
all 4 guys were real nice this truck was the only one that came anywhere close to my truck i think i pulled like 3 or 4 lengths on him and shut it down due to boarder patrol

Edit- Also made a post on there Site
Street racing is the bain of humanity, you should go to jail for life, what if you killed someone, what if you got hurt? I'm just up in arms over all of this. You are the worst human alive!!! j/k RFLMAO!!!! :laugh:

good kills bro, especially from a 60 roll. :rock:
spdrcrj said:
Street racing is the bain of humanity, you should go to jail for life, what if you killed someone, what if you got hurt? I'm just up in arms over all of this. You are the worst human alive!!! j/k RFLMAO!!!! :laugh:

good kills bro, especially from a 60 roll. :rock:

Street racing is legal in mexico lol or not as bad as it is here:D
Mexico huh? Did you get to race in any cool caverns or mine shafts like in "Fast and Furious"? Those X-Runners would have probably beat you in the "under the border" tunnels!:D Good to here the guys were cool though! Thanks for representing the "10" community:rock:
i wonder if they really thought they had any chance at all?? we still need to line up too so we can see how much difference there is:D
The issue is on a road course vice straight line. Killing one at a light or from a roll still won't answer the question.
FlyingLow said:
The issue is on a road course vice straight line. Killing one at a light or from a roll still won't answer the question.

how is the issue on a road course? either way they are slow.. one of the ones i raced was blown and i still put lengths on him if i didnm't have to shut down it would have been bus lengths....don't get me wrong the little guys are quick for what they are and i respect them but.. i don';t think it'd be much better on a course
Their argument is that they handle better. I don't think they realize how well a SRT-10 handles for a truck. I agree with you but that was their argument.
FlyingLow said:
Their argument is that they handle better. I don't think they realize how well a SRT-10 handles for a truck. I agree with you but that was their argument.
maybe a salom test would tell us a little more, i'll see if i can find a mag. that has tested both trucks in the 600' salom...

here it is, they say in the slalom the x-runner is about 1 mph faster....so the plot thickens:dontknow:
