Who has the most speeding tickets

Stanimal said:
"the statie pulled us over, ran up and started screaming at us. then he looked at who it was and said "damnit i thought i was gonna get to ream some punk out. when did you get this?" o how nice it must be to be a cop"

Yess dude I miss it. I used to drive stupid on purpose just to get stopped then quickly get let go. One time after a heavy rain fall I was driving my Dodge 4X4 when I came up on a half flooded street and a line of cars driving really easily through it, avoiding the more flooded lane altogether. One of the cars drivng slow was a Houston PD patrol car. I drove the normal posted speed limit thus drenching the motorists with a WHOLE LOTTA water that my tires shoved aside. About 1/2 a mile up the road that same patrol car finally catches up to me. A very angry city officer demanded my DL and proof of financial responsibility. I said sure.. I flipped open my wallet to expose my DL AND badge. The officer looked down took a breath and said have a great day... :D Those were the days..
Oh no, here we go again ................ :D :D :dontknow: :dancing:
i lucked out racing an L sat. on the freeway. i was saved by my radar detector. we were doing 115+ and i was reeling him in when it went off. he had the jump as i was just cruising in 6th gear not knowing he wanted to run.

it was funny watching the cop try to hurry in his car and try to get that radar detector in at the same time.

i got lucky as i am on deferred and that speed and racing is straight to jail.
Venom Power said:
A very angry city officer demanded my DL and proof of financial responsibility. I said sure.. I flipped open my wallet to expose my DL AND badge. The officer looked down took a breath and said have a great day... :D Those were the days..
Holy crap... I now see my calling... I must become an officer lol
That rocks so hard man, I love it :D
Venom Power said:
Yess dude I miss it. I used to drive stupid on purpose just to get stopped then quickly get let go. One time after a heavy rain fall I was driving my Dodge 4X4 when I came up on a half flooded street and a line of cars driving really easily through it, avoiding the more flooded lane altogether. One of the cars drivng slow was a Houston PD patrol car. I drove the normal posted speed limit thus drenching the motorists with a WHOLE LOTTA water that my tires shoved aside. About 1/2 a mile up the road that same patrol car finally catches up to me. A very angry city officer demanded my DL and proof of financial responsibility. I said sure.. I flipped open my wallet to expose my DL AND badge. The officer looked down took a breath and said have a great day... :D Those were the days..
Where do I start!! Thats F'ed up man! Why drive dangerously passed a Cop and other motorists, thats just plain disrespectful. As a cop you are not above the law, but charged with upholding it. A badge isn't a license to drive and act like a fool. As they say, with power comes responsability. Acting like that is what gives Cops a bad!!
lbstone said:
Where do I start!! Thats F'ed up man! Why drive dangerously passed a Cop and other motorists, thats just plain disrespectful. As a cop you are not above the law, but charged with upholding it. A badge isn't a license to drive and act like a fool. As they say, with power comes responsibility. Acting like that is what gives Cops a bad!!

Well aren’t you the good ‘ole boy? I wasn't driving dangerously and since when is a little water dangerous? The splashing was simply a result of my ability to move quicker around traffic. From the Code of Criminal Procedure or Penal Codes I’ve read I certainly NEVER noticed anything declaring that causing rainwater to splash on other motorists is to be deemed unlawful. And as for giving cops a bad what? NAME? :mad: I'll have you know I was a very good cop and a loyal servant to the law and the people it polices. I cannot count how many knucklehead offenders I encountered without snapping them off or the amount of motorists I let go without citing them for a moving violation (provided it wasn't life threatening). As long as their demeanor wasn't irate and they knew what they did while having the proper documents in their possession they were free to go and their days were that much brighter. I didn't lose sight of the fact that I am human too and prone to making simple mistakes so why make their lives miserable? What I did to piss off municipal officers is due to an ongoing rivalry around here initiated loooooong before I swore in during the early 90’s. It’s something you wouldn’t understand since your jurisdiction doesn’t stretch this far; so I’ll spare you the details. You want to talk about abuse of power? You have no idea how many municipal law enforcement officers I've seen blatantly abusing their authority from dressing in uniform on their day off with intent to go eat for free (with the family) to unjustly injuring citizens physically while hiding behind their badges. That kind of behavior is where your finger should be pointing while lecturing “SIR”, unless you were looking for an excuse to show us your picture… and your ASP Baton.:p
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Viper Power, you admitted to driving stupidly just to get pulled over. We to USED to have a riverly with State Police but because of years of Mutual respect, that no longer exists (for the most part). It was behavior like that that made it so hard to co-exist. You aired your opinion and I aired mine. And I always look for a reason to show pics of myself :D
i used to do that to school kids walking beside the road when i drove a truck hauling wood chips to a mill. we had a street that would fill up real good, knocked one 5th grader slam off his feet one time, that was back in my younger days, cant say whether id do it today or not. probably would just to see there faces. makes me laugh....lol
lbstone said:
Where do I start!! Thats F'ed up man! Why drive dangerously passed a Cop and other motorists, thats just plain disrespectful. As a cop you are not above the law, but charged with upholding it. A badge isn't a license to drive and act like a fool. As they say, with power comes responsability. Acting like that is what gives Cops a bad!!

