WTF bugs in your skin!


now im thinkin every normal itch is a damn bug.............

Whats next??????

Snakes in our pants???? :D
HOLY COW!!! That is grossssssss :eek: :dontknow: :eek:
Stanimal said:

now im thinkin every normal itch is a damn bug.............

Whats next??????

Snakes in our pants???? :D

Hurry, get the shotguns :D
Is it weird that all these people who are growing bugs in their skin are from the SOUTH ???? :dontknow: :eek: :p
Wifey said:
Is it weird that all these people who are growing bugs in their skin are from the SOUTH ???? :dontknow: :eek: :p
............. and seem to be women???? :dontknow:
Stanimal said:
............. and seem to be women???? :dontknow:
ok i dont want to watch that again, i wonder though, how in the hell or where could they have picked up a variety of different species of bugs in there body?? I could see maybe one species but they mentioned many in one person?? WTF:confused: Our luck its some stupid experiment gone wrong at some facility that leaked out or something crazy like that:( , im glad winters comin soon up here eh anyone else itch ?:D
MMMMMMM blaaack pepperrrr.... And for those who eat out a lot, think of all the food preperations done by infected people keeping silent because they don't want to lose their jobs.
I am not an entomologist, but my background is Microbiology. Without boring you with the details everything living has a life cycle. To destroy it, you must interrupt this cycle. There are microscopic organisms at the base of your eyelashes. Your entire digestive tract has a "flora and fauna" (plant and animal) existing in it. (Most of your fecal matter is bacteria). You are covered with microscopic bacteria that feeds on your dead skin. If you don't beleive me, try not washing for a while. That smell is the organisms enjoying a larger and larger feast. (or just get a good wiff of something that has been dead for a while). Many of these organisms help you, Some obviously hurt or can even destroy you. Here's an example, the organism that is the cause of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)(highly contageous), exists quite happily in your lungs, as most organisms like warm and moist. When it's time to spread the infection the organisms develope in pockets in the back of the infected host's throat, so when they cough, to "clear your throat" , they discharge the organism into the air hopefully (if your a bacteria) to be breathed in by another host. It's really no different in many cases for insects. These parasites are enjoying life at the expense of another with what appears to be no deleterious side effect (other than the mental trauma). First, the entemologist must find what specie/s it is that we are dealing with here. Then it's life cycle must be studied. For example, Does it travel through the bloodstream like viruses.? Next we must try to find a convenient way to "interrupt" the cycle with out destroying the host. I recently visited the outer banks of N. Carolina. An old mosquito bite on my foot, I had scratched, had begun to scab over, but the tissue was still soft. It was then, that I noticed tiny gnats flying to that very spot of my foot. They would walk around the top of my foot until they found this soft tissue area and would congregate there. I'm sure there was a reason for this, maybe to lay eggs? Just like the flys that lay eggs in any road kill or dead animal, it's part of their life cycle. Anyway, all of this is not for shock value, just to say that you have a very powerful immune system to combat all of this. But, we do things to ourselves to weaken this system. Poor diet, smoke, pharmacueticals, etc. Anything that weakens your immune system, may leave you vulnerable to attack. Normally when an insect trys to invade, a boil or pimple will encapsulate it for discharge out of the body. Why these particular organisms resist this mechanism in these particular cases is where I need more information and can offer nothing more. Maybe I should start an "immune support" thread. Anyway, for those that managed to read this entire post, I hope it helped a little. If anybody wants to continue this line of discussion, or have a question about anything I wrote, feel free to ask.......... " The meek shall inherit the earth" :)
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I knew about the millions on micro bugs on us, but this shit is way outa control.

How many of you would lose your mind if you just shed insects the rest of your life.
TheSickness said:
At least we now know why Stinker's balls itch so much :marchmellow:
That's just nasty
Not going to ask how you got such a good sniff:confused: :confused:
joemags54 said:
I am not an entomologist, but my background is Microbiology. Without boring you with the details everything living has a life cycle. To destroy it, you must interrupt this cycle. There are microscopic organisms at the base of your eyelashes. Your entire digestive tract has a "flora and fauna" (plant and animal) existing in it. (Most of your fecal matter is bacteria). You are covered with microscopic bacteria that feeds on your dead skin. If you don't beleive me, try not washing for a while. That smell is the organisms enjoying a larger and larger feast. (or just get a good wiff of something that has been dead for a while). Many of these organisms help you, Some obviously hurt or can even destroy you. Here's an example, the organism that is the cause of tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis)(highly contageous), exists quite happily in your lungs, as most organisms like warm and moist. When it's time to spread the infection the organisms develope in pockets in the back of the infected host's throat, so when they cough, to "clear your throat" , they discharge the organism into the air hopefully (if your a bacteria) to be breathed in by another host. It's really no different in many cases for insects. These parasites are enjoying life at the expense of another with what appears to be no deleterious side effect (other than the mental trauma). First, the entemologist must find what specie/s it is that we are dealing with here. Then it's life cycle must be studied. For example, Does it travel through the bloodstream like viruses.? Next we must try to find a convenient way to "interrupt" the cycle with out destroying the host. I recently visited the outer banks of N. Carolina. An old mosquito bite on my foot, I had scratched, had begun to scab over, but the tissue was still soft. It was then, that I noticed tiny gnats flying to that very spot of my foot. They would walk around the top of my foot until they found this soft tissue area and would congregate there. I'm sure there was a reason for this, maybe to lay eggs? Just like the flys that lay eggs in any road kill or dead animal, it's part of their life cycle. Anyway, all of this is not for shock value, just to say that you have a very powerful immune system to combat all of this. But, we do things to ourselves to weaken this system. Poor diet, smoke, pharmacueticals, etc. Anything that weakens your immune system, may leave you vulnerable to attack. Normally when an insect trys to invade, a boil or pimple will encapsulate it for discharge out of the body. Why these particular organisms resist this mechanism in these particular cases is where I need more information and can offer nothing more. Maybe I should start an "immune support" thread. Anyway, for those that managed to read this entire post, I hope it helped a little. If anybody wants to continue this line of discussion, or have a question about anything I wrote, feel free to ask.......... " The meek shall inherit the earth" :)
Thank you, I actually read the whole thing :rock:
That would have me taking a bath in Raid followed by powdering myself in Sevin dust. Gees, my wife would move out of the house. Wait a second, I might be on to something here......