What veterans do.

....just make sure the test is in Spanish so they understand it...:(

Well you are talking about another issue. I really don't support the alternate language thing going on right now. If you are an American citizen you should understand our language. We are Americans that speak English, if you want to be in our community please make an effort to learn our language.

What's next, press three for Korean, press four for "fill in the blank"...

I agree that the vet did the right thing..........

He was obviously and understandably pissed.... Who can blame him.....?

I just don't think that the Mexican guy had a fkn clue what was going on.... He probably had no idea regarding the propriety of his actions.... He figured he'd fly both flags and he just made a grave and grievous error about which one goes up first.

It's a damn shame that this country's immigration policy is so screwed up that it precipitates this kind'a thing. It inflames the hardass right wing zenophobes and (just plain) patriots who believe the country (for which we fought or died) is being overrun with people who want to reclaim Aslan as their own.....

What the Mexican guy did was wrong, but I believe he did it out of simple, plain ignorance and not Anti-Americanism....

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Sorry Shawno but this pisses me off

You would not make 2 blocks in East LA :D You type with such hatred of Mexican people....Is it inbred contempt for one's self that makes you act in such a negative way ? I grew up with Mexican people and I can tell you they work alot harder then most white people ever thought of....Why is it wrong in your eyes for people to better there lot in life....If I was a citizen of another country I would sure want to be here. They have rights as well, as humans. I can joke around about race with anyone......But the filth that spews from your fingers is ignorant. A deeper introspective thought one your end would have you realize that you sir are a N******....Prolly better served if you just kept your hate filled trap up instead of looking like a complete F**tard in the process....BTW the man engaging you in dialog just happens to be a Mexican you insensitive F***in douche bag :mad: His name is Alfredo and he's a pretty good man and he is my friend....Show the rest of the site some F****in respect as well and a little self dignity Racist Mother F****er :mad: :mad:

I did not quote anyone because it's addressed to 2 people....Fill in the blank :D
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MG42pillbox said:
I was always under the impression from many people that know far more than me, that there are absolutely no indigenous humans to the north and south Americas.... Many came by boats, the earlier humans walked over the ice from Asia to Alaska.

It doesn’t matter, and if we are willing to let another country over run us because they are ignorant, then maybe we are even more so.
I do believe the Meadow-croft caves disproved that irrational thinking. Cohabitation that dates back 30,000 yrs....Long before the last Ice Age also since I am at it. South America cohabitation dates back to the earliest of the Monolithic builders....the Olmec ! I could give more examples if needed...Know your history ;) :D
One of the things I have learned in my long life is that racists often don't know they are racist. Another thing I believe is that racists are not dangerous, if they speak their intolerance openly. The people who are dangerous to our society are the ones that harbor the intolerance and hate, but do not express it openly. Those who will engage in discussion about the differences we have are exercising their right to believe differently. Those who just sit back and stew in their hatred are the ones that are never exposed to different ideas and will not have the opportunity to reconsider their positions.

Nice posts Mikey...not exactly as I would have expressed the ideas...but yes, people are people...then there are the supreme Asians...;)
TheSickness said:
You would not make 2 blocks in East LA :D You type with such hatred of Mexican people....Is it inbred contempt for one's self that makes you act in such a negative way ? I grew up with Mexican people and I can tell you they work alot harder then most white people ever thought of....Why is it wrong in your eyes for people to better there lot in life....If I was a citizen of another country I would sure want to be here. They have rights as well, as humans. I can joke around about race with anyone......But the filth that spews from your fingers is ignorant. A deeper introspective thought one your end would have you realize that you sir are a ....Prolly better served if you just kept your hate filled trap up instead of looking like a complete in the process....BTW the man engaging you in dialog just happens to be a Mexican you insensitive douche bag :mad: His name is Alfredo and he's a pretty good man and he is my friend....Show the rest of the site some respect as well and a little self dignity Racist Mother r :mad: :mad:

I did not quote anyone because it's addressed to 2 people....Fill in the blank :D

Is he mexican or american? is he here legal? I think if you live in this country you should not be allowed to fly any other flag than ours.

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stick said:
Is he mexican or american? is he here legal? I think if you live in this country you should not be allowed to fly any other flag than ours.


Your narrow perspective is showing. So would you pull all of the POW flags down too? How about the state flags? How about my wife's Thanksgiving flag?

You are entitled to your opinions...far be it from me to try to change your opinions. But we are a multifaceted society, and I think it is the diversity and pride in being an American of various derivations...that makes us so strong.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
That was a KA-BAR knife, standard issue of the Marine Corps since WWII, not the Army. :dontknow:

Not really taking a side here, but the guy was a nut. The business owner was a dumbass, and it reflects poorly on the city and everyone involved in that whole fiasco. Since it was illegal and was acknowledged as such how come no authorities were involved?

With the seemingly overwhelming amount of patriotism running rampant in this country how come half the city wasn't down there in a fit of rage? I guess you can only be a patriot when you have time, and it's not too inconvenient.

Not just a few weeks ago Obama was all over the internet over the photo of him not placing his hand over his heart during the National Anthem, and that's not even illegal.

Since when did we get in a war with Mexico and their people? On this spin it may be time to buy a clue. Yes, we do have an immigration problem, is it going to the be the fall of man? Probably not; we're more likely to die in a flood when the polar ice caps melt.

