Viper Badge Name


Full Access Member
May 20, 2006
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I was told that the viper badge got the name, Sneaky Pete.
Can any mopar head tell my how this came about?


dallas said:
I was told that the viper badge got the name, Sneaky Pete.
Can any mopar head tell my how this came about?


Have you ever bent over in the shower? No I could find:

sneak (v.) Look up sneak at
1560 (implied in sneakish), perhaps from some dial. survival of M.E. sniken "to creep, crawl," related to O.E. snican "to desire, reach for sneakily," from P.Gmc. *sneikanan, which is related to the root of snake (q.v.). The noun meaning "a sneaking person" is first recorded 1643. Sneak-thief first recorded 1859; sneak-preview is from 1938. Sneaky Pete "cheap liquor" is from 1949.

Also, BTW, Sneaky Pete Air Force. They were a platoon section of the US Army 219th Aviation Company ("The Headhunter"), flying the 0-1 Bird Dog in support of CCC in Laos.
mauiSRT/10 said:
I once distributed Sneaky Pete condoms!!!! Seriously I did!!

They fit horribly and broke!!! Not good!

Sounds a aweful lot like the headers Mofo was selling :p :D
Bone said:
Have you ever bent over in the shower? No I could find:

sneak (v.) Look up sneak at
1560 (implied in sneakish), perhaps from some dial. survival of M.E. sniken "to creep, crawl," related to O.E. snican "to desire, reach for sneakily," from P.Gmc. *sneikanan, which is related to the root of snake (q.v.). The noun meaning "a sneaking person" is first recorded 1643. Sneak-thief first recorded 1859; sneak-preview is from 1938. Sneaky Pete "cheap liquor" is from 1949.

Also, BTW, Sneaky Pete Air Force. They were a platoon section of the US Army 219th Aviation Company ("The Headhunter"), flying the 0-1 Bird Dog in support of CCC in Laos.

Yes, but I always....always make sure no one is around. :)
RedSrt007 said:
Not sure where the name came from...mabye someone might know the history!

Yep, that is what I am axin'...da it came about, how did it get its mojo....Honestly, that is not my penis enlarger..! Honest!
mauiSRT/10 said:
I once distributed Sneaky Pete condoms!!!! Seriously I did!!

They fit horribly and broke!!! Not good!

Never seen one- Never looked either, but do you have any pics:dontknow: :D
mauiSRT/10 said:
I distributed them 18 years ago. Havent seen them since then. They didnt sell that well so we stopped carrying them. Sorry!

Yes, they were way too small.
Prof said:
That's what she said about you Bone!
You're projecting again.:alberteinstein:
That's what I have to do to be big enough to be noticed!
mauiSRT/10 said:
I distributed them 18 years ago. Havent seen them since then. They didnt sell that well so we stopped carrying them. Sorry!

Good, I was really hopin this would be your answer ;)

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