Want to talk about bad example for cops?? I live next door to the city barn (where they get gas) the road is about 3 miles long but the speed limit is 30, lots of houses on it. ALL DAY LONG COPS GO DOWN IT GOING AT LEAST 60 (A cop I know sat in the driveway one day and clocked a COP car going 110)!!! I complained to the city and the police dirrectly, gave them video and pictures of the cars and how fast they were going, they sent a me a letter basicly saying they were cops and they could do that. Cops think.. oppps I mean KNOW they are above the law, and the rules don;t apply to them.
Poundstone? Is that your name, or like...what you do?
Remind me to do the speed limit through CT.
And some push-ups.

VP- Try to remember that lbstone has to deal with "Mass-holes" each day. I've driven all over this great country and the absolute worst drivers are concentrated in that area. Yes- worse than NYC and L.A.
(present company excluded, of course)
Kevan said:
Poundstone? Is that your name, or like...what you do?
Remind me to do the speed limit through CT.
And some push-ups.

VP- Try to remember that lbstone has to deal with "Mass-holes" each day. I've driven all over this great country and the absolute worst drivers are concentrated in that area. Yes- worse than NYC and L.A.
(present company excluded, of course)

Guilty, hehehe Im a Masshole!!!! Yes people dont know how to drive around here, I baby my truck.
BigRed460 said:
Want to talk about bad example for cops?? I live next door to the city barn (where they get gas) the road is about 3 miles long but the speed limit is 30, lots of houses on it. ALL DAY LONG COPS GO DOWN IT GOING AT LEAST 60 (A cop I know sat in the driveway one day and clocked a COP car going 110)!!! I complained to the city and the police dirrectly, gave them video and pictures of the cars and how fast they were going, they sent a me a letter basicly saying they were cops and they could do that. Cops think.. oppps I mean KNOW they are above the law, and the rules don;t apply to them.
That’s too bad BigRed, It’s a real shame they get off with behavior like that. It sure as hell aint that way here. If a citizen made a complaint, its investigated and if substantiated, action is taken! My buddy, who is a Cop in another town, got a complaint because he was in a bar when his friend got kicked out for slamming a shot glass on the bar after taking a shot. He walked up to the cop that was working private duty (OT) in the bar and asked him what was going on. My buddy, who was drunk of course, went to shake the Cops hand and thank him for explaining the situation. When my buddy did this, he grabbed the back of the Cops arm with his left hand while shaking with his right hand. This is how he shakes hands most of the time. Well, the on duty Cop didn't like this very much and began berating my buddy and got right in his face. This was caught on video via a camera phone by the guy who originally got kicked out of the bar. My buddy explained that he was also a Cop when the on duty Officer asked for all his information. This on duty Cop went on to call my buddies supervisor and make a complaint. Now there is this whole Internal Affairs (IA) investigation. They have interviewed 5 or 6 people so far and gone as far as taking pictures of the establishment he was at. Mind you, my buddy works 30 miles or so from this place!!! So I could imagine what would go on if a complaint was made that Cops were going 100 mph in a 30 mph zone!!! I admit, I have been pulled over in my Magnum going 90 in a 65, but that was the first time I got pulled over in three years. The time before that I was traveling along I-90 in Mass when I got hit by a Trooper. This time I was merely going along with traffic at 80 mph in a 60. I nearly got a ticket even though I was on the job. I never “tinnedâ€￾ him because I figured I’d never get a ticket for just keeping up with traffic (of course I was driving my winter beater at the time). When he came back with a ticket, I told him I was on the job when he continued to hand me the ticket. He told me to have my supervisor call his barracks to get the ticket dropped. I explained to him that I would forgo that and just pay the ticket if he felt I was wrong. I took the ticket as he walked away, turned around and told me to give him the ticket. I told him that I was fine with paying the ticket as he told me that it was no big deal and took the ticket back. It aint like it used to be I guess!!