Instead of avoiding international cuisine and being upset that "freshly arrived" US citizens don't speak english, I like to do my absolute best to speak their language in their establishments. But I talk fast and with a slight southern accent (strange, huh?) so I absolutely butcher the living shit out of it (and I took four years of spanish!). Small victories. :elefant:

Of course if you are so pro-English, then you have to play by the rules.....when you go down to Mexico on the drunk weekends and don;t speak Spanish you can't order a "beero". :beer:

That is all, I'm going to work.........:burnout:
stick said:
Is he mexican or american? ,

That is a common mistake.
Were both Americans, when were doing mission in Central America, we would say North Americans or United States citizens.
jelms said:
I think mikey hit it on the head. Most of us bore Americans don't know much about our history. Legal immigrants know way more about the US than most of us do. They should give the immigration test to all HS grads before they graduate.


They already do, It called American and State History. :D
Well, I am so happy to hear a lot of rational voices chiming in here.

This family is strong because it has differences. And differences are good!

I am so proud to be part of this forum.:D :D :D
Racism comes in many forms, and they are all shitty. Now most would probably expect me to be racist, based on who I run with and whatnot, but nothing could be further from the truth. I have a black Brother, who also happens to wear a 1%er diamond. And when I say Brother I mean Brother. I would do anything in the world for him, no questions asked. (funny story, on Sunday he showed up at a toy run we were at, walked up and hugged me and kissed me on the cheek, I turned and looked at the OL and asked her is she was ever kissed by a black man hehe). I also have had Brothers of Mexican decent, though most of them tried to say they were Indians, ( yeah right, the Tijuana tribe LOL).

These were and are people that I would trust my life or the life of my family to, a lot more than I can say about any of the white mf'ers that live around me.

A man's race does not make the man, and anybody that thinks it does is missing out a great deal on life. I don't need to hate anyone based on what color they are, there are plenty of assholes in all different colors for me to hate.

Some of the best teachers that I had on how to be a man were 2 blacks and a Mexican, they were my Marine Corps drill instructors. And you want to know what really pisses me off? It's someone shooting off their mouth about how we need to defend our country against all these evil Mexicans, yet they couldn't get off their chicken shit ass and stand up and defend their country when they had the chance. Oh yeah, I guess you were all too busy going to college, and living your youth to contribute, right? Check out how many Mexican citizens are serving in our armed forces right now. You might be surprised.
With all the CCW's issued, I am surprised the guy did not defend his property against the agressive man with the knife.
FerrariTruck said:
Not meaning to insult you, but IMHO i think you are the one who is ignorant. Nobody is trying to take you over what you have. I bet if you lived in San Fransico, you would think that asian's are trying to take over. If you lived in Oakland you would think that black people are trying to take over. Its no surprise to me why you strongly imply mexcans are trying to take over since you live in the shitty part of phoenix. While I was going to school I stayed in phoenix for 2 years and I lived right 27th ave and indian school. I hated every day of it so I can understand your frustrations. However, once I moved back home all was great again. Perhaps you should move, You know the grass may be greener on the other side..

(not intending to start a debate, just some friendly 2 cents)

Yup, thats because you just dont get it.
TheSickness said:
I do believe the Meadow-croft caves disproved that irrational thinking. Cohabitation that dates back 30,000 yrs....Long before the last Ice Age also since I am at it. South America cohabitation dates back to the earliest of the Monolithic builders....the Olmec ! I could give more examples if needed...Know your history ;) :D

There are still no people from N America, they came from Asia.
MG42pillbox said:
There are still no people from N America, they came from Asia.
Really ? I suppose you know more then I do when it comes to Archeology :D The Baker caves in Idaho show cohabitation back 30,000 years as well. 2 examples on different sides of the country. The organic matter and Lithic scatter prove your Asain theory to be unfounded and in fact baseless. DNA analysis shows a people of Meso American decent. Perhaps you should read a little more or as I did go to the source....2 digs in Idaho and the prospectus is published through the Idaho state univ and chronicled in many briefs with the State of Idaho archaeological society. I have personally found Shoshone pottery that dates before the last Ice age.....So please become UN narrow minded and keep in mind that.....previous thinking that Clovis age points also pre date your theory......I anxiously await your reply.....Dummy :p
TheSickness said:
Really ? I suppose you know more then I do when it comes to Archeology :D The Baker caves in Idaho show cohabitation back 30,000 years as well. 2 examples on different sides of the country. The organic matter and Lithic scatter prove your Asain theory to be unfounded and in fact baseless. DNA analysis shows a people of Meso American decent. Perhaps you should read a little more or as I did go to the source....2 digs in Idaho and the prospectus is published through the Idaho state univ and chronicled in many briefs with the State of Idaho archaeological society. I have personally found Shoshone pottery that dates before the last Ice age.....So please become UN narrow minded and keep in mind that.....previous thinking that Clovis age points also pre date your theory......I anxiously await your reply.....Dummy :p
And there you have it - by Mr. Archaeology :rock: :rock: :rock:

Mikey digs bones with a spoon ya know :elefant: :elefant: :D :D

My hero - :rock: :rock: :rock:
It stands for counter clock wise....dummy