Well....... here we go.

76574srt10 said:
I just think it's ironic that the democrats talk about exit strategies but couldn't figure out how to get hillary out of the primaries!

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :congrats: :rock:
supercar1of1 said:
I too was around during the 60's race riots and the Rodney King crap here in Atlanta.

Have you noticed that these idiots tear their own areas up?

During the Rodney King incident there were about 50-75 of these

scum that will never realize that had they proceeded another few yards

in my direction they would have been slaughtered.

It is time these morons realize that there are some heavily armed, highly

trained individuals left in this country who are fed up with their crap.:rock:

Sorry John, but I gotta say that this whole commentary by you sounds pretty racial. I know it's discreet, but from here it seems kind of racially slanted.

" Have you noticed that these idiots tear their own areas up?"
The idiots would be? 'their own areas' means what exactly?

Be very careful how you say things. I don't know if you are racist or not, and I really don't care, that's your business, but it has no place here.

For the record, you didn't offend me, I am not upset, merely trying to give due warning.
ntw0rk said:
Sorry John, but I gotta say that this whole commentary by you sounds pretty racial. I know it's discreet, but from here it seems kind of racially slanted.

" Have you noticed that these idiots tear their own areas up?"
The idiots would be? 'their own areas' means what exactly?

Be very careful how you say things. I don't know if you are racist or not, and I really don't care, that's your business, but it has no place here.

For the record, you didn't offend me, I am not upset, merely trying to give due warning.

My opinion is based solely on conduct not race.

When the kind of senseless, savage, conduct is perpetrated against

honest defenseless victims it doesn't matter what race the offender is.
he was just talking about the african americans

oops did I say that......infact yes I did. there was nothing raceist in his remarks. He was stating the obvious. the african americans did riot in tere own neighborhood. Did they not?

and for the book I am only racist aginst people that are not just plain AMERICANS. There is no Anglo American, African American, Latino American

good:rock: :rock: :rock: thats your right as a american
A: obama is a do nothing socialist puppet junior senator with next to 0 experience... the democratic party probably wasn't even expecting him to be nominated... but hillary <and bill to an extent> simply BLEW what should have been a shoe-in nomination
B: racism is ALL over this election... as was eveident by the poll results... which showed that some ridiculous percentage ~85% of african americans voted for obama... hmmm if that went the other way around you'd be hearing faracon and sharpton and all those other nut-jobs cry
C: Obama's a baby... I don't care how you shake it... there's been numerous times where he just starts whining about some stupid thing.. I won't bother giving examples they're all over the place
D: don't get me started on McCain, don't care much for him either...
E: I've never got a clear answer as to what Obama stands for other than 'change' cuz he know people aren't happy with bush... so he just says 'change' ... yeah while he's very charismatic and an excellent speaker... I don't know what 'change' means....
F: lastly... he's pretty much a socialist passive weenie who's... I'm suprised noone's pulled the uncle tom card out on him... he's been throwing people under the bus left & right just to get the nomination ...

I'll stop there before you guys start calling me a right wing nutjob... <which of course I am>:D :p :marchmellow: :p :p
Guys, just for the record I won't let this turn into a racial discussion. I think we've gotten pretty close to what can be tolerated here. It can get ugly at the drop of a hat, we all know that.

So, I'm asking that we drop that part of the conversation. As long as the conversation can stay on the topic of Obama, and his race is part of it, at least as far as he presents himself and his opinions, that should be ok. But once it gets to talking about entire races, well it starts getting real dicey.

I don't want to have to shut this down, but I need your help on that.
Carlwalski said:
Go Obama!

From an outside view of America, Obama seems good, everyone has their faults but to me, in my opinion, Obama is real. Cain banks on patriotism and all the typical corny crap to get his votes using guns and war to get voters who can't put their patriotism aside and vote on what they see fit. "Do you love USA!!!! Then vote for me!!!!!!" "OK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!" :boring:

This isn't for all Cain supporters of course. Obama is change and in my opinion speaks from his heart, not his pocket or head. Cain will just be another 4 years of the same old same old. Looking at the past of Mr Bush, that is not good. I guess in hindsight, it would be good if the American public had more of a choice. Outside of the US, most feel Mr Obamas skin should never have been, or be, an issue. It's skin colour - nothing more. Period.

Some of the American people and press treat him life another species - just sad. When history is being made, I can see why the "fuss" but at the end of the day, get over it already. Mr Obama said it best. I'm not a black candidate but a candidate who just happens to be black. Go Obama I say. America needs change and better direction. Bush was and is a joke.

My 0.02c - A view from abroad. ;)

Didnt you guys lose your right to bear arms??....just a view from hind site..;)
I have an idea to (hopefully) re-direct the subject in a more specific, constructive and hopefully less racially pejorative direction.....

How's about we discuss the pros and cons of why Obama should or should not, (will or will not) choose Hillary as his running mate.... I believe Hillary has already given the (yes) nod to the idea of being the VP candidate on an Obama ticket.....

BTW.....Just for shits, giggles, grins and because I'm the worlds most cosmic Conservative, I just put a very small sign in the triangular shaped window behind the drivers seat of my Z. The sign is about 1 inch (tall) by 7 inches long.

It says "OBAMA=PUNK BITCH"............... (rof)

Back to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress.....

...and goodnight Hillary, wherever the fk you are.......



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stick said:
sorry OCBOB I will tone it down

Yea I just sent OCBOB a PM. I suggested to him that we aggree that

if one member is offended by anothers post, that he PM that member for

clarification before running off with the wrong understanding.
I envision a day when nobody will be able to speak to anybody for fear that somebodies feelings will be hurt or they will be offended in some way. That will be a great day wont it?
Obama is useless.... More trouble is coming for him real soon... His wife will be his downfall... Not a prediction either, have heard another very damaging rumor about a video coming out that will end it for him. Lets just see....

My vote will not count as I will be voting for Ron Paul in a state that the Democrats will certainly win.

I am already halfway through Ron Pauls book The Revolution and I am enlightened. My apathy has been cured.
I don't agree with the argument that Obama's lack of experience is bad for this country. Abraham Lincoln was never more that a congressman. However, like Obama he was an intelligent, effective and charismatic speaker. I think the USA needs fresh ideas and a leader that can clearly and intelligently express their ideas. I am fed-up with the same old crap. Our economy is crap, our foreign affairs are crap, and our future looks bleak. A candidate with a long political career like McCain is going to come to office with a lot of the same political baggage.
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the only way your gonna see any changes are if your on either end of the spectrum. If your rich youll get richer..if your poor, youll keep getting handouts....the middle man will continue to work his ass off to support both ends.
wheredwhogo? said:
I envision a day when nobody will be able to speak to anybody for fear that somebodies feelings will be hurt or they will be offended in some way. That will be a great day wont it?

Brother, how true, how true!:(
I predict McCain wins by a landslide 2/3 or more vote. If Obama wins, the nutty bastages in this country will attemp to assassinate him until they are successful so lets hope he picks a good VP.

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