And yes Kevan, I have to deal with Mass-holes and NY-I-own-the- road drivers. Here’s another pic for you of what I do in my spare time
lbstone said:
I admit, I have been pulled over in my Magnum going 90 in a 65, but that was the first time I got pulled over in three years. The time before that I was traveling along I-90 in Mass when I got hit by a Trooper. This time I was merely going along with traffic at 80 mph in a 60.

So 90 in a 65 (25 over, don't know about there, but in Texas 25 over is reckless endangerment), and 80 in a 60. You don't think that is dangerous? and you feel ok using that you and "on the job" to get out of a ticket? If you stopped me and I was going that fast would you let me go, or let me off w/o a ticket because I was on the job?

I don't want to make it seem like I have it out for you, I applaud the work you and the rest of law enforcement does.
BigRed460 said:
So 90 in a 65 (25 over, don't know about there, but in Texas 25 over is reckless endangerment), and 80 in a 60. You don't think that is dangerous? and you feel ok using that you and "on the job" to get out of a ticket? If you stopped me and I was going that fast would you let me go, or let me off w/o a ticket because I was on the job?

I don't want to make it seem like I have it out for you, I applaud the work you and the rest of law enforcement does.
Here in CT it Reckless Driving so long as someone else is on the roadway or there is a passenger in the car (which there was). Was it dangerous, not really, it was a flat portion of roadway that went for miles and miles. Most importantly I wasn’t disrespecting a cop by flying past him. Let me break it down for ya. If I were to work for a Bakery, you think I would get some free bread, yeah sure!! If I worked at Best Buy, You think I would get an Employee Discount, sure thing!! Now being a cop, you are always under the microscope! If I F' up and get arrested for something stupid, it will be plastered all over the newspaper and T.V.! Being a cop is a very stressful job. Look at the statistics, it has the second highest suicide rate among professions (following Dentists). I wont bore you with the stress I personally feel but it gets to you at times. So the perk to my job is I get out of a ticket every now and then. Big Woop!! Personally, getting 15% off a flat screen at Best Buy would save me more money!!
lbstone said:
Viper Power, you admitted to driving stupidly just to get pulled over. We to USED to have a riverly with State Police but because of years of Mutual respect, that no longer exists (for the most part). It was behavior like that that made it so hard to co-exist. You aired your opinion and I aired mine. And I always look for a reason to show pics of myself :D

Yes I did admit that I drove stupidly but it doesn’t mean one should assume I did it all of the time. If you would please read what I wrote you will see that the next sentence talked about a separate event that just happened to involve a municipal officer; one had nothing to do with the other. It wasn't like I planned that to happen.. it just did. But I did say that I was driving the posted speed limit during that occurrence. Now, I don’t mean to disrespect you in particular but as for “mutual respect†resulting in peace to end a proverbial rivalry, that may work in a town where slamming a shot glass on a bar too hard or shaking someone’s hand wrong makes headlines or stirs up attention from Internal Affairs. I wish it were that easy for me when I was on the job for the county. With over 70 other law enforcement agencies here, (county police, municipal police, state police, 8 constable precincts, METRO Transit Authority, over 30 school district police, college police, outlying cities police [i.e. Baytown, Pasadena, Galena Park, Jersey Village, etc. to name a few] ) all located in one county you may appreciate how difficult it would be to just simply get along. I tried to change things where I thought I could. I TRIED to be friendly and civil minded towards officers of other agencies. Unfortunately that was considered a sign of weakness here. So as you know he who will not run with the dogs will get trampled. Sadly that also means you’ll get fleas, so it was a contributing factor on my decision to resign.
I’m all about voicing opinions but what I don’t appreciate is when someone’s opinion impugns my honor because of something I did not intentionally do over 10 years ago.
lbstone said:
Was it dangerous, not really, it was a flat portion of roadway that went for miles and miles.

If it is not dangerous then why was the speed limit 65?
BigRed460 said:
If it is not dangerous then why was the speed limit 65?
Because there aren't enough areas in Mass (or CT, RI, VT, NH, ME) to warrant increasing the speed limit to 70 or 75.
One stretch of road....all new signs....hiring guys to put up those signs...informing the public...informing the troopers/cops...etc.

Ya gotta remember that it's really cramped up in that area of the country.
-In our trucks, with clear roads, you can drive through the entire state of Conneticut in less than 30 minutes.
-In Texas, that's referred to as "next door". :D

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