Very bad news...


Full Access Member
May 26, 2008
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
Well, took my truck by the dealership this morning because something else was going on with it. It has been squeaking like crazy on bumps, uneven areas in the road, etc. The mechanic lifted up the truck and shook his head. I walked through the service bay to take a look at what the hell he was shaking his head at. Turns out that the truck had been just about totaled before I had it. The guy that I bought it from said that had never been in a wreck before. I dont think that I have ever been more pissed right now then I have ever been in my life over a vehicle. The drive shaft has a hole in it, the gas tank as been knocked over and is about 3 inches from making contact with the drive shaft. Tons of other things under neath. Just trying to vent...:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
WOW, sorry to hear it! Hope you can get it straightened out and be satisfied after learning that.
Sounds like a road trip to go kick someone ASS!!!!!!!!
stick said:
you did not do a search on it before you bought it?

yeah, I checked Carfax on it. It said that there was a accident reported on it before. Checked with the guy, and he said that he curbed the wheels and messed up one of them pretty bad. He said that it would be cheaper to just claim the wheels under insurance then buy a whole new set. Hell, I thought it made sense...
i would try a do something because your truck is not worth 5000 on a trade in value
Take him to Civil Court or live with it. Civil court is your only shot. Oh, and don't try to do it without an Attorney.
since used cars are sold as is, so you're probably not going to be able to do anything since you didn't inspect the car before handing over the cash. sorry you bought a wreck!

I'm just baffled that this thread wasn't generated in the offensive section. I'd be on here cursing up a storm. That lying bastage didn't come too clean with you at the beginning.. or at all for that matter. I was wondering why the truck has a different stance than usual. Didn't we have a discussion on that before? I am very sorry to learn of this. Now I'm shaking my head like a mechanic. What the heck was CARFAX put in place for anyway? Shouldn't the near total have been recognized by them?
Beautiful truck anyway, fix it as well as possible and love it, it apparently does not have a bad title and this will not affect your resale value.
Beautiful truck anyway, fix it as well as possible and love it, it apparently does not have a bad title and this will not affect your resale value.
Just be sure that you trade it in when you decide to get rid of it so that you screw a dealer and not another member! I guess though, it will eventually end up in the hands of another unsuspecting new-buyer. I really hope you will be able to get it back in good working condition.
Dang Allen...beautiful truck though....This may explain why your rear sits higher than normal..When I looked at your truck there was something that struck me as odd in the rear suspension but I cant remember now what it was other than the hieght..
Doesn't carfax garentee to buy back if they give incomplete info???
I remember seeing the post when he got the truck and noticed the rear was way higher than normal. Man that sucks. People blow.

I would check and see what your options are. Dealerships have to disclose damage caused to a vehicle after an accident before it is sold. Contact an attorney and see if the duechbag that sold you the truck private party is obligated to do the same. If so, get his ass for being such a scumbag. That guy is a prick.