the company. We have a policy "No Cell phones". At first everyone was upset but now everyone knows the rules.
It is often the worst part of being in Management... at least it is if you have a heart.

But, like Scot said, business is business.
if you want to relieve yourself of a little bit of the "guilt" tell him it came from upper management.(and put some on him) "i WARNED you and now YOU have put me in a position to take action"
Ironhead said:
ok i know not many will not care but i will dump it on here anyway,,,,i have a guy working for me i will more than likely have to fire after the holiday ,,,

its one part of my job i hate but its my job ,,he is a good guy but his work and damage to company equipment and his job performance is in shambells ,,

I feel bad for him cause he has 4 kids and today his wife told him and i quote what if i told you i have someone else ,,

now mind you us guys at work have been telling him for months that we all think she has been cheating on him but he has not listened to any of us ,,

today he did over 7000 dollars damage to equipmet today ,,,last week it was 5000 on something else ,,,of course it is NEVER his fault ,,but the cameras at work clearly show he was talking on a cell phone when both these incidents happened ,,,,

i feel bad for him but what am i to do here HR wants him gone last month ,,,i have talked to him over and over and over ,,,

today the owner came in and seen him driving the forklift and arguing on the cell phione with wife when he was driving up a loading dock ,,i got a call at home today saying i want him gone on tuesday after holiday period,,

man this sucks :(

For what it is worth have all his infractions lined up so when you present all of them he will (hopefully) understand your position and not go off on you.

Second, if possible because of his domestic situation his emotional state is probably not the most stable, have a competent co-worker friend go and spend some time with him until the shock wears off and to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid,(like come back and shoot the place up).

Good luck and I am sorry to hear about this.:(

It's his fault Brother, not yours, you are simply doing your own job to the best of your ability. Do not jeopardize your position by dragging this out.
This is the exact type of situation that defines management from laborers. Do what is best for the company. This is a hard position to be in so just be strong and quote the facts only don't let emotions get in your way and let him go based on facts. Last but not least give him no options to dispute the decision thru you.
I know the Viper tech at my dealer does awesome work,,,but if his bitch wife calls his cell phone I might as well take my truck home..........I am about to ban cell phones from my office as well.........BTW Iron..he chose his own course in might even be doing him a favor...I have seen many a fired employee come back in later years and thank the one that fired them....;)
i have the power to give him one more chance ,he has been writen up 5 times inthe last 3 months and i found out last week he lied on his application about his experience and claimed he had supervisory experiance which was a lie ,,i have the ground work to let him go but ,,like i said i feel sorry for his wifie problem ,,,but biz is biz
Don't ruin your last long weekend of summer on business do what you have to on Tues but this is your time have fun with the kids/wife. Life is too short to fret over things out of our control IMO..
I have had too many guys that in the end just were a waste of time from the start more headaches than what they make me back in return. Some heartaches but I am not running a charity and I am guessing neither are you.
Sounds like a rough place to be in, but you wouldn't want to have your job at stake for making the wrong choice when he's been talked to and is still bringing his personal life to work. It does suck, but what if he hurts someone next? So far he has damaged equipment, but a hurting someone would really suck.

Good luck with a hard decision
ya i had a new guy that i told twice that cigg smoking is only allowed on his lunch breaks ,,,he was outside 20 times burning one on thursday and told me he only smoked three ciggs all day lol,,worst part is right after he burned one he walked right up to me to ask a question and blew cigg breath right in my face lol he still had smoke coming out his mouth lol,,,what a dumb ass ,,
last 4 years i make a lot more cash,, but was easier when i was responsable for only my own work not everyone elses:p :p
Having to let someone go is always hard to do. The first thing I was told was YOU did not fire him. He did it to himself. I had to fire one guy that was not the sharpest tool in the shed. After telling him he was no longer needed here. He asked me if he needed to come in tommorow.

I think some of the people I have fired did not hold it against me. I only had one person ask about it later when I seen them. Weird thing is I did not remeber them. Probably someone I could tell right away it was not worth the time and effort to train them.
This is only a problem because you've allowed him to continue with you this long.

Take responsibility, man up and fire this guy or it may be you who is terminated because you are unfit for a position of leadership....

Lose this guy immediately...... There is no moral dilema......